- 締切済み
( ) entering his room, he greeted everybody. 部屋に入ると、彼は全ての人にあいさつした。 という問題で、Onを入れるのが正解ですが、 分詞構文の、『意味を明確にするために分詞の前に接続詞を置く』という用法を使って、Whenを入れる事は出来ませんか? よろしくお願いします。
- みんなの回答 (4)
- 専門家の回答
5.time conjunctions: We can use time conjunctions to talk about two actions or events that happen one after the other. Usually the past perfect is not necessary in these cases, though it an often be used. After he (had) finshed his exams he went to Paris for month. She didn't feel the same after her dog (had) died. As soon as I (had) put the phone down it rang again. The past perfect can help to mark the first action as separate, independent of the second, completed before the second started. In contrast, the simple past can suggest that first action 'lead into' the other, or that is a cause-and-effect link between them. Compare: - When I had opened the windows I sat down and had a cup of coffee. (NOT: When I opned the widows I sat down and ..) When I opened the window the cat jumped out. (More natural than When I had opned the window ..) - When I had written my letters I did some gardening. (NOT When I wrote my letters I did some gardening.) When I wrote to her she came at once. The past perfect is rather more common with when than with other time conjuncitons (WHEN has several meanings so the exact time relation may have to be shown by the verb tense).
Practical English Usageの”time conjuncitions”の項目で二つの出来事が次々に起きるような場合は、最初の出来事を過去完了にする必要はない。(過去完了を使っても構わない) After he (had) finshed his exams he went to Paris for a month. As soon as I (had) put the phone down it rang again. しかし下記のようにwhenを使う際に When I had opened the windows I sat down and had a cup of tea. (When I opened the windows I sat down ...は間違い) When I opened the window cat jumped out. ならばOK whenには意味がたくさんあるために、主節と従属節の主語が同じである場合はcauseとeffectの関係が定かにならないため、過去完了を使うことで事の起こりの順を明確にする。 When entering his room, he greeted everybody. ↓ When he entered his room, he greeted everybody. となるために間違いとされる可能性がある。 (When) having entered his room, he greeted everybody. ↓ When he had entered his room, he greeted everybody. ならばOK After/As soon as entering his room, he greeted everybody. ならばOK ↓ After/As soon as he entered his room, he greeted everbody.
なるほど、そんな考え方もあるのですね。ただ、ここには書きませんでしたが、この後に、 =When ( )( )the room, he greeted everybody.となっていて、he enteredが答えになっています。。。。
- bgm38489
- ベストアンサー率29% (633/2168)
- Him-hymn
- ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)
→On/Uponが答ですね。このonは接触の意味を持っていますが、こういう場合時間が隣り合わせ・接しているーーという意味で、As soon asのような意味です。部屋に入ったその途端、彼は全ての人に挨拶したーーという、時間的な緊迫感が表現されます。 Entering his room, he greeted everybody. これは、部屋にはいって、彼はみんなに挨拶したーーという意味ですね。これにwhenを加えても、意味はそう違いません。 When entering his room, he greeted everybody. これも英語の文としては成立します。彼が入ったとき、みんなに挨拶したーーという意味に確かになります。ただし、部屋に入るとーー部屋にはいったらすぐーーというような日本語にも若干ある緊迫感は、このWhen entering . . . にはありません。その意味では、On/Uponの方がよりよいと言えます。しかし、このWhenを間違えとまでは言えないと思います。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。