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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語についての質問です.)




volunteers were paid $50 to $200 とあるので 2が誤りです。


  • これはなんと訳せばよいのですか?

    The denaturation of deoxyribonucleic acid by formamide at a given ionic strength and temperature occurs at a critical concentration of formamide similar to that observed by optical rotation. Denaturation has been followed by the loss in trans- forming activity of D. pneumoniae deoxyribonucleic acid and by the demonstration of strand separation of 14N15N labelled hydrid E. coli deoxyribonucleic acid. Formamide denatured transforming deoxyribonucleic acid can be made to regain its biological activity upon heating the denatured, formamide treated deoxyribonucleic acid at temperatures below the Tin. この英文で Formamide denatured transforming deoxyribonucleic acid can be made to regain its biological activity upon heating the denatured, formamide treated deoxyribonucleic acid at temperatures below the Tin. という個所に関して、 変性させられたホルムアミドがデオキシリボ核酸に変化したのは、その生物活動から熱することによって回復するとなってしまい。 なんか変な訳です・・・。 しかも its biological activity upon heating the denatured, formamide treated deoxyribonucleic acid at temperatures below the Tin. という個所では、heating the denatured,のあとにdenatured が修飾すべき単語がなく、カンマで区切られて、formamide treated deoxyribonucleic acid at temperatures below the Tin. という、動詞のない文が来ています。なぜでしょうか? さらに Formamide denatured transforming deoxyribonucleic acid can be made to regain its biological activity upon heating the denatured, formamide treated deoxyribonucleic acid at temperatures below the Tin. この部分、どのように訳せばよいでしょうか?

  • 物理での英語がよく分からないので質問させてください。

    物理での英語がよく分からないので質問させてください。 Protein dissociation from and binding to DNA were carried out by applying a constant force and monitoring the DNA extension. Binding of single protein to DNA decreases the DNA end-to-end contour length by 3 nm. At equilibrium, the protein is bound to DNA. After the system was allowed to reach equilibrium, constant force was applied to DNA (two ends were pulled) and the DNA extension were measured. You can assume that the DNA is extended to its contour length and that for the sake of simplicity, under selected conditions you can ignore the DNA elasticity. 文章中の"DNA is extended to its contour length"というのがどういう意味なのかよく分かりません。これは「DNAが伸び得る最大まで伸びる」という解釈でいいのでしょうか?つまりDNAの両端を引っ張ると3nm伸びるという事で合ってるのでしょうか?

  • tone=pitchなのでしょうか

    音楽に詳しくないのでよくわからないのですが... Neuroscientists subjected volunteers with amusia---difficulty telling different melodies apart and remembering simple tunes---to sifts in pitch comparable to those that occur when someone plays one piano key and then another. The volunteers were unable to discern a difference between the tones. But the volunteers were able to track timed sequences of musical tones and perceive slight changes in timing. という文において、 Amusia results more from an inability to discern pitch than from an inability to discern timing. という事がいえるそうですが、pitch=toneと考えていいのでしょうか。 またここのsubjectは~の実験をうけさせる、という意味でいいのでしょうか。

  • 英語の質問です!

    採点、訳をお願いします。 1.Because of his diligence, James is more trusted than (4) classmate. 1.few 2.else 3.other 4.any other 2.When we were told not to see that movies, we became (1) eager to see it. 1.all the most 2.much less 3.too far 4.too much 3.He insists that his robot is (2) mine. 1.superior 2.superior to 3.superior than 4.more superior than 4.You should return the book by next Monday (2). 1.the latest 2.at the latest 3.in the latest 4.for tha latest よろしくお願いします。

  • この英語あっているか見ていただけますでしょうか

    明日からアメリカに10ヶ月住みます。 ずっと忙しかったので今ようやくパッキングしています。 大好きな映画スタジオのワークショップや制作グループに参加してきます。 I will stay at USA for 10 months. I was busy and I've just begun to packing. I'm going to join a workshop at favorite film stadio and group.

  • 英語の質問です!

    Bicycling Magazine predicts that in five or six years, about 10% of all bicycles (sold) in Japan will be electric. 下線部()のsoldと同じ用法を含む文を一つ選びなさい。 (1)The tickets were all sold out. (2)James has sold his car. (3)Vegetables sold at the supermarket are always fresh. (4)Kichen goods are sold in the basement. "The project brings customers back to local shops (that) don't have enough parking space for cars". 下線部のthatと同じ用法を含む文を一つ選びなさい。 (1)I was surprised at the news that your sister had suddenly married. (2)The first woman that enterd the room was my aunt. (3)It is a great pity that many fine old buildings are being destroyed. (4)It was so hot that I could not go out. You ( ) help me if you don‘t have time. I can do the job myself. (1)aren‘t (2)don‘t have to (3)aren‘t going to (4)should to The students ( ) to hear that classes would be canceled. (1)amaze (2)amazed (3)were amazed (4)were amazing 1恐竜は1500万年前に絶滅していると信じられています。 It (for/have/is/dinosaurs/extinct/that/believed/been) fifteen million years. 解答よろしくお願いします! .

  • 英語の和訳

    英語が訳せず困っています。 スポーツ健康科学系の論文なのですが、統計分析のところで訳が出来ず詰まってしまいます。 なんとか辞書や専門用語の教科書などで訳したところも、いまいち意味が通じず、合っているのかもわかりません。この文章に既に何日もかかっています。 長文で申し訳ありませんが、お力を貸して頂きたいです。 内容は肥満者が減量した後のリバウンドの経緯を3つのグループに分けて18ヶ月間調査したというものです。 Data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows version 13.0 (21). Descriptive statistics are presented as means ± standard deviation (SD). Group differences on continuous variables assessed at baseline were evaluated using analyses of variance (ANOVA) with weight loss method as the grouping variable. Chi square tests were used to examine group differences on categorical variables. Group differences in weight regain at 6, 12, and 18 months were evaluated using analyses of variance (ANOVA) with weight loss method as the between subjects factor. Group differences across time in overall percent weight loss (initial weight loss and maintenance) were evaluated using repeated measures ANOVA, with weight loss method as the between subjects factor and percent weight reduction from maximum weight (at baseline, 6, 12, and 18 months) as the within subjects factor. Participants lost to follow-up were assumed to have gained .30 kilograms per month, as has been used in prior studies (10, 22, 23). Analyses were first conducted without adjustments for covariates and were then adjusted for variables found to differ at baseline (p<.10) across weight loss method, including gender, baseline weight, intentional weight loss (cycling) history, baseline percent fat intake, and percent weight reduction at baseline (i.e., initial weight loss). Analyses were also adjusted for duration of weight loss maintenance and STOP Regain treatment group (face-to-face intervention, internet intervention, newsletter control). Repeated measures ANOVAs with weight loss method as the between subjects factor and time (baseline and 6 months) as the within subjects factor were used to examine group × time interactions for dietary intake, physical activity, depressive symptoms, and eating behavior. Tests of significance were based on alpha of .05. For repeated measures analyses, Greenhouse-Geisser correction was used, where appropriate, to adjust for sphericity. Bonferroni adjustment was applied to main effect and simple effect post-hoc contrasts. 統計解析の部分の抜粋です。 自力で訳したところもあるのですが不安なので全て書き込みました。 長文ですが宜しくお願い致します!!

  • 【英語】添削お願いします 無人島

    テーマは無人島に着いたらどうするかです。 設定としては自分以外にも何人か漂流者がいるそうです。 If I were flushed out to an inhabitable island, I would firstly suggest the other survivors that we search for foods which enable us to live at least three days. If it were not for foods, we can do nothing. Also, if not, it would be a matter of time to die. Only with foods, we could have margin to think what to do next. Second, I would suggest that we examine whether it is safe around us. If it were proved to be dangerous, for example, there are violent animals, we would try to protect us. By contrast, if it were proved to be safe around us, we could wait for help with relieved. 文法、時制、構成などについてチェックお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英語の訳がわかりません。 教えて下さい

    In the summer of 1944, when it was noting for trains from the provinces to be five or six hours late, I travelled to London on the night train from Edinburgh, which, at York, was already there hours late.There were ten people in the compartment, only two whom I remember well, and for good reason.

  • 英語の質問です!

    私たちは週末の計画をまだ立てていません。 We haven't () any () for ( ). 私たちは7時に駅に到着する予定です。 We ()()()arrive ( ). 彼の飛行機は明日の午後2時30分に到着予定です。 His plane ()() at ( ). 交換留学生が来週、私たちの学校を訪問する予定です。 The exchange students ()()() visit ( ). 私は今年の夏、そのツアーに参加するつもりです。 I ()()() jogging ( ). 彼女は福岡に飛行機でいくつもりだ。 She ()()go ( ) . You should ( ) . 早めにホテルを予約する 運賃はいくらですか? ( ) to Okinawa? よろしくお願いします!!