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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳)

Understanding the Challenges of Detailed Proofs in Mathematical Reading


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

1。  ....details and references a hindrance ...のreferencesは動詞ですか?     いいえ、名詞です。   2。  would preferの主語はreaderですか?          おっしゃる通りです。 3。  would check the items mentallyってなんですか?       下記をご覧下さい。 4。  訳       経験ある読者に取って、細か過ぎる詳細や参照事項は(証明の流れをとめ、大切な点をぼかす傾向があるため)邪魔で、読むにつれて頭で(=いちいち印刷した文字によらないで)チェックする方を好む。 5。 骨だけにすれば         A find B C                                  A は、BがC だと見る A = Most sophisticated readers B = excessive details and references C = a hindrance



うわああああああああああああああああああああああああ! ありがとうございます! references のあとにa hindranceがあったので動詞では?と思ったのですが「A find B C 」という構造だったんですね!!! 疑問氷解しました!


  • 英訳をお願いします。

    アメリカの仕入れ先に、発注している商品の輸送方法について、日本語で書いた意味を伝えたいのですが、自分が作ると次のようにしか出来ません。英語のお得意な方見て下さい。宜しくお願いします。 ==================================================== 発送は来週になっても構いませんので、厳重に梱包して発送してもらえます様宜しくお願いします。 It would be good if you send them at next week. Please repack them after double strict packing to protect damage. なぜなら空輸なので何かが壊れて届く事が頻繁にあります。 Because some items have always been damaged by air. 特に今回は高額商品なので商品が入っている化粧箱も含めて、綺麗な状態で受け取りたいです。 Espacially, I would like to recive them in perfect good condition include package because of they are expensive items. ====================================================================

  • 英訳

    (The lectures here are not in any way meant to be a survey course , but are very serious .) I thought to address them to the most intelligent student in the class and to make sure, if possible, that even the most intelligent student was unable to completely encompass everything that was in the lectures-by putting in suggestions of applications of ideas and the concepts in various directions outside the main line of attack. という英文ですが、 (1)I thought to address~とありますが、これはどういうことでしょうか?and でto address と to make を結んでいるのでしょうか? (2)どこが主語でどこが述語として見ていいのか分からず、全体の意味がさっぱりわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。 ()の中の英文は大丈夫です。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    Lillian would like to figure out how to get implants maybe in Japan so she can eat. I can organize having dentures made here but she would like four implants on the bottom and four implants on the top, where you mount dentures and they act like natural teeth. They are expensive but less expensive then a whole mouth of implants. Its horrible that she cannot eat! If she were to go to Japan to visit do you have a place for her to go?

  • 英訳

    They were also asked to evaluate the tasks they were doing in terms of the level of challenge and difficulty they posed. の訳をみると、 「彼らはまた、自分がやっている課題を、それが与えるやりがいと難しさの程度の点で評価するよう求められた。」 となっていますが、 they were doing in terms of the level of challenge and difficulty they posed. の英文が日本語訳にあてはまりません。 文法的に教えてください。

  • 英訳をお願いします

    You must not attempt to do good to those who hate you, for they do not need your officious services, and would refuse to be under any obligation to you.

  • どなたか英訳をお願いいたします。

    下記英訳を宜しくお願いいたします。 I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused . I see that a refund for order #******** was initiated by your Seller on September 01,2012 in the amount of GBP 8.14, and appears to be processing normally. This refund should be applied to your payment card within 4-6 business days. You should have received an e-mail informing you of this. In this case, a refund can be considered an order cancellation by the Seller. Whenever payment for a Seller order has been successfully submitted and then refunded, the order details will continue to appear in Your Account for your reference. When payment for an order is not completed, for example, if the credit card is declined, the cancelled order won’t appear in Your Account. If you have any further questions, please get in touch by replying to this e-mail. If you prefer to call us, we're available 7 days a week 06.00 to midnight, local UK time.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    やたらと一文が長いので、訳せません。お願いします。 Eight percent of centenarians said they had sent text or instant messages, compared to one percent last year. And 12 percent are using iPods, four percent more than three years ago, the GfK Roper survey for Evercare showed. Nearly 100,000 centenarians are living in the United States, and the number is expected to climb to more than 601,000 by 2050, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. "I think everybody should have something to say in what's going on in their life and not just take everything for granted," said Marie Keeler, 101, from Minnesota. White, the octogenarian star of a popular Super Bowl commercial, was the top choice of a dinner date for most of the centenarians. She usurped actor Bill Cosby, who was the winner for the past two years. Tiger Woods, who was the second most popular pick a year ago, did not make the list this year following revelations about his marital infidelities. More than half of respondents said they would not invite Woods. Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama and Sarah Palin were also favorites of the centenarians to invite for dinner.

  • 英訳です!!

     Then the time came for Tonky and Wanly. They always looked at people with loving eyes. They were sweet and gentle-hearted. However, the elephant keeepers had to stop giveng them anything to eat. When a keeper walked by their cage, they stood up and raised their trunks high in the air. They did their tricks because they were hoping to get food and water. Everyone at the zoo said with tears, “If they can live a few more days, the war may be over and they will be saved.”  Tonky and Wanly could no longer move. They lay down on the ground, but their eyes were beautiful. When an elephant keeper came to see them, they looked so weak. He became too sad to go back to see them. Bombs continued to dop on Tokyo. And a few days later, Tonk and Wanly died. Later, when the bodies of the elephants were examined, nothing was found in their stomachs -not even one drop of water. Today, the three elephants rest in peace with other animals under the monument at the Ueno Zoo.

  • 補充問題についてです!!

    For example, it was thought that most children would learn to read naturally if they were in an environment with lots of books and were (allowed) to develop reading skills in their own way. 上の文のallowedのところに、なぜsucceededを入れてはいけないのですか??

  • 英訳お願いします。

    In order to help people better understand the issue, Dr.Metcalf describes the lifestyle of many woman in parts of Africa.“They have to walk about two to three miles or so to collect wood,”he says. And then they have to tend the fire. And the smoke from that fire, it burns their eyes and chokes their lungs.”  According to the World Health Organization, this indoor pollution has been linked to the deaths of two milion woman and children each year.With help from other human aid groups, solar cookers International has already trained more than 22,000 families.They have taught these families how to cook their traditional foods with the sun. But does solar cooking really work? Does it really cook food well? Solar cookers International thinks so! The group organizes workshops on cooking with solar cookers. In these Workshop, the woman learn how to set up and use the solar cooking equipment.They also get a chance to actually prepare foods on the cookers. The woman make a wide range of dishes including soups, rice, potatoes, and bread. よろしくお願いします。