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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳あってますか?)



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>広報によると、その地震は午前8時ごろに20km下と言った。 →広報によると、その地震は午前8時ごろに深さ20kmで発生した。 >ソーシャルメディアで住民は家が崩壊した写真やショッピングセンターの屋根はアパートにらきてらスーパーマーケットの棚が激しく揺れている写真を共有した。 ・"coming apart"(ばらばら (apart) になる)はthe roof of a shopping centerを修飾しています。 →住民たちはソーシャルメディア上で、家が倒壊した写真や、バラバラになったショッピングセンターの屋根の写真、激しく揺れているスーパーマーケットの棚の写真を共有した。





  • 和訳あってますか?

    和訳あっているか見てください。(文法、構文、単語を含む) 間違っていたら正しい和訳を教えてください。 The US Geologocal Suevey said the shallow quake was centred 27 km south-southeast of Muisne,a sparsely populated area of fishing ports that is popular with tourists. アメリカ地質調査所は、浅い地震は中心が27kmムイスネの南南東で観光客に人気な漁業地域にちらほら住民のいるところだった。 Coastal areas nearest the quake were worst affected, especially Pedernales, a town of 40,000. 沿岸にとても近い地域の地震、特にペデルナレスの40,000の町は最も影響を受けた。

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    どなたか和訳をお願い致します。 Rich(1999)concluded that media have evolved into the role of 'supper-peer' in the lives of young people. Materialism has become a pervasive value, a method of self-definition. Self-image is closely tied to the brand-names worn, types of electronic devise owned, programs watched, video games played, a person’s musical tastes and his/her possessions. Many young people value these materialistic, commercial entities and they are being defined by them. Jay Dover, former program director of the Center for Media Literacy in Los Angeles indicated: ‘media is no longer at as part of culture, it is culture’ (as cited in Conover,1996). According to both Cultivation Theory and Social Learning Theory: ‘media acts as socializing agents and thus may influence the construction and perpetuation of social constructs’ (Pike & Jennings, 2005,pp.83-84),such as appropriate or inappropriate social behavior and selection and/or a acceptance of gender roles. 以上です。よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    以下の文を和訳してもらいたいです。できるだけ自然な日本語訳のほうがいいです。 We have opened up Thefacebook for popular consumption at Harvard University. You can use Thefacebook to see a visualization of your social network. あまり意味ががつかめていません。 解答よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    As late as 21:12, the 53rd (Welsh) Division still held Ali Muntar, at which time they advised Desert Column they would have to evacuate towards Sheikh Abbas, to conform with a withdrawal occurring on their right. At 22:30 Dallas, commander of the 53rd (Welsh) Division, issued orders for the whole of his force to withdraw to a line which stretched from the caves at Tell el Ujul, near the Wadi Ghuzzeh on the left through a point 1 mile (1.6 km) north of Esh Sheluf, and on to Mansura and Sheikh Abbas involving a retirement of 1 mile (1.6 km) on the Es Sire Ridge and 3 miles (4.8 km) between Clay Hill and Mansura. He informed Desert Column of this move. By 23:00, Dobell commanding Eastern Force, had become aware of the extent of the 53rd (Welsh) Division's successes. He also received intercepted wireless messages, which had been unduly delayed, between Kress von Kressenstein at Tel esh Sheria and Major Tiller, the German officer commanding the Gaza garrison, indicating the desperate situation of the garrison.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! While the buildings so far mentioned were the result of local initiative, a final contribution of the Augustan age to Pompeii’s public landscape was apparently due to government investment. The city’s supply of running water was probably furnished by a branch of the aqueduct constructed by Augustus’s minister Agrippa to supply the fleet at Misenum. In improving the quality of life in the city the provision of fresh water was of immeasurable importance. Its chief visual impact was in the creation of two new street-side features:the regular series of towers that maintained the pressure of flow from the distributing tank at the Porta Vesuvio, and the public fountains that were located at street corners to service the needs of those residents of neighbouring blocks who did not have water piped into their own homes. The arrival of running water will also have led to improvements in the functioning of the public baths.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    In particular we observed a masculinization of female behavior in two behavioral categories (play with females and sociosexual exploration), an effect probably mediated by the estrogenic activity of BPA in the CNS. These long-lasting effects of BPA could have important consequences at individual and population levels. Key words: bisphenol A, environmental estrogens, play behavior, rat, sex differences, social behavior. ちょっと長いのですがよろしくお願いします。

  • 宿題の算数の和訳

    フィリピンに滞在中です。 子どもの宿題の質問の意味を理解段階で悩んでいます。 問題は次の通りです。 Some friends were on a trip from A to B via P. Walking from A to P at 6 km/h and the rest of the way at 3 km/h took 1 hour and 40 minutes. If they had walked the first stretch at 3 km/h and the rest of the way at 2 km/h, it would have taken 3 hours. Find the distance between A and B. 質問です。 Walking from A to P at 6 km/h and the rest of the way at 3 km/h took 1 hour and 40 minutes. この一節は、「徒歩でAからPまで毎時6km、毎時3kmで道の休憩、(これらの合計)で1時間40分」と和訳するのでしょうか? the rest of the way at 3 km/hの意味自体が理解できません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    次の文章の和訳をお願いします。経済について書かれたものなのですが、翻訳機能を利用して翻訳してみてもいまいちわかりません。どなたか和訳お願いします。 Third , the Memoranda strategy must , in literally no time , turn the living standards of a euro-periphery country to that of a Balkan or even a Third World economy . Only with such a rapid devaluation of the value of labour-power and a corresponding increase in the exploitation of labour can profitability recover . It is only in this way (i.e. through a large depreciation of capital and a simultaneous increase in its profitability ) , that Greek capitalism can emerge from its crisis and resume the process of capital accumulation (i.e .economic growth ). But , as already explained , this requires a deep recession of a long duration . In addition , the restart of economic growth does not mean the end of austerity but the opposite . In order to sustain the capital profitability , austerity should be continued and deepened . Otherwise the recovery of capitalist accumulation will stop again and recession will return . Finally , even when the process of capitalist accumulation restarts , this will happen with the Greek capitalism downgraded and weakened within the international capitalist system . Summarising , the whole project is very ambitious and risky because economic activities and social balances are violently disrupted . This turns the crisis from primarily economic to social and political , which can lead , at any time ( even in phase where normal economic growth might seem restored ) , to uncontrolled socio-political explosions . Nevertheless , the Greek and EU ruling classes know there is no alternative . The Keynesian view of anti-cyclical policy and mild austerity -because even Keynesian scenarios (at least the serious ones ) provide for some kind of austerity -has already been used at the outbreak of the global crisis and shown that it cannot resolve the crisis .

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文の翻訳をしていただけるかたに、 お願いできますでしょうか。 またもや不気味な単語がふくまれており、 意味が気になりだして早々にお願いしてしまいました。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 If your soul mate should wear a hat it will be either black or dark brown or the two colours, and will be an occasional hat rather than working hat. He will at some point after your marriage to him have much anxiety and strife concerning the property of a dead person, or the inheritance of it. Also losses by fire or theft and someone known to him who will die violently. These are his concerns but will have an effect on your life too at the time.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 6 November. the German submarine U–35 torpedoed and sank a steamer HMS Tara in the Bay of Sollum. U-35 surfaced, sank the coastguard gun-boat Abbas and badly damaged Nur el Bahr with its deck gun. On 14 November the Sanussi attacked an Egyptian position at Sollum and on the night of 17 November, a party of Sanussi fired into Sollum, as another party cut the coast telegraph line. Next night a monastery at Sidi Barrani, 48 miles (77 km) beyond Sollum was occupied by 300 Muhafizia and on the night of 19 November, a coastguard was killed. An Egyptian post was attacked 30 miles (48 km) east of Sollum on 20 November. The British withdrew from Sollum to Mersa Matruh, 120 miles (190 km) further east, which had better facilities for a base and the Western Frontier Force was created.