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Rawlinson planned another attack

  • Rawlinson planned to deliver another attack on a broad front on 18 July involving six divisions between the Albert–Bapaume road in the north and Guillemont in the south.
  • Haig decided to transfer responsibility for Pozières to the Reserve Army of Lieutenant General Hubert Gough.
  • To Gough's army were attached the three Australian divisions of I Anzac Corps.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10025/12549)

>Rawlinson planned to deliver another attack on a broad front on 18 July involving six divisions between the Albert–Bapaume road in the north and Guillemont in the south. ⇒ローリンソンは、北のアルバート‐バポーム道と南のギルモンの間の6区画を含む前線に幅広い攻撃を7月18日に再度加えるという予定を立てた。 >Haig decided to transfer responsibility for Pozières to the Reserve Army of Lieutenant General Hubert Gough which had been holding the line north of the road since shortly after the opening of the offensive on 1 July. ⇒ヘイグは、ポジェールに対する責任を7月1日に攻撃を開始した直後からアルバート‐バポーム道北の戦線を占拠していたヒューバート・ゴフ中将の予備方面軍に移すことに決めた。 >The attack was postponed until the night of 22–23 July. To Gough's army were attached the three Australian divisions of I Anzac Corps, which had begun moving from the Armentières sector. ⇒攻撃は7月22–23日の夜まで延期された。第Iアンザック軍団の3個オーストラリア師団がゴフの方面軍に転属されたが、すでに師団はアーマンティエール地区から移り始めていた。



