• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の和訳です。お願いします!!)

A Lesson on Overcoming Problems: The Power of Imagining a Better Future

  • In 1990, Victor Frankl received a standing ovation from 7,000 people after his speech in California.
  • What sets Victor Frankl apart from most people with problems? He vividly imagines a future where his problems are resolved and then works backward to determine what he needs to do in the present to make that future a reality.
  • Instead of dwelling on the past, try shifting your focus to a future where your problem no longer exists. Then, work backward to identify the steps you can take to achieve that future, turning it from a fantasy into a reality.


  • ベストアンサー
  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

回答者2です。一か所訂正 700人→7000人


その他の回答 (2)

  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

それから何年もあとの数千マイル離れた1990年のカリフォルニアの地で 彼は、700人の観衆から演説をスタンディングオベーションでたたえられ ていた。 ヴィトル・フランクルは、問題を抱えている人々があまりしないことをした のだがそれはどのようなことだっただろうか。彼は、問題が解決されて いる未来を想像し、その未来から現在にさかのぼって、その未来を実 現するのには何が必要かを理解しようとしたのだ。もしもあなたが問題 を抱えてにっちもさっちもいかないとしたら、過去から未来に視線を 転じて、もう悩まされていない状態を考えてみることが、問題に対する 見方をかえるような大きな変化をもたらすことにつながる。もちろんその あとで、現在にたちもどり、その未来を単に魅力的な空想におわらせ ず、実現するために自分に何ができるかを考える必要があるが。 (頭からよみくだすために文章構造をすこしかえてあります)

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

何年も後に、そして、何千マイルも離れた場所で ― すなわち、1990年にカルフォルニアで ― 彼は、この演説のあと7000名の聴衆が立ち上がって拍手喝采するのを受け止めていました。 ビクター・フランクルは、問題を抱えるほとんどの人々がしないどの様なことをしたのでしょうか?彼は、自分の抱える問題が解決される未来を明瞭に想像し、それから、その未来を現実にするために自分は何をする必要があるのかを決定するために現在に苦労して戻って来たのです。あなたが問題を抱えて身動きが取れなくなっているならば、あなたの視点を過去からその問題がもはやあなたに付きまとうことがなくなっている未来に少し向けてみることは、問題の見方における大きな変化なのです。その時、もちろん、あなたは、その未来を単なる魅力的な空想ではなく、現実にするために自分に何が出来るか解決策を見つけるために現在に苦労して戻ってこなければならないでしょう。



  • 高校英語の和訳

    高校英語の和訳 The lies that politicians make during election campaigns are another category of "semi" lies. For example, a certain politician might promise to do a certain thing if elected, but when he is elected he might find that what he promised is either impossible or not sensible. When he turns his pre-election promise into a lie by not carrying out, we could say that the politician was simply making the compromises and practicing the pragmatism which is politics. More cynically, we could say that the politician was a dishonest lier who would promise you anything to get your vote. This is the problem with lying. In some situations it is impossible to tell with absolute certainly whether someone is lying or telling the truth. More or less, we ourselves are forced to become the ultimate judge of what is the truth and what is a lie. You could say that in a certain situation we create truth and untruth. これの和訳をお願いします><

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします 1The study of words is not merely something that has to do with literature.  2Picaso had very little to do with people.  3You have the nerve to ask me to go out with you when you haven't called me for months! 4He had the skill to gallop his horse down a narrow steep. 5Businessman advertise to make us feel like buying what they sell. 6It is well worth the sacrifice. よろしくおねがいします!!

  • 和訳を...

    5. What foods do you like to eat :D ? 6. Which foods do you not like D:< ? 7. What do people in the US eat that you think is gross? 8. Explain how you perceive your own culture in Japan: 9. What are some of the things you love about your culture in Japan? (traditions, values, practices etc.) 10. What do you think the US and Japan have in common?

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Paradoxically, it is the first factor - marring someone you do not love yet (but are attracted to ) that leads to the second one. In arranged marriages, the wedding is seen not as the concluding point, but only the beginning of a relationship that is marked more by hope than by expectation. Where couples in a "romantic" marriage might find the reality of everyday life a comedown after the excitement of the courtship period, the courtship dance in arranged marriages begins only after the wedding ceremony. As many South Asians with experience in this matter will enthusiastically tell you, this leads to the couple falling in love.    Are all arranged marriages successful? No more than all romantic marriages are. But, ultimately, what makes a marriage work is not how it began but what makes a marriage work is not how it began but what you do with it. Mutual respect, realistic expectations and a willingness to compromise may, in the long run, be more important than all the undying promises made in moments of passion. Marriage is a long race; it is learning the other's gait as you go. What matters is whether you are able to find a common rhythm.

  • 英訳の正誤判断依頼

    1、あなたは一ヶ月に何冊の本を読みますか。 ⇒How many books a month do you read? 2、あなたは彼が将来、何になりたいか知っていますか。 ⇒Do you know what he wants to become in the future? 3、あなたは誰と昼ごはんを食べたのですか。 ⇒With whom did you eat rice in daytime? 4、彼女はなぜパーティーに行かなかったのだと思いますか。 ⇒Do you think why did not she go to the party?

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。困っています…

    (1)Do you enjoy meeting new people? why? (2)what are some good things to ask someone you just met? (3)How often do you meet new people? Where do you meet them? (4)How important are first impressions to you? why?

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    よろしければ文章を訳してください宜しくお願いします。 Every planet has an influence on your future and on the future soulmate. Mercury was in Aquarius when you were born. Your soul mate is loyal and faithful. He has modern ideas and thoughts about the way love and romance should be in his life. He may far ahead of his times, so this relationship will be sophisticated and advanced by other peoples standards. He is open to new experiences in life and love. He is not given to deceiving himself or others and will not do so. He will make observations about you. He will take a great interest and curiosity about you. He can be detached, so that while he may be exceedingly interested in what other people say or know about you, he is not influenced by others views, he observes you and sees the truth, sees things that other people cannot always see. And he is perceptive in this. He may be able to see you from a different angle to others, and his insight will be illuminating.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    長いですが、お願いします。 Did you have any good dreams last night? Dreams come from the part of the brain that contains memories, thoughts,and emotions.You dream during a stage of sleep called REM. You can have up to six dreams a night, and each dream usually lasts from 10 to 40 minutes. Whether or not people remember dreams depends on the individual. Some people remember many of their dreams while others do not. But what do your dreams mean? Alan Siegel is a scientist who studies dreams. "Dreams help us get in touch with our deeper feelings," he says. "They can tell us a lot about ourselves, and may even help us figure out problems." Here are a few common dreams. Dream1: You Meet Someone When You Are Wearing Your Pajamas(or Nothing at All!) This dream may be the result of an embarrassing event in your life. Your brain is trying to help you deal with the event. Dream2: You're Flying This is a good period in your life. You may feel that other people look up to you as a leader. Dream3: You Didn't Study for a Test This means you are under pressure. You are worried about a major event in the future. If you're not prepared for the event, your dream could be telling you, "It's time to get to work!"

  • 英語 教えて下さい

    I suspect that rather than machine problems, the problem is with the repair man.Do you know anybody who can do the job? Jim is a good man with tools. ( )him lately? (1)Did you see (2)Have you seen(3)Do you see(4)Are you seeing ( )に入るのは(1)から(4)の中でどれでしょうか?理由も教えて下さい。

  • 次の英文を和訳してください

    The organization was paying for computer projects at universities all over the USA. But Bob Taylor was not happy with the results. He went to see his boss, Charlie Herzfeld. Charlie, we have a problem, he said. What is that? Herzfeld asked. We are throwing money away, said Taylor. We are paying different people all over the USA to do exactly the same study. What is wrong with them ? shouted Herzfeld, who had a strong Austrian accent and scared many of the people who woreked for him. Dont not they go to meetings? We pay for them to go to meetings. Why do not they just tell each other what they are doing? No, Charlie, that is not the problems, explained Taylor. Of course our people talk to each other. The trouble is that their computers do not. Their computers do not talk? What do you mean? asked Herzfeld. Well, look at my office. I have got connections there to all of our biggest computers. But if I want to communicate with the people at Santa Monica, I have to sit down at one machine. And if I want to talk to the computer at Berkeley, I have to get up from that machine, go over and sit at another one, and use a completely diffrent computer language.

  • 「DCP-N928N」のCDラベル印刷で問題が発生しています。レーベル印刷用のアプリケーションの使用方法がわからず困っています。
  • 質問者はWindows10を使用しており、無線LANで接続しています。また、関連するソフトとしてデキスパートを使用しています。
  • 質問はブラザー製品に関するものですが、電話回線の種類については明示されていません。
