• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語に堪能な方、よろしくお願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • ext1219
  • ベストアンサー率21% (27/128)

一、いわゆる後置修飾を学校では教えますし、あなたの考えるほうも問題ありません。教材のほうも問題ありません。 archive と has given のつながりを希薄のさせたくなかったとか? 二、The -er ~~~ do(, the -er *** do.) という構文の形を早く示したいんです。 だから、動詞のisがあそこに来て、飾りは後ろへ回されました。



ext1219 様 ご回答いただきありがとうございます。 大変シンプル、明快でわかりやすかったです。納得しました。ありがとうございます。


  • 並べ替え問題

    「その城につづく川沿いの道は狭かった。」 という文章になるように並べ替えをする問題がありました。 The road which led to the castle along the river was narrow. と並べてみたのですが、「川沿いの道」とあるので、 The road along the river which led to the castle was narrow. の方があってるのかと迷ってしまいました。 先行詞はThe road なのは確かですが、along the river の位置がわかりません。 おわかりになる方教えてください。

  • 英語に詳しい方に質問します。

    (1)【】の動詞を適当な語にして()内に入れ、現在形の受動態〈be動詞+過去分詞〉の文をつくりなさい。 1、This gate ( )( )at night. 2、this desk( )not( )of wood. 3、( )English( )in Brazil? (2)日本語の意味に合うように、()に適当な語を入れなさい。 1、早起きすることは私には難しい。 ( )( )up early is hard for me 2、大切なのはそれから教訓を学ぶことだ。 The important thing is( )( )a lesson from it. 3、私はサッカーをすることが好きだ。 i like ( )( )soccer 4、この川で泳ぐのは危険だ。 ( )is dangerous( )( )in this river. 5、その質問に答えるのは簡単だと思った。 i Found( )easy( )( )The question. (3)次の英文を日本語に直しなさい。 1、i have some friends to help me. 2、Do you have something to do today? 3、Please lend me something to write with. お手数をおかけしますが、宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語を教えてください

    英語を教えてください Whatever the reason for their migration, how do birds know when it's time to take off on their long flights? We know that they migrate quite punctually every year when the season is changing. And what is the surest, unmistakable clue to the fact that the season is changing? The length of the day! It is believed that birds can tell when the day gets shorter (and longer in the spring), and this is the best “alarm clock” they have to tell them to get along. 一応全文載せました 上記の文の最後のandからalongまでについてthey have toが「~しなければいけない」という訳ではないことはわかりますがto tell以下がどこにかかるのか?がよくわかりません 最後の文を詳しく教えてください お願いします

  • 英語の問題がわかりません教えてください

    英語の問題がわかりません教えてください 教えてください、解説があるととてもありがたいです 次の英文を日本語に訳しなさい Run as fast as you can. The sky became darker and darker. I wanted to speak English as well as she could. My grandfather is worse than he was yesterday. This stone is almost five times as heavy as that one. 次の2つの文が同じ内容となるように空欄を埋めなさい The Shinano is the longest river in Japan. The Shinano is □ □ any □ river in Japan. No other student in his class is as handsome as Bill. Bill is □ □ □ other student in his class. your camera is better than mine. □ camera is not so □ □ □ He prefers oranges to apples. He □ oranges □ □ apples. 多いですけどよろしくお願いします。

  • Itの形式主語、it~that~とit~to~の違いについて

    It is impossible for you to swim across this river. It is impossible that you swim across this river. これらの文章の訳やニュアンスに違いはありますか?(上の文章は学習テキストの一部を転載しましたが、下の文章は自作ですので文章自体が間違っているかもしれません。)

  • 英語に詳しいかたにお願いします。

    [ ]の語句から( )にあてはまる適切なものを教えて下さい 1.One of the students who ( ) in the office now came here yesterday also. [is /are/am] 2.The man was waiting for somebody at the station ( ) I just got out the train. [when /which/where] 3.The house ( ) I live is very convenient for commuting. [at where/ in which / on which] 4.I am going to visit the museum ( ) you visited last month. [what / where /when] 5.Everything ( ) is connected with this project must be reported to the director. [which/ that/of which] 6.After hitting the Bahamas , the hurriane is fast () the East Cast. [ coming/ approaching/closing/aiming] 7.The hen ( ) seven eggs this morning , but none of them has hatched yet. [layed/lay/laid/lie] 8.The project chief ( ) for this company for twenty years next March. [has been working/is working/would been working / will have been working] 9.The committee will ( ) the annual budget proposed by the accounting department. [discuss/discuss for /discuss on/discuss about] 10.( ) the survey report ordered by the Mayor last month? [have you finished/ did you finish /had you finished/are you finished] 11.I interviewed two women both ( ) are married and want to work in the food industry. [of them / who/ of whom/of who] 12.All employees shold take responsibility ( ) when talking to prospective clients. [for what they say/in which they say/for the meaning they mean/in to mean] 13.Bird flu infection only occurs ( ) people and fowl live in close proximity. [due to/ what/where/as] 14.This information about our company hiring policy should have been given to the applicants who ( ) last week. [interviewed/were interviewed/are interviewing/interviews] 15.Congratulations! You are the one millionth customer ( ) our shopping mall. [to come /who will come to/has visit/to visit]

  • 同じ意味になるような英語、どれが正しいですか?

    英語の問題ですが、自分になりに( )内の答えを考えてみましたが、正しいか分かりません。 出来れば覚えやすく、簡単な英語を使おうと考えました。 他の答えもあると思いますが、ずばり答えを解説付きで回答して頂けると、大変助かります。 分かる方教えてください。よろしくお願い致します。 A.I recently bumped into someone I loved in college. →The other day I ( met ) a person I loved in college. met と考えましたが、came across か met by chance の方が良いですか? B.Is this the right way to Osaka Station? →Will this road ( take you ) to Osaka Station? you ではなく、us などの方が良いですか?

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)The typhoon blew the roof off the house. =The house had the roof (b ) off ( ) the typhoon. 2)You must show us all the tickets. =All the tickets ( ) ( ) ( ) to us. 3)He has recently been laid off by the company. =The company ( ) recently ( ) ( ) off. 4)People think that Ichiro is a great baseball player. =(It) (is) (said) that Ichiro is a great baseball player. =Ichiro (is) (thought) (to) be a great baseball player. 5)Everybody in this community knows her name. =Her name (is) (known) (in) everybody in this community. ()内の添削をお願いします。 英訳や解説を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 並び替え問題

    次の英文を正しく並べ替えてください。和訳もお願いします。 1 Don`t (any/take/of/what/notice) he said. 2 Mary is not used (being/of/to/made/fun) in the presence of others. 3 The speaker was worried (about/would/how/the audience/react) to his speech. 4 I am (done/of/this/ashamed/having). 5 Everybody found (this/worthwhile/reading/it/book).

  • 日本語訳をどなたかお願いします!

    日本語訳をどなたかお願いします! The river, however, was still a problem. The Thames became so polluted that fish were unable to live in it, and after the very hot summer of 1858, the river became known as "The Great Stink." But thanks to London's new sewer system and strict pollution control, the river is much cleaner today. In fact, 118 kinds of fish can now be found there.