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Local Advances and Preliminary Bombardment: A Summary
- The British Fifth Army planned to make local advances of 1,000-1,500 yards by patrols from the reserve brigades into undefended ground. The army had heavy and field guns for support, as well as tanks and cavalry in reserve.
- The preliminary bombardment aimed to destroy German strong-points, cut barbed wire, and suppress enemy artillery. Infantry would advance under a creeping barrage, with closer objectives for II Corps.
- II Corps had five divisions and received closer objectives than the other corps. With support from the Fifth Army artillery and X Corps, they would attack the Gheluvelt plateau and the Ypres-Roulers railway junction.
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>Local advances to the red line (fourth objective) 1,000–1,500 yards (910–1,370 m) further forward, by patrols from the reserve brigades into undefended ground, were left to the discretion of divisional commanders. The Fifth Army had 752 heavy guns and 1,442 field guns, with support from 300 heavy guns and 240 field guns belonging to the French First Army in the north and 112 heavy guns and 210 field guns of the Second Army to the south. Gough also intended to use 120 tanks to support the attack, with another 48 held in reserve. Gough had five divisions of cavalry in reserve, a brigade of which was to be deployed if XIV Corps reached its objectives. ⇒予備旅団のパトロール隊による、赤線部(第4標的)の前方1,000–1,500ヤード(910–1,370m)の、防備のない地面への局地的な進軍は師団長の裁量に任せられた。第5方面軍は、752門の重砲と1,442門の野戦砲を擁していたが、さらに300門の重砲と240門の野戦砲が属する北のフランス第1方面軍、および112門の重砲と210門の野戦砲を持つ南の第2の軍の支持を得ていた。ゴフはまた、攻撃を支持するために120台の戦車を使い、予備としてもう48台持っていた。(さらに)ゴフは、予備隊として騎兵隊の5個師団を持っていて、第XIV部隊が標的に到達したら、そのうちの1個旅団が展開されることになっていた。 >The preliminary bombardment was intended to destroy German strong-points and trenches, cut barbed wire entanglements around German positions and to suppress German artillery with counter-battery fire. The first wave of infantry would advance under a creeping barrage moving at 100 yards (91 m) every four minutes, followed by more infantry advancing in columns or in artillery formation. ⇒予備爆撃は、ドイツ軍の強化地点と塹壕を破壊すること、ドイツ軍陣地周囲の鉄条網を切断すること、および反砲撃砲火でドイツ軍の砲兵隊を抑えることを目的としていた。歩兵連隊の第1波は、4分おきに100ヤード(91m)移動しつつ纏いつく集中砲火の掩護下に進軍するものとして、縦隊または砲兵隊編成の形でさらに多くの歩兵連隊が続くものとした。 >British intelligence expected the Germans to make the Albrecht Stellung their main line of resistance and to hold back counter-attacks until the British advance reached it, except on the Gheluvelt plateau where British intelligence expected the Germans to counter-attack quickly, given the importance of this commanding ground to both sides. II Corps faced the Gheluvelt plateau and was given closer objectives than the other Fifth Army corps, 1,000 yards (910 m) forward at Klein Zillebeke in the south and 2,500 yards (2,300 m) at the junction with XIX Corps, on the Ypres–Roulers railway to the north*. ⇒英国情報部は、ドイツ軍がアルブレヒト陣地を彼らの抵抗の主要戦線として、英国軍の進軍がそこに着くまで反撃を抑えるものと予想した。ただ、ゲルヴェルト台地は別格で、そこは両軍にとって地の利の重要性があることを考慮に入れれば、ドイツ軍は迅速に反撃するだろうと英国情報部は予想した。第II軍団は、ゲルヴェルト台地に向かって、他の第5方面軍部隊より近い標的を与えられ、南のクライン・ズィレベケに向って1,000ヤード(910m)分と、北のイープル–ルーラー鉄道上で第XIX軍団と交差する地点の2,500ヤード(2,300m)分を割り当てられていた*。 *このあたり、誤訳の可能性があるかもしれませんが、その節はどうぞ悪しからず。 >II Corps had five divisions at its disposal, compared to four each in the XIX, XVIII and XIV Corps. Three divisions and a brigade from one of the two divisions in reserve, would attack with support from approximately 43 percent of the Fifth Army artillery and the artillery of X Corps on the left flank of the Second Army. ⇒第II軍団は、第XIX、第XVIII、第XIV各軍団の4個師団と比べて、自由になる師団を5個持っていた。3個師団と予備の2個師団から来た1個旅団が、第5方面軍砲兵隊の約43%、および第2方面軍の左側面上の第X軍団の砲兵隊からの支持を受けて攻撃に出る手はずであった。