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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の文章と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?)



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9768/12169)

以下のとおりお答えします。 難解な原文をとても明快に訳されていると思います。 >In all but a few han the samurai had become permanent residents in the castle-town by 1650. Other factors were also at work to bring about a steady accumulation of power at the center. The most notable of these was the policy whereby han administrations as well as the bakufu paid a fixed stipend to increasing numbers of samurai, and so resumed administrative control over lands originally granted to middle-rank retainers as petty fiefs. Bureaucratization and centralization, on an admittedly piecemeal and local scale, were the order of the day. >ほとんどの藩で1650年までに武士は城下町に定住するようになった。 別の複数の要因も権力を徐々に中央に集めるのに作用した。このうちもっとも注目に値するのは、これを定めることにより、幕府同様藩の行政も増加する武士に一定の固定給を支払うこととなった政策であり、それにより、わずかな領地としてもともと身分的中間層の家臣に与えられていた土地への行政管理を再開したことだ。あきらかに断片的にそして局所的に、政治の官僚化と中央集権は時代の風潮だった。 (冒頭のbut a few「少しを除いて」が欠落しているようですね。The most notable of these was the policy whereby~は長い複文ですので、2文に分けて「このうち最も際立つのは、次のような政策であった。すなわち~」のように訳した方が分かりやすいと思います。) ⇒少しを除いてほとんどの藩で、1650年までに武士は城下町に定住するようになった。 別の諸要因もまた、徐々に権力を中央に集めていく作用を及ぼした。この〔諸要因の〕うち最も際立つのは、次のような政策であった。すなわち、幕府同様藩の行政も増加する武士に一定の固定給を支払うこととなり、それで、もともと身分的中間層の家臣にわずかな封土として与えられていた土地への行政管理を再開した、ということ〔政策〕である。(要するに)政治の官僚化と中央集権化は、一般に認められるとおり断片的でかつ地方的規模ではあったが、時代の趨勢だった(のである)。






いつも回答大変有難うございます。宜しければ以下の英文の意味を教えて下さい。The crews of even the licensed ships were not beyond reproach, however, and Ieyasu had to deal with a series of protests about their conduct overseas. For fifty years Portuguese, Spaniards, Chinese, and Japanese had been busy trafficking, competing, and quarreling among themselves. Shortly after 1600, first the Dutch and then the English appeared in the north Pacific.


  • 英語の一文なのですが、

    The most notable of these was the policy whereby han administrations as well as the bakufu paid a fixed stipend to increasing numbers of samurai, and so resumed administrative control over lands originally granted to middle-rank retainers as petty fiefs. という文を すなわち、幕府同様、藩政府も行政も増加する武士に一定の固定給を支払うこととなり、それでもともとは中堅クラスの家臣たちに小規模な領地として与えられていた土地への行政管理を再開したと言う政策である。 と訳した場合、正解になりますか?

  • 英語の文章と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    However, it also gave the entire country the elementary political disciplines of effective law and order and tax collection, not only at the local-regional but also at the local-village levels. Moreover, despite the regionalist and pluralist assumptions of the system, resemblances between one governing authority and another (i.e.,han and han, han and bakufu) were sufficiently close to create a common political culture, an experience of government which was shard across the nation and which affected all classes. Willingness to obey the commands of official superiors, even in the matter of taxes, and the existence of a common political culture, enabled the country’s leaders after 1868 to proceed rapidly with their self appointed task of building a unified and progressive nation state. 和訳 しかし、それはまた地元地域レベルだけでなく地元の村レベルにおいても、満足すべき治安と税徴収という基本的な規律をもたらした。その上、地域分権主義的、多元主義的前提と想定される体制であったにも関わらず、ある統治権力と他のそれ(すなわち、藩と藩、藩と幕府)を生み出すに充分なほど似ていたので、全国中で共有され全階級に影響する共通の政治文化、統治経験をもたらしたのである。税金についてさえ上級役人の命に従おうとする意志や共通する政治文化の存在のおかげで、1868年以降、一体化した進歩的な国民国家を築くという、国家の指導者たちが自ら決めた課題を素早く進めていくことができたのである。

  • 英語の文章と和訳があるのですが、和訳は正しいですか

    Fudai han were usually small, but they were strategically placed around the Kanto plain, along an axis to the Kinai district, in Kinai itself, and on the borders of large tozama han. The fudai daimyo (about one hundred and thirty families) provided the bakufu with its councilors and senior officials, and those who received greater prestige, than they would have had as minor territorial lords. 和訳 譜代藩は通常小藩であったけれども、(幕府の)戦略的に関東平野の周辺や畿内の軸に沿ってや、畿内のそれ自体の内部や更に大きな外様藩に接している所に配置された。幕府に老中、若年寄や上級職役人を送り込んでいた譜代大名(約130家)は、領土の少ない藩主としては、所有していた分よりも、より大きな威信を受け取っていた。

  • 英語の文章と和訳がありますが訳は正しいですか?

    Central control was only one facet of Tokugawa government; local autonomy was also an integral part. Throughout their history as national rulers, the shoguns retained direct control over no more than about a quarter of the territory and people of Japan. This area had as its two focal points the Kanto plain and the Kinai district, and was known as the tenryo, or “heavenly domain.” The remaining three-quarters of the country was parceled out among the daimyo t rule as their own domains (han). In addition to functioning as local entities, han were combined with the bakufu to form a unique, viable, and interdependent nations political order. 和訳 中央集権は徳川政権の一面に過ぎない。;地方自治も不可欠の部分であった。国の統治者としてのその歴史を通じて、将軍は日本という領土と人民のわずか約4分の1の直接統治を保持したに過ぎなかった。その範囲は、2つの中心点として、関東平野と畿内地域を持っていて、天領すなわち「天から与えられた領地」として知られた。国の残りの約4分の3は、大名の間で彼ら自身の領地(藩)として分配された。地方自治体としての機能に加えて、藩は幕府と組み合わさって、独特で発展性のある国家政治体制を形成した。

  • 英語の和訳についてなのですが、

    The two hundred and sixty domains varied greatly in size. The largest was that of the Maeda family in Kaga (Ishikawa Prefecture) and Etchu (Toyama Prefecture) provinces, with an official productive capacity of over five million bushels of rice (1,000,000 koku). At the other end of the scale lay numerous holdings rated either at or not very much above the 10,000 koku mark, which was the minimum needed for daimyo status. All domains were technically self-governing units, subject only to the broad requirements of Tokugawa hegemony and national policy. This meant that the laws in force in a domain issued from its own administrative capital or castle-town, not Edo; and that the supervisory officials were its own han samurai who were appointed by and responsible to the local daimyo, not the shogun. In the field of taxation, the han governments collected and spent revenues as they pleased, and the bakufu had no customary right to impose regular taxes outside the tenryo. 和訳 260の領有地があって、その大きさは実にさまざまであった。最大の所領は加賀(石川県)と越中(富山県)にまたがる前田家で、500万ブッシェル(1,000,000石)を超えるコメの公式生産能力があった。その対極には、10,000石を辛うじて上回るかどうかといった程度の小規模所有地が多数存在した。それ(1万石)は、大名たる資格の最低の水準であった。全ての領有地が、規定上の自治単位であったが、ただ徳川政権および全国的施策のための大まかな用件にだけは従わなければならなかった。このことは、一領有地内での施行されている法が江戸からでなく、それ自身の行政の中心地や城下町から出されることを意味した。そして目付け役は将軍でなく、地域の大名から任命され大名に対して責任を負う、当の藩自体の武士であった。課税の分野では、藩の政府の好みに応じて歳入を収集し消費できたのであって、幕府は天領以外に規則的な税金を課すと言うような慣習上の権利は全く持っていなかった。 と和訳した場合、正しいですか?

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    The two large tozama domains of Satsuma and Choshu were drawn into alliance by a young activist samurai and allied with key figures at the imperial court. 薩摩と長州の二つの巨大な外様藩が朝廷で。。。。 とここまでしか分かりません。 和訳をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の文章を和訳してください。

    Testing of the ship's engines took place in June 1907 prior to full trials scheduled for July. A preliminary cruise, or Builder's Trial, was arranged for 27 July with representatives of Cunard, the Admiralty, the Board of Trade, and John Brown aboard. The ship achieved speeds of 25.6 knots (47.4 km/h; 29.5 mph) over a measured 1 mile (1.6 km) at Skelmorlie with turbines running at 194 revolutions per minute producing 76,000 shp. At high speeds the ship was found to suffer such vibration at the stern as to render the second-class accommodation uninhabitable. VIP invited guests now came on board for a two-day shakedown cruise during which the ship was tested under continuous running at speeds of 15, 18 and 21 knots but not her maximum speed. On 29 July the guests departed and three days of full trials commenced. The ship travelled four times between the Corsewall Light off Scotland to the Longship Light off Cornwall at 23 and 25 knots, between the Corsewall Light and the Isle of Man, and the Isle of Arran and Ailsa Craig. Over 300 miles (480 km) an average speed of 25.4 knots was achieved, comfortably greater than the 24 knots required under the admiralty contract. The ship could stop in 4 minutes in 3/4 of a mile starting from 23 knots at 166 rpm and then applying full reverse. She achieved a speed of 26 knots over a measured mile loaded to a draught of 33 feet (10 m), and managed 26.5 knots over a 60-mile (97 km) course drawing 31.5 feet (9.6 m). At 180 revolutions a turning test was conducted and the ship performed a complete circle of diameter 1000 yards in 50 seconds. The rudder required 20 seconds to be turned hard to 35 degrees. The vibration was determined to be caused by interference between the wake of the outer propellers and inner and became worse when turning. At high speeds the vibration frequency resonated with the ship's stern making the matter worse. The solution was to add internal stiffening to the stern of the ship but this necessitated gutting the second-class areas and then rebuilding them. This required the addition of a number of pillars and arches to the decorative scheme. The ship was finally delivered to Cunard on 26 August although the problem of vibration was never entirely solved and further remedial work went on through her life. The White Star Line's Olympic-class vessels were almost 100 ft (30 m) longer and slightly wider than Lusitania and Mauretania. This made the White Star vessels about 15,000 tons heavier than the Cunard vessels. Both Lusitania and Mauretania were launched and had been in service for several years before Olympic, Titanic and Britannic were ready for the North Atlantic run. Although significantly faster than the Olympic class would be, the speed of Cunard's vessels was not sufficient to allow the line to run a weekly two-ship transatlantic service from each side of the Atlantic.

  • 英語の文章を和訳して下さい。

    Soon after, Lalor's company had been forced back to The Nek and the Turks were threatening to recapture Russell's Top, and at 10:15 Maclagen reported to Bridges his doubts over being able to hold out. In response Bridges sent part of his reserve, two companies from the 2nd Battalion (Gordon's and Richardson's), to reinforce the 3rd Brigade. At 11:00 Swannell's company arrived at the foot of Baby 700, joining the seventy survivors of Robertson's and Lalor's companies. They immediately charged and chased the Turks back over the summit of Baby 700, then stopped and dug in. The two 2nd Battalion companies arrived alongside them, but all the companies had taken casualties, among the dead being Swannell and Robertson. By this time most of the 3rd Brigade men had been killed or wounded, and the line was held by the five depleted companies from the 1st Brigade. On the left, Gordon's company 2nd Battalion, with the 11th and 12th Battalion's survivors, charged five times and captured the summit of Baby 700, but were driven back by Turkish counter-attacks; Gordon was among the casualties. For the second time Maclagen requested reinforcements for Baby 700, but the only reserves Bridges had available were two 2nd Battalion companies and the 4th Battalion. It was now 10:45 and the advance companies of the 1st New Zealand Brigade were disembarking, so it was decided they would go to Baby 700.[90]The New Zealand Brigade commander had been taken ill, so Birdwood appointed Brigadier-General Harold Walker, a staff officer already ashore, as commander. The Auckland Battalion had landed by 12:00, and were being sent north along the beach to Walker's Ridge on their way to Russell's Top. Seeing that the only way along the ridge was in single file along a goat track, Walker ordered them to take the route over Plugge's Plateau. As each New Zealand unit landed they were directed the same way to Baby 700. However, in trying to avoid Turkish fire, they became split up in Monash Valley and Rest Gully, and it was after midday that two of the Auckland companies reached Baby 700. At 12:30 two companies of the Canterbury Battalion landed and were sent to support the Aucklands, who had now been ordered back to Plugge's Plateau, and were forming on the left of the 3rd Brigade. The Canterbury companies moved into the line on the Aucklands' left, waiting for the rest of their brigade to land.

  • 英語の文章を和訳して下さい。

    Kress von Kressenstein launched a surprise attack on Easter Sunday, also Saint George's Day, 23 April 1916, east of the Canal and north of El Ferdan Station. The yeomanry 5th Mounted Brigade were guarding the water pipeline and railway being built out into the desert towards Romani. While the three regiments were widely dispersed, squadrons were surprised and overwhelmed at Katia and Oghratina east of Romani, suffering the loss of about two squadrons. Fighting for the oases area during a raid on Katia and Ogratine demonstrated its importance to both sides. From a base in the oases a large number of Ottoman troops could threaten the Suez Canal, and control the Sinai Peninsula with the threat of a flank attack. The Australian 2nd Light Horse Brigade and New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigades of Major General Harry Chauvel's Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division (Anzac Mounted Division) were ordered to occupy the Romani area the day after the fighting at Katia and Ogratina. Here, 23 miles (37 km) from Kantara, they aggressively patrolled and reconnoitred the area. The Australian 1st Light Horse Brigade arrived at Romani on 28 May 1916.

  • 英文と日本語訳がありますが、和訳は正しいですか?

    There were, however, restraints on the exercise by the han of both administrative and fiscal independence. In the first place, no han government could flout the general regulations of the bakufu on such matters as religion, monetary policy, civil war, or relations with the Kyoto court. In the second place, many of the smaller han were instructed to follow shogunal practice in day-to-day administration. Thirdly, even though a direct levy on han revenues was adopted only once or twice by the bakufu as a last resort in times of grave financial crisis, individual han frequently found themselves compelled to contribute to costly public works schemes (road building, castle repairing, land reclamation) in Edo and elsewhere in the shogunal territory. 日本語訳 しかしながら、藩の行政と財政的独立性に関しては行使に制限があった。 まず第一に、藩政府は宗教、金融政策、内乱または京都の朝廷との接触といった問題で幕府の全般的規則に逆らうことはできなかった。第二に、弱小藩の多くは日々の行政に関する幕府からの通達に従うよう指示されていた。第三に、深刻な財政危機状態の最後の手段として1度ないしは2度だけ、藩の税収への直接課税が幕府によって採用されたにもかかわらず、個々の藩は頻繁に、江戸や将軍家の御用地のいたるところで自分達が金のかかる公共事業計画(道路建設、城の修理、土地造成)に貢献するよう強制されることに気づいていた。