- ベストアンサー
pursue:act; enforce; execute; fulfill; practice
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
pursue: to do sth or try to achieve sth [over a period of time] : to [continue] to discuss, find out about or be involved in sth : to [follow or chase sb/sth], especially [in order to catch them] 簡単に言えば、「何かを得るまで追い続ける」という感じ act: to do sth for a [particular purpose] or in order to deal with a situation : to behave [in a particular way] : to pretend by your behavior [to be a particular type] of person : to perform [a part] in a play or film/movie : ro perform [a particular role or function] : to have [an effect on sth] 簡単にいうと、「ある特別(特定)の働きをする」という感じ enforce: to make sure that people obey a particular law or rule : to make sth happen or force sb to do sth 簡単にいうと、「(強制的に)何かをさせる」という感じ execute: to kill sb, especially as a legal punishment : to do a piece of work, perform a duty, put a plan into action, etc. : to successfully perform a skilful action or movement : to make or produce a work of art : to follow the instruction in a legal document : to make a document legally valid 簡単にいうと、「最終的に何らかの結果を出す(行動をとる)」って感じかな(これちょっと難しい) fulfill: to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected : to do or have what is required or necessary : to have a particular role or purpose : to make sb feel happy and satisfied with what they are doing or have done 簡単に言うと、「(行動の基になるものを)満たす、達成する」という感じ practice: to do an activity or train regularly so that you can improve your skill : to do sth regularly as part of your normal behavior : to work as a doctor, lawyer, etc. 簡単に言うと、「常に、定期的に(何かの目的のために)行うこと」という感じ ところで自分でどこまで調べましたか? 英和辞典でもこういうニュアンスはわかりますよ? (だから私はわざと英英の意味を載せた ちゃんと全部読んで下さいね) そして「実行する」というのをどこから持ってきたのか・・・
その他の回答 (1)
こういう、意味の似ている単語が並んでいるときは、慣用句で覚えるようにしました。 たとえば、 persue persuit of happiness (幸福を追い求める。) act act of love, act of kindness (愛に満ちた行動、親切な行い) enforce law enforcement (法を遵守させる手段=警察) execute execution (死刑) fulfill fulfillment of the contract (契約履行) practice practice medicine/law (医者・弁護士) ほかにもいろいろ方法があると思うので、ほかの方のご意見も参考になさってください。