• 締切済み


I had nothing to do yesterday.とI didn‘t hava to do yesterday.


  • sknuuu
  • ベストアンサー率43% (408/934)

大事な言葉が抜けてます I had nothing to do yesterday. と I didn't have anything to do yesterday. でしょ? 基本的には2つに大きな違いはないです 感覚的に、前の方がサラッとしているし 後のほうが、「なーんも」「まーったく」やることなかったのを強調してる感じが"ちょっと"する(ちょっとシリアスな感じと言えばいいのか・・・) ま、その人の物の言い方でニュアンスが変わってしまう(イントネーションのつけ方)ところがあるので、字面だけじゃ甲乙つけがたいですね ネイティヴは何と言うかわかりませんけど



  • should

    「私は昨日何をすべきかわからなかった。」を訳すと 「I didn't know what I should do yesterday.」 と答えにありましたが、時制の一致でwhat節が過去形になっていなくても良いのでしょうか? should は過去も表すのでしょうか? should の代わりに had to を使った方がしっくりくる気がするのですが・・・

  • 英語がわからない

    don't have to do~「~する必要はない」 というの過去にしたりするとき didn't have to do~ don't had to do~ didn't had to do~ どのように違うのかよくわかりません(-_-;) どなたか教えていただきたいです。

  • Did you have to~?の応答

    Did you have to go there yesterday? の返答は、 1Yes, I did. No, I didn't 2Yes, I had. No, I hadn’t. のどちらが正しいのでしょうか(自然なのでしょうか)。 私は1がてっきり正しいと思っていましたが、2の本を見つけましたのでおうかがいさせてください。

  • 文の書き換え問題

    ・(1)Not~の文と、(2)強調構文での文の書き換えをそれぞれお願いします。 1I didn't learn the truth until this morning. =Not 2I didn't know he was homesick until I talked to him. =Not 3She didn't start to paint until she was forty. =Not ・Jim caught a turtle in this pond yesterday. 1“Jim”を強調した文に 2“caught”を強調した文に 3“a turtle”を強調した文に 4“in this pond” を強調した文に 5“yesterday” を強調した文に

  • 日本語にして下さい

    I do remember but what I am trying to say is am I going to see you more than the last time you came? Lol. If you were here so long, how come I didn't see you often?

  • 日本語に訳して下さい!!

    no, but I think it was unfair to me not to say anything^^' no? so you can have less thoughts today.... ...although, I still think I didn't deserve the silence ^^' because writing and knowing you read....but not getting an answer, like yesterday (still today here) is really painful.

  • 日本語訳しお願いします!!

    i didn't even feel it! So yes i am ok Thank for asking How are you do... ちゃんと全部訳し出来ないのでお願いします!!

  • 日本語にお願いします!!

    以下の文章です。 I will not apologise, because I intentionally said what I said. Because I am acid and mean when I am sad and angry. oh it was a joke, but I didn't tell it to be funny I realized that you have no interest at all in talking with me. That is why I am angry. I am probably angrier with myself, for having thought you cared about me. However, you do not. Even if you say it, it is not true. If “i'll be busy " is enough to forbid us from talking by voice, even if you have time, it means I count nothing for you, evidently. Fine. I take it as it is. I thought you didn’t often ask me to talk because you were shy, and maybe were afraid my answer was no. But no, you never do that because the truth is you don’t care at all about it.

  • 仮定法の問題です。

    もしすることがなかったなら、あなたといっしょに行けるのですが。 If I ( ) were nothing to do, I ( ) go with you. これを解いてみると、 If I had were nothing to do, I would go with you.になりました。 この回答が先生に間違っていると言われたのですが、どこが間違っているのか教えてもらえませんか?

  • 英文法の問題です!

    2問お願いいたします。 解答と理由を教えていただければ嬉しく思います。大学二次試験の問題です。 1、I'm awfully solly, but I had no choice. I simply (  )what I did. (1)had to do (2)must have done (3)must do (4)ought to have done 2、You are too kind! You (  )me a present. (1)didn't have to buy (2)hadn't to buy (3)must not buy (4)mustn't have bought

  • SmartVisionの起動に失敗し、エラーコードG0001が表示される問題についての質問です。
  • 画面は表示されるが、アプリは起動せず、G0001のエラーコードが表示される問題についての質問です。
  • SmartVisionを入れ替えたが、起動時にG0001のエラーコードが発生し、起動できない問題についての質問です。