• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:これを英語でなんと言うのでしょうか)



  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

* つまらないものですが。 Here's a little something for you. I have a little something for you. This is a little something for you. http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=something+for+you. * もしも私の記憶が正しければ、 If my memory is correct, http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=my+memory+is+correct If my memory serves me right, http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=my+memory+serves+me+right If I remember correctly, http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=I+remember+correctly * あなたの施設はとてもよいと思うが少し豪華だと思う。 日本の同様の施設はもっと質素で機能的である。 どうして設備をもう少し質素にして患者が払う入居費用等を安くしないのか? I am afraid your facilities are a little too luxurious though they are very good. Similar facilities in Japan are simpler and more functional. By making your facilities simpler, why don't you lower the costs patients have to pay when they move in?



回答ありがとうございます。 大変勉強になりました。


  • Brush Zone て?

    英文で、ある施設に関するファシリティレポートを提出します。地理的な質問のところで、その施設がある地域の地震や洪水、その他の災害の質問に続き、「Is your institution in a designated brush zone?」という質問に出くわしました。 Brush zone とは何を意味しているのでしょう。教えてください。

  • 日本語の意味になるように,(   )内に適切な1語を入れてください。

    日本語の意味になるように,(   )内に適切な1語を入れてください。 (1)部屋をそのままにしておきなさい。 Leave the room(   )it is. (2)値段が高すぎることを除けば,これは大変よい本だ。 This is a very good book(   )(   )the price is too high. (3)生きているかぎり,私はあなたの親切を忘れません。 I’ll not forget your kindness(   )(    )(   )I live. (4)会うたびごとに私は彼女を好きになる。 (   )(   )I see her, I like her more and more.

  • 英語の質問です。

    添削お願いします。 1.ルースは私たちのクラスのだれよりも早く走ります。 No other students in our class ( as / as / runs / fast / Ruth ). →No other students in our class Ruth runs as fast as. 2.君は能力を最大限に活かすように努めるべきだ。 You should ( make / of / to / the / try / most ) your abilities. →You should try to make the most of your abilities. 3.サッカーの試合を見ると一番興奮する。 Nothing ( more / than / watching / gives / excitement ) football games. →Nothing givus me excitement more than watching football games. 4.運動することは、飲食と同じほど重要です。 Getting ( than / is / less / exercise / no / important ) eating and drinking. →Getting exercise is important no less than eathing and drinking. よろしくお願いします。

  • 筋が通らない

    Your argument does not hold water. あなたの議論は筋が通らない。 という例文を見ました。 「筋が通らない」という意味でよく使われるフレーズはどういうものでしょうか? Your argument does not make sense. Your argument is not logically correct. Something does not sit right well in your argument. などでしょうか.

  • どなたか英語の分かる方通訳お願いします。

    なんとなくの意味はわかるのですが、今度泊まるホテルのことなので間違えて訳してるといけないので、どなたか英語の堪能な方通訳お願いします。 ちなみに万が一のため、パスワード等の情報は変更してあります。 Can you please advise us of your estimated time of arrival. Our Reception will be closed when you arrive. Please make sure you have the following information with you for access to the building and your apartment. Please collect your keys and access information from our safe which is located outside the main entry doors next to our intercom system. We will leave an envelope inside the safe with your name on the outside and keys and access information inside the envelope. The code to open the safe is: 200. If you have any problems with the collection of your keys please press 9# on the intercom located next to the safe or mobile 0427 37005 and we will be able to assist. Please note that the balance of your accommodation will be processed against the credit card we are holding, on the morning of your arrival day.

  • 日本語に訳せる方お願いします

    日本語に訳せる方お願いします Hi, Thank you for your support! Your order is under preparing! We will ship it asap! pls make sure the shipping information is correct! Any questions, pls feel free to contact us! Best, Chicnova -----原文-----

  • 和訳について

    「the building block of hair」をなんと訳すべきかが分からず、困っております。 原文: Protein, for example, is the building block of hair. If you don't get enough, your mane will grow more slowly, and strands will be weaker. http://health.usnews.com/health-news/articles/2012/06/14/10-best-foods-for-your-hair 髪の話題で、プロテインが良い髪を作るために必要だという話であることは分かるのですが、この「the building block of hair」という表現がこの手の話題ではよく出てきます。どう訳したらスマートでしょうか?ご教授いただけたら幸いです。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Q:How much does Indiegogo cost? A:Indiegogo is free to join. There is a fee on any money that is raised, which is 4% of the money you raise if you meet your goal or 9% if you do not meet your goal. For more on fees, see our article: Pricing and Fees.

  • 助詞「と」について 英語で回答希望

    日本語の助詞についておしえてください。 日本語のテストあります。これは2回目の同じ質問?です。英語で教えてほしいです。 This is my second time to ask for your help, I am in the middle of studying japanese for JLPT3 and I need your assistance for figure them out. Here is the 2 questions. (1)because of you I became stronger So I wrote: 毎日私は強いなります。 Someone said it meant strong like fighting. and "よろしくお願いします” to be about studying. I didn't know the kanji/words it's using. I would like to know why it is and what it is. (2)Thinking "my japanese is slowly better because of you". I wrote 私の日本語がゆっくり良いのであなたです。 Someone said 私の日本語がだんだんと良くなるのは、あなたのおかげです。is correct. But also some are said it is a little awkward and they would say they can omit と and だんだん~になる seems more natural to say. I have no idea which is correct and why it is. That's when I realized, I need なる to make it "becomes better". I also knew "だんだん" but I didn't know why it used "と" or why と"? Why not just "だんだん良くなる?" I didn't understand why that particle(と) was there and why the sentence was made the way it was. Your assistance would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

  • 英語で説明希望 日本語助詞「と」

    日本語の助詞についておしえてください。 日本語のテストありますので。 I am in the middle of studying japanese for JLPT3 and I need your assistance for figure them out. Here is the 2 questions. (1)because of you I became stronger (in Japanese!) So I wrote: 毎日私は強いなります。 Someone said it meant strong like fighting. and "よろしくお願いします” to be about studying! I didn't know the kanji/words it's using. I would like to know why it is and what it is. (2)Thinking "my japanese is slowly better because of you". I wrote 私の日本語がゆっくり良いのであなたです。 Someone said 私の日本語がだんだんと良くなるのは、あなたのおかげです。is correct. But most of people said it is a little awkward and they would say they can omit と and だんだん~になる seems more natural to say. I have no idea which is correct and why it is. That's when I realized, , I need なる to make it "becomes better". I also knew "だんだん" but I didn't know why it used "と" or why と"? Why not just "だんだん良くなる?" Your assistance would be highly appreciated. Thank you.