• ベストアンサー


英語で日本を紹介する本を読んでいます。 下記の文のwhereの使い方がよくわからないので教えてください。 They are steamed and put in straw pipes with natto yeast where they ferment and become sticky. 因みに訳は下記のように書かれています。 納豆は大豆から作られます。ゆでた大豆を、納豆菌の藁筒の中に入れ、発酵させるとネバネバしてきます。

  • leon-m
  • お礼率48% (154/315)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


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  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。  ここの where は、後ろから「~のところで」という、先行詞の修飾節を作る関係副詞です。実際は、その前にコンマを入れて非限定用法にすると、もっと自然な文になったと思われます。 (限定用法の原文) 彼ら(=大豆)は、蒸されて、そこで醗酵し粘着度を増す納豆酵素のある藁筒に入れられます。 (非限定用法) 彼ら(=大豆)は、蒸されて、納豆酵素のある藁筒に入れられます。そこで(蒸された大豆は)醗酵し粘着度を増します。 2。「ゆでる」は下記のように「熱湯に入れて煮る」という意味ですから英文の水蒸気によるsteam の訳としては「蒸す」が正しく、「ゆでる」は英語の boil が近いと思います。  http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/jn2/225455/m0u/%E3%82%86%E3%81%A7%E3%82%8B/  



すごく良くわかりました。 スッキリです!非限定用法ってあるんですね!全然覚えてない(笑) 本当に助かりました。ありがとうございました。


  • where and whereの使い方について

    下記の関係副詞の使い方がよく分かりません。 ----- Do we really live in a country where we can tell people where and where they can't smoke? 人に対して「ここでは喫煙出来ます」「ここでは喫煙出来ません」と言える国に、私達は住んでいるのでしょうか? ----- where and whereでなぜ「喫煙出来る」「喫煙出来ない」という風な関係副詞になるのでしょうか? 出来ないの方は後ろにcan't smokeがあるから分かるのですが、 出来るの方がこのような文法で表現出来るのか?理解出来ません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • うまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 There is a type of wraparound sarong that looks like short pants, where the ends of the sarong are passed from the lower back between the legs and tied just blow the navel. When one looks at the differing lengths and ways of wearing sarongs among the peoples of this sarong zone, one realizes that sarongs become simple as they move East from the starting point of India. But there are two schools of thought on how culture was transmitted to Polynesia.

  • 主格主語、形式主語、無生物主語??

    少し頭がパニックになってるので教えて下さいませm(_ _)m TV games are popular with both children and adults. Role-playing games where the player can become completely involved are the popularkind of game. They can be good way to relax,have fun and forge about your problems. この文章はロールプレイングゲームを客観的に説明した無生物主語の文章だとおもうんですが、 They can be の ゛They゛ ゛これら゛は、代名詞Itの複数形とゆうことは分かるんですが、コレは主格主語なので形式主語としてItを使ったら文法上バツになりますか? That Those などの指定代名詞では、置き換えることは出来ませんよね?

  • 自分で考えたのですが苦手で…どなたかお願いします!

    高校二年生です… 次に書く英語を和訳したいです。。 ですが、私は昔から英語が苦手で… 18文あって、長いかもしれないですが ヒントだけでも良いのでお願いします!! 1:Two dogs enter a room in a senior citizens` home. 2:Then everyone begins to smile and laugh. 3:"I think it`s great. 4:It`s lovely to see them and they`re so frindly,"says a lady who is 97 years old. 5:She looks forward to the days when the dogs come. 6:Friendly dogs can often help older people and sick children. 7:The dogs help them by giving love. 8:In homes where older people live, some of them are lonely. 9:They don`t have much to enjoy. 10:They often just sit or sleep in their chairs. 11:They talk to no one. 12:They do nothing. 13:When the dogs visit the home, the older people become friendlier to other people. 14:They become more active and feel happier. 15:The dogs are chosen carefully. 16:They must be quiet when they visit the older people and not jump on them. 17:The dogs` visits are short. 18:But those visits change the lives of many older people. 誤字や脱字があったら本当にすみません;;

  • 日本語訳を教えてください!!

    日本語訳を教えてください!! 辞書で言葉の意味を調べたりはしたもののイマイチ内容を理解できません。誰か教えてください... The same people are at the seaside too. They sit on benches and stare out to sea and some complain that it would be better if it was cooler. The optimistic ones suggest that it might become warmer later. Such is England, where even the grass grows slowly.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The section took up new positions on a ridge east of Daidur and immediately opened fire on the trenches around forts 6 and 7. At 10:30 the 31st Regiment rushed the obstacles and, under heavy fire, began scaling the slope leading to fort 7. The Bulgarians managed to enter the fort and its neighboring trenches, where they were engaged in a costly close quarter battle while exposed to fire from their own artillery.

  • 英文の解説をお願いします

    下記の英文の解説をお願いできませんでしょうか。とくにpay walls the route to obscurity のところが理解できません。 よろしくお願いします "A decade and a half into the great online experiment, free has become the default, and pay walls the route to obscurity." -----補足----- 前の文章は、 "Intuitively, they understand the difference between the two economies, and why Free works so well online" で 「彼らは、二つの経済の違いと、なぜオンラインで「無料」がうまく機能するのかを直感的に理解した」 と訳してみました

  • 【至急】下記の文の日本語訳を教えてください!

    【至急】下記の文の日本語訳を教えてください! The Beatles owed their success to several factors. They were of course very talented. But also, the group was formed at just the right time. Record players and transistor radios had become common, and then there was the television boom. Young people could now listen to and even see their favorite pop stars, any time they wanted. Everything was working in favor of the Beatles. よろしくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am in my early 30s, and a few months ago I moved to a new city where, through a mutual acquaintance, I met a great man who I had a lot of chemistry with. Shortly thereafter he got engaged to his then-girlfriend. I have become relatively close with both of them, and they are both amazing halves of the couple. halves of the coupleとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    On the right the 158th (North Wales) Brigade's 1/5th Royal Welsh Fusiliers battalion reached the cactus hedges south of Ali Muntar, where they paused to wait for supporting battalions to come up on their right. Along with the 159th (Cheshire) Brigade, these two brigades slowly fought their way forward towards Clay Hill. Meanwhile, Dallas ordered the 161st (Essex) Brigade of the 54th (East Anglian) Division to capture Green Hill and fill the gap between the 158th (North Wales) and 160th (Welsh Border) Brigades (53rd Division). By 15:30 the 161st (Essex) Brigade had reached Mansura and they were in a position to launch their attack at 16:00 with the arrival of the 271st Brigade RFA. The fire from this artillery brigade dampened the hostile machine gun fire from Clay Hill, and at 15:50, 45 minutes after the 161st (Essex) Brigade joined the battle, the infantry succeeded in entering the defenders' trenches. They entered at two places to the east of the Ali Muntar mosque, capturing 20 German and Austrian soldiers and another 20 Ottoman soldiers.