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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:下記の英文の役を教えてください。)

Did Catalina Act Like a Male Conquistador?


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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 あっています。  「男性のコンキスタドールとは粗々しく狂暴で、盛んに集団で酒を呑み、金持ちになる夢を追って金や銀を求めた。カタリーナは、男性のコンキスタドールのような行動をしたか? もしそうであるならば、あなたは彼女の体験談のどこにそれが現れているか?」  とも。


  • 下記の英文の意味を教えてください。

    The expectation that society had for a women was that she would either get married and have children and stay in a house without working at a job, or that she would stay in a convent and be a nun. However, She, Catalina, decided that those options were not right for her, and she decided to go after her dreams and become a conquistador like many men around her. How did Catalina's decision to become a conquistador go against the expectation that society had for her? 「社会は女性は結婚し、子供を産み、仕事に取り組むことなく家にい続けるもの、または、修道女になるべきだと思っていた。しかし、カタリーナはそれがいやで、彼女は夢を求めて、コンキスタドールになることに決めました。この決断はどのように社会の予想に反していますか?」 ...という意味でしょうか。 それに対しての答えは、 社会の予想 女性が結婚をし、子供を産み、仕事に取り組むことなく家にい続けるもの。 または、修道女になるべきだと思っていた。 カタリーナの行動 修道院から逃げ出し、髪を短く切り、男装し、スペインの街を転々とし、あげくのはて新大陸(メキシコ)を征服しに行った。 と、このようなことを書けばいいのでしょうか?

  • 下記の英文の意味を教えてください。

    The circumstances of being in Spain during a time when Spain wanted conquistadors to go to the New World made it possible for Catalina to have the opportunity to leave Spain and become a conquistador. Why do you think that is? この文章のは... 「スペインが多くのコンキスタドールを新大陸にやっている時、カタリナにスペインをはなれ、コンキスタドールになる機会を得ることができた。それはなぜか」 という意味でいいのでしょうか?

  • 下記の英文の意味を教えてください。

    The Lieutenant Nunは女性ですが男装して新大陸へと航海した人だそうです。 http://old.latin-america.jp/archives/jihou1383_ito.pdf http://mith.umd.edu/eada/html/display.php?docs=erauso_autobiography.xml ↑詳しくはこちらの文書に載っております。 その人についての質問文があるんですがよくわかりません。 1) In what ways did she challenge society’s expectations for a woman of her age, race, and class status? 2) In what ways did she conform to society’s expectations for a male conquistador? 3) How did Spanish colonization and the New World shape her experiences?

  • 下記英文について質問があります

    すいません質問があります。 One thing worth noting is that the digital and the vinyl have had separate masters produced optimally for each version. We had both pushed a lot of crazy low end into our mixes that if left as they were would have flung the needle out of the groove on the vinyl version. James managed to sculpt and tame those frequencies without loosing any of the 'sound' we were going for. 特筆すべき点は、デジタルとレコードで、それぞれに適したミックスがされたという事だ。 We had both pushed a lot of crazy low end into our mixes that if left as they were would have flung the needle out of the groove on the vinyl version. ジェイムズはなんとかして整えて、そして僕たちが求めていたサウンドのポイントを失うことなく音域を捉えたよ。 この英文のところがわかりません。low endは低域です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してください。

    ネットショップからいただいたメールです。どなたか翻訳お願いいたします。 Thank you for your order, We received about your request and the free print(A2 size) would add in your package, would you mind to take the font view of the damage one? We are sorry about for the happen but hope you could understand that the delivery is depends of the post office and postman, if you have any question that please feel free for contact us firstly, we would trying to help you solve it. Thank you and looking for your reply

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Another problem is that the finding was based on a conception of “intelligence” that most developmental psychologists now reject. Specifically, the finding was from studies in which a single global IQ score was the only measure of a person’s intelligence. It is now known that intelligence is not a single unitary trait, but rather consists of several distinct and relatively independent skills or abilities, such as verbal fluency and numerical ability. The fact that these abilities are relatively independent suggests that they should not be limped together into one global score. Another reason not to combine them is that they seem to depend to different degrees on heredity. Finally, and of most importance to developmental psychologists, different abilities exhibit different patterns of change through the life span. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を和訳して下さい。

    Godley's orders for the attack stipulated that the attack would be made with bayonets and grenades only; rifles would be unloaded. This was, according to Roland Perry, designed to "influence the troopers to keep running at the [Ottoman] trenches" and ultimately meant they could not stop and fire. The envisaged four waves of troops attacking from Russell's Top across the Nek. The first wave would use the cover of a naval bombardment to approach the trenches silently and quickly while the defenders were dazed, and would capture the trench with bayonets and grenades. The second wave would then pass through the first to capture trenches on the lower slopes of Baby 700. The third and fourth waves would exploit further and would dig-in, with ultimate goal of securing the heights 200 metres (660 ft) away on Baby 700. The British 8th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment, was to consolidate positions on the Nek afterwards, while two companies from the 8th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers would advance up the western part of Monash Valley and carry out an attack around the "Chessboard" – to the south of the Nek– to cover the southern flank of the Australians on the Nek. Preparations for the attack began several days earlier when the troopers were ordered to stow unnecessary clothing, including woollen tunics, and equipment. This resulted in the men living in the trenches for several cold nights in just shirts and short pants. Each man was authorised to carry 200 rounds of ammunition, as well as a small amount of personal rations. Assault equipment included wire cutters, empty sandbags, ladders, and periscopes; only the fourth and final assault line would carry entrenching tools. The light horsemen had not participated in a large-scale attack before; they had not been trained to fight like infantrymen, having been recruited to fight in a mounted role, but they were all keen and eager for the attack to commence. Encouraged by earlier efforts by compatriots at Lone Pine, the troops were spurred on by the Brigade Major, Lieutenant Colonel John Antill, a Boer War veteran who encouraged them with stories from that war. Many soldiers who had been injured or ill, and were in hospital, ensured they were released and returned to their units in time to take part. In this climate, nobody questioned the tactics of the plan, contingencies, or the efficacy of attacking without loaded weapons.[40][41] Prior to the assault, each man was given a double issue of rum to warm up. The attack was scheduled to commence at 04:30 on 7 August. It was to be preceded by a naval bombardment, supported by field guns from several shore based batteries. The 8th and 10th Light Horse Regiments assembled in a trench about 90 metres (300 ft) long, opposite the Ottoman line that was between 20–70 metres (66–230 ft) away. Coloured marker flags were carried, to be shown from the captured trenches to indicate success.To help the supporting artillery to identify the attacking Australian troops, the attackers attached white armbands and patches to their shirts.

  • 下記英文の構造と解釈について質問があります。

    質問があります。 The sample materials that were yielded from the audiocassettes seemed to open the door to both: we found lots and lots of self-help and self-hypnosis, meditation and yoga recordings that we could bend and edit into the extended narratives we were looking for and we ended up with quite a collection of 1970's fast musical riffs and synth-samples that we otherwise would have been reluctant to use were it not for their large number and the vast choices they presented. この場合、Sは The Sample materialsでthatは関係代名詞。で、seemed を助動詞的というか副詞的にseeminglyとして捉え、 The sample materials seemingly opened the door to both. これが基本的な構造ですよね。 サンプル素材が両方のドアを開いたように思えたんだ。 両方のドアとはコロン以下で補足説明されていますね。相当長いですが。 we found lots and lots of self-help and self-hypnosis, meditation and yoga recordings that以下は関係代名詞で、先行詞はたくさんみつけたサンプル素材を指している。 we were looking forも関係代名詞で先行詞はnarrativesですね。 we ended up with quite a collection of 1970's fast musical riffs 私たちは結局1970年のアップテンポなミュージカルのリフのコレクションもかなりある状態だった。 synth-samples that we otherwise would have been reluctant to use were it not for their large number and the vast choices they presented. that以降が関係代名詞でto useまでですね。つまりSVOで考えると synth-samples were it not for their large number and the vast choices they pesented. 構造的にはこう解釈しているのですが、どうも訳がうまくはまらないです……。 The sample materials that were yielded from the audiocassettes seemed to open the door to both: we found lots and lots of self-help and self-hypnosis, meditation and yoga recordings that we could bend and edit into the extended narratives we were looking for and we ended up with quite a collection of 1970's fast musical riffs and synth-samples that we otherwise would have been reluctant to use were it not for their large number and the vast choices they presented. 無理矢理日本語にしてみると、 そのカセットテープにあった叫び声のサンプル素材が両方の扉を開いた。そう思えたんだよね。自己啓発、自己催眠、瞑想、そしてヨガ、そういった録音されたサウンドをたくさん見つけたんだ。 私たちが探していた長い物語にbendしたり編集したりして入れるためのサウンドをね。 ここまででも若干あやふやですが、ここから先は正直お手上げです。訳を教えて下さい。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「The Way Out」の為に、私はサンプルライブラリーをさらに増やしてね。最終的には約35000種類のサンプルが出来上がった。another activity that took up a lot of the 'interbellum' between 'Lost and Safe' and 'The Way Out'. サンプルライブラリーを構築し始めた初期の頃って、主にLPから選んでたんだけど、最近はカセットテープにかなり入れ込んでる。which give an interesting reflection of the history of fringe recording over roughly the period of 1970-1995,その後はCDやデジタル音源に完全に追いやられてしまったけど。 今回のアルバムを作り始めたとき、今までよりも長い物語風の語りを入れたり、俗に言う“アップテンポ”な曲を作ったりしたいって思ったよ。カセットテープに収録されていた叫んでいるサンプルが扉を開けたって感じに思えた。 英文の部分がどうも訳がわからない部分です。教えて下さい。 took up a lot of the "interbellum"がわからないです。ちなみにinterbellumをWikipediaで調べると、第一次世界大戦と第二次世界大戦の間の状態と出ます……。 次の英文もどうもfringe recording over roughlyがピンときません・・・。 以上になります。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    A second battalion advanced through the wood, lost direction and stumbled on German posts in Central Trench, until about 150 survivors reached the eastern edge of the wood south of the Guillemont track, thinking that they were at the northern tip of the wood. Attempts to advance north in daylight failed and an attack from Longueval Alley by a third battalion, was stopped by massed small-arms and artillery-fire 100 yards (91 m) short of the wood and the battalion withdrew, apart from a small party, which bombed up the alley to the tip of the wood. With three hours before the big attack on the German second position began, the 54th Brigade was ordered to attack before dawn, to take the eastern fringe of the wood as a defensive flank for the 9th Division, as it attacked Longueval.

  • 下記の英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    For the old items, I can reorder them, we just do not keep them in stock, but if you want me to reorder as long as you order 2pieces ( sometimes 3 ) I can special order them for you, which ones are you interested in. For the sold out items, generally speaking, they were not the most popular, i do think the AAA tote was very popular and should do well in USA and also the BBB. Right now we ordered the “CCC” and a lot of clients have been waiting for it, if you want to place an order for that and pre-order you can do, that should release in a couple of days.