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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Flyingの用法)

Hayabusa's Flying: Challenging the Impossible



秒速34キロで飛ぶということは、宇宙で埃の粒を捕らえるようなものだ。 分詞構文です。「飛びながら…」などと訳すことが多いのですが、「ハヤブサ」は過去の記事なので、少し変えました。



回答ありがとうございます。 参考にさせていただきます。


  • 高校の文法の質問 (色々)

    1、It was too difficult problem for me.はIt was too difficult a problem for me.が問題集では正解になってますがなぜaが入らないといけないのか? 2、Half the students have made the same mistake.とHalf of the students....とではどちらがいい文章なのでしょうか? 3、How much dose it cost to hire a car by the hour.はなぜby theを「per」の意味のanにしてはいけないのか? 4、I'm in the wrong on that point.は直訳すると「私はその点に関して間違った人々の中に属する」ということですか?(the+形容詞で~の人々という形でとらえていいのか?)

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    In September 1917, not long after General Edmund Allenby became Commander in Chief of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Chauvel wrote to GHQ to point out the injustice done to his front-line troops, acknowledging that it was "difficult to do anything now to right this, but consider the Commander-in-Chief should know that there is a great deal of bitterness over it."

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The results of the single-list elections to the Volkskammer in the years from 1950 to 1986(i.e. in the periods of Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker), show a cluster of ‘Yes’ votes developing clearly in parallel and a turnout in the election giving percentages that look rather suspicious. The numbers were all well over 90 per cent, ranging towards the 100 per cent mark. With a turnout, for example, in1986 of 99.74 per cent with 99.4 per cent ‘Yes’ votes, the suspicion of fraud was obvious. The constitution of the GDR was reminiscent of the Weimar one in form. Germany was referred to as an ‘indivisible democratic republic’ based on Lander.

  • この場合の i t の用法

    単語の例文なのですが Laura thought it was an odd spectacle to see her father dressed up as a woman in the play. "it"が何を指しているのかが分かりません。 1."it" はto不定詞を指している。 これだと、to不定詞句=an odd spectacleとなり、"自分(ローラ)が父親の女装姿を見ている様子が奇妙な光景"となり訳が変な感じです。 2. "it"は先行のitで"the play"を指している。to不定詞句は副詞句。 のどちらかだと思っています。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    Naturally, these employees earn less money and have fewer benefits than regular employees. Therefore, cutbacks by companies and deregulation have made it more difficult to find a full-time job. In 1995, one-fifth of Japan’s workforce was composed of irregular workers; 10 years later one-third of it was. During the same time period, the average hourly wage dropped from 1,700 yen per hour to 1,300.

  • 和訳を願いたいです。

    Delia and I were zoology students who had come to Africa to start a wildlife research project. After months of searching for the right place, we found the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana. We decided it was an ideal place, so in 1974 we set up our base camp in the reserve. Much of the Central Kalahari was still unexplored because of the heat and lack of water. There were no villages near our base camp. We had to bring our water across the plains from a small town over 150 kilometers away. In an area larger than Ireland, our tiny research team of two and a few groups of native Africans were the only humans. The Kalahari was a difficult place for us to live. And it was difficult for the wild animals, too. They sometimes lived together peacefully, but often fought fiercely to survive. After having observed their way of living, we came to understand what the laws of nature really are. On the Kalahari we were just uninvited guests. It was important for us to leave the plains and the wild animals and plants as they were. (1)Where did Mark and Delia set up their base camp? (2)Why weren’t there many people living in the Central Kalahari? (3)What did they come to understand by watching the animals’ way of life? 打ち間違いをしていたらすいません。 上記の英文を和訳して、(1)(2)(3)の問題には英語で答えてもらいたいです。 お願いします。 ・・・ついでに私の以前の名前はnogarinでした。 saysheさんなら気付いてくださると思います。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    It seemed a cruel shame to shunt a train full of wounded in open trucks, but it had to be done. Every bump in our springless train was extremely painful. — Extract from the diary of a yeomanry medical officer who was severely wounded at Katia on 5 August. In the absence of orders coordinating evacuation from the field ambulances, the Assistant Director of Medical Services (ADMS) made their own arrangements. The ADMS, Anzac Mounted Division arranged with his counterparts in the two infantry divisions to set up a clearing station at the railhead 4 miles (6.4 km) beyond Romani. This station was formed from medical units of the Anzac Mounted, the 42nd and the 52nd (Lowland) Divisions.

  • 関係代名詞 継続用法[非制限用法]

    He came home yesterday, which was surprise to us. (訳:彼は昨日家に返ってきたのだが、そのことが私たちを驚かせた。) という文章なのですが、下の例のように2つの文に戻すとどうなるのでしょうか。教えて下さい。 (例) I have an uncle, who lives in Osaka. (訳:私には叔父がいます、そして彼は大阪に住んでいます。) ⇒I have an uncle, and he lives in Osaka. He came home yesterday, and it was surprise to us. にして良いのものか迷っています。

  • 英語の整序問題

    整序問題で、分からなかった問題6問です。難しく思いました。解答解説等、教えて頂けると助かります。お願い致します。 1 I remember that once in a cottage hospital in England a man died while we were at tea,and though there were only six of us in the ward the nurses managed things so adoritly that the man was dead and his body removed (hearing/it/our/without/till/about) tea was over. 2 A defence of television history necessarily involves a (of/as/imagery/the power/in/belief) a behicle for understanding. 3 (was/Arthur/that/when/was/it/eight) his parents moved to Nottingham, where his Uncle George had a lace warehouse. 4 The past two centuries (in/seen/immense/have/an/increase) the range of garden plants. 5 In the history of skirts, the more voluminous they became, (to/the/it/more/was/difficult/wear) fitted mantles or jackets with them. 6 The best way for a collector to ensure he can find what he wants is to develop an interest in something machine-made. Mass production has democratised (within/collecting/and/it/brought/reach) of ordinary people.

  • 数学(物理?)の問題を訳してください

    Suppose that a flashlight show in your face and then was moved away at a constant rate of 2 feet per second. It is fact that the rate at which the intensity, I, of the light decreases is inversely proportional to cube of the distance, R, from the source of the light times the rate at which the distance increases. When the light is 10 feet from your face, the intensity is changing by 5 lumens per second. When the light is 10 feet from your face, the intensity is changing by 5 lumens per second. よろしくお願いします。