• 締切済み



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。 まず stuff は staff のことでしょう。それで「棒」に報告したり、「棒」の言う事を聞いたりしなくてもいいことになります。 2。あとは In case of emergency obey the instructions by the staff. で済むと思います。 3。僕はネイティブじゃないので適当に無視してください。


  • 「緊急対策本部を設置する」

    お願いしますm(_ _)m スペースアルクで 「緊急対策本部を設置する」 という例文に set up an emergency headquarters set up an emergency headquarters headed と二つ記載があります。 下はよく理解できないので Google .UKなど検索すると set up an emergency headquarters はニュースでもヒットします。  XXXXX has set up an emergency headquarters in XXXX has set up an emergency headquarters and..... など。 set up an emergency headquarters headed は the city government set up an emergency headquarters ,headed by a vice mayor,........ という様な文章しかありません。 これは辞書のミスでしょうか。 教えて下さい。

  • 前置詞+(a/an)名詞の違い

    「たまたま~」というのは[by chance] 「間違って~」というのは[by mistake] 「苦労して~」というのは[with difficulty] 「困っている~」というのは[in need] これらにはa/anがいりませんよね.しかし, 「緊急時に~」というのは[in an emergency] 「急いで~」というのは[in a hurry] すべて「前置詞+(a/an)+名詞」ですよね. a/anの必要,不必要は何で判断するのでしょうか? people in need「困っている人々」かな.と思っています. しかし諺にはa friend in need~「困っているときの友達が~~」と言うのを見ました.「困っているときの~」という訳し方をするのは,この諺のときなのでしょうか?

  • Ifを使った書きかえ問題なんですが

    Ifを使った書きかえ問題なのですが、 2つの答えを思いついてしまいまして、 どちらが良い答えなのか分からず困っています。 どちらが良い答えなのか、 或いは、さらに良い答えがあるのでしたら 教えて頂ければ幸いです。 Speak a little more slowly, or I can't follow you.  If you speak a little more slowly, I can follow you.  If you don't speak a little more slowly, I can't follow you. Keep your promise, or you'll lose your friends.  If you keep your promise, you'll not lose your friends.  If you don't keep your promise, you'll lose your friends. In an emergency, don't panic, or you may get into bigger trouble.  If you panic in an emergency, you may get into bigger trouble.  If you don't panic in an emergency, you may not get into bigger trouble.

  • 次の英文の和訳と英文解釈お願いします。

    In dealing with a fire or release of hazardous materials, the actions taken or the medium used to respond to the emergency shall not create a criticality hazard or add to the chemical hazard. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 間違っている英文があったら、教えて下さい。  (2)

    間違っている英文や、こんな言い方はしない。という文があったら、教えて下さい。 1、日本人はこんな人ばかりじゃないよ。(ふざけてる人をさして、冗談ぽく) Not all the Japanese are like this. 2、私は彼らとは違うんだ。 I'm different from them. I'm not like them. 3、私たちはここの列に並んでいます。列の後ろに並んでください。 We are standing in this line. Please go back to the end of the line. We are in a line. End of the line, please.[又はFollow the line, please!] よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の訳を教えてください

    In light of the available literature, it is not likely that the changes reported in this study would be notice by a sensory panel. 論文中に出てきた一文なのですが、 it is not likely~以下が特に 直訳するとおかしな表現になってしまうので、 意訳しなければならないと思うのですが、 どう意訳したら良いのか分かりません。 「こんなニュアンスの意味で訳すと良い」というアドバイスがあれば 教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • この英文どこがおかしい?

    Mr.Smith scared with death when the plane made an emergency landing at Kansai Airport shortly after its departure for Bangkok Historical writing is so dependent on the limits of human knowledge to achieve perfection When there was full moon, the dog in our neighborhood howled for most of the night Do you know there is a notice on the bulletin board informed us of the upcoming excursion to Lake Biwa Look at the sun for a long time without sunglasses may do unrecoverable damage to your eyes

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。何かの手違いで下記のようなメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてください。 We regret to inform you that we are not able to process your order. In the past you have made an order with our company however you never sent to us payment. Please call us in directly at 000000. If you wish to proceed with this order. {Also please keep in mind that you have selected Store Pick Up? Do you have freight company in mind} Shipping freight?

  • この英文はどのように解釈をするのでしょうか

    Claim is duly noted and we can send the instrument-A45459-from FMS unless FM Ni. has part in stock? Please inform delivery adress in case FMS shall send. クレームは残っています。私たちは送ることが出来るFM Ni以外ではFMSについては一部を一部を保存しています。 FMSで送るべき配送先の住所を報告してください。 と、成るのでしょうか?意味がよく分かりません。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Million­s of Americans visit an emergency room each year. Millions more have seen the hit TV show "ER." This­ has sparked an almost insatiable interest in the fascinating, 24-hour-a-day, non-stop world of emergency medicine.A visit to the emergency room can be a stressful, scary event. Why is it so scary? First of all, there is the fear of not knowing what is wrong with you. There is the fear of having to visit an unfamiliar place filled with people you have never met. Also, you may have to undergo tests that you do not understand at a pace that discourages questions and comprehension. In this article, Dr. Carl Bianco leads you through a complete behind-the-scenes tour of a typical emergency room. You will learn about the normal flow of traffic in an emergency room, the people involved and the special techniques used to respond to life-or-death situations. If you yourself find the need to visit an emergency room, this article will make it less stressful by revealing what will happen and why things happen the way they do in an emergency. One of the most amazing aspects of emergency medicine is the huge range of conditions that arrive on a daily basis. No other speciality in medicine sees the variety of conditions that an emergency room physician sees in a typical week. Some of the conditions that bring people to the emergency room include: •Car accidents •Sports injuries •Broken bones and cuts from accidents and falls •Burns •Uncontrolled bleeding •Heart attacks, chest pain •Difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, pneumonia •Strokes, loss of function and/or numbness in arms or legs •Loss of vision, hearing •Unconsciousness •Confusion, altered level of consciousness, fainting •Suicidal or homicidal thoughts •Overdoses •Severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting •Food poisoning •Blood when vomiting, coughing, urinating, or in bowel movements •Severe allergic reactions from insect bites, foods or medications •Complications from diseases, high fevers The classic emergency room scene involves an ambulance screeching to a halt, a gurney hurtling through the hallway and five people frantically working to save a person's life with only seconds to spare. This does happen and is not uncommon, but the majority of cases seen in a typical emergency department aren't quite this dramatic. Let's look at a typical case to see how the normal flow of an emergency room works. Imagine that it's 2 a.m., and you're dreaming about whatever it is that you dream about. Suddenly you wake up because your abdomen hurts -- a lot. This seems like something out of the ordinary, so you call your regular doctor. He tells you to go to your local hospital's emergency department: He is concerned about appendicitis because your pain is located in the right, lower abdomen. When you arrive at the Emergency Department, your first stop is triage. This is the place where each patient's condition is prioritized, typically by a nurse, into three general categories. The categories are: •Immediately life threatening •Urgent, but not immediately life threatening •Less urgent This categorization is necessary so that someone with a life-threatening condition is not kept waiting because they arrive a few minutes later than someone with a more routine problem. The triage nurse records your vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure). She also gets a brief history of your current medical complaints, past medical problems, medications and allergies so that she can determine the appropriate triage category. Here you find out that your temperature is 101 degrees F.