The Wish to Create: The Constant Desire of an Artist

  • The wish to create something is a constant desire of an artist, independent of time.
  • The artist's attitude towards language and perception of the world may change over time.
  • The artist wants to communicate with a specific audience through their chosen means of expression.
  • ベストアンサー


The wish to make something, always perhaps the great conscious concern of the artist, is a constant, independent of time. The things that do change are his attitude to the spoken and written word, the kind of the things he is interested in or capable of perceiving, and the kind of audience with whom he wants to communicate. ひょっとしたらいつも芸術家が大いに意識的に関心をもっている何かをつくりたいという願望は絶え間のない時間と関係のないものである。 本当に変えるものは話し言葉や書き言葉への彼の手段や態度、そして彼が興味がある、あるいは知覚できるようなものや、彼が意思疎通をしたいと思うような観衆である。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

以下、原文・質問者様の訳・⇒添削訳の順に列記します。 The wish to make something, always perhaps the great conscious concern of the artist, is a constant, independent of time. ひょっとしたらいつも芸術家が大いに意識的に関心をもっている何かをつくりたいという願望は絶え間のない時間と関係のないものである。 ⇒何かを創作したいという願望、それはおそらく芸術家が常に多大なる意識的関心を寄せるものだが、時代には関係なく、不変なものである。 The things that do change are his attitude to the spoken and written word, the kind of the things he is interested in or capable of perceiving, and the kind of audience with whom he wants to communicate. 本当に変えるものは話し言葉や書き言葉への彼の手段や態度、そして彼が興味がある、あるいは知覚できるようなものや、彼が意思疎通をしたいと思うような観衆である。 ⇒実際に変化するのは、話語や文章語に対する彼の態度、彼が関心を抱く、あるいは知覚できる事物のたぐいであり、彼が意思疎通を図りたいと思っている観客のたぐいである。

その他の回答 (1)

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

何かをつくりたいという願望は、ひょっとしたらいつも芸術家が大いに意識的に関心をもっていることだが、時代に関係のなく、不変のものである。 変化するのは、話し言葉や書き言葉に対する彼の態度、彼が興味がある、あるいは知覚できるものの種類、そして、彼が意思疎通をしたいと思っている観衆の種類である。


  • 英文の解釈

    They speak well of him.の受動態は回答を見ると He is well spoken of by them.となっていますが、 なぜHe is spoken well of by them.ではいけませんか?

  • 英文解釈について

    次の英文についての解釈(主語について)がはっきり致しません。 Among the activities of which the human organism is capable is included the ability to communicate by means of language: to speak and to understand others when they speak. 普通に読めば、of whichを関係代名詞と見て、先行詞はthe activitiesと判断でき、主語はAmong...capableかなと思うのですが、Amongは前置詞なので、主語になることはありません。拙訳を示してみます。 「人体が行うことの出来る活動の中には言語を使ったコミュニケーションをする能力が含まれている。話したり、相手の言うことを聞いて理解する能力である。」 そこで考えたのが倒置。例えば、 Other steep mountains rose on the left. という文であれば、その副詞的修飾語句が前に出て、 On the left rose othe steep mountains. となるという構造。 これが私が問題にしている文章にも当てはまるとすれば、もともとの文は次のようになると考えます。 The ability to communicate by means of language is included among the activities of which the human organism is capable. この解釈でよいのでしょうか。

  • 英文の翻訳

    以下の翻訳をお願いします One who travels hopefully in life knows where he wants to be and what he wants to do, but quite never arrives. Yet the pursuit of things may bring him more pleasure than would the victory. He will enjoy a wide experience of life, the highs and the lows, the wealth and the poverty, life riches tapestry of experience but he has not realized that it is the journey for him that counts, not the success or failure at the end of it. He is free with his gains, and can be lavish and prodigal, can throw himself totally into everything he becomes involved He is not extreme so much as whole hearted in things, he has no moderation. He is irascible, yet kind. He gives advice and wisdom and the benefit of his experience to those who are more expert or aught to know better than him. He has a kind of shrewd cleverness, A good judge of things as they are. And an intuitive knowledge of how to manipulate things to his own advantage in life.

  • 英文を書いてみたのですが添削してもらえないでしょうか

    The Green Mile This movie was released in 1996, and it was nominated for four Academy Award. (Best Supporting Actor, Best Picture, Best Sound, and Best Adapted Screenplay ) The title means road to the electric chair. The scene of this story is on death row in the 1930. 1930 year was an age of serious great depression in the United States. One day, a new inmate arrives. His name is John Coffey who is 7-foot-tall , and black male. He convicted of raping and killing two young Girls. At first sight, John Coffey seems very ferocious, but actual John is gentle giant. Sometimes he cries, because he afraid of darkness. Surely most audience think he is not man who can murder young girls. However he was found by police holding corpse. In fact he has extraordinary healing powers, who reveals by healing warder’s urinary tract infection and resurrecting a mouse. When John is asked to explain his power, he merely says that he "took it back. On that day John defy to care girls. John is innocence. Regrettably, John was sentenced to death, so he can’t escape to death penalty. The director have much concern with John’s initial. John’s initial is the same Jesus Christ. John was modeled on god. He tried to save the human, but he was killed by human. His life resembles Jesus Christ. He had said I was tired before it died. Perhaps god thought so too.  This film picks up the problem of race, and false accusation. John’s lawyer conceive a prejudice against black man. The lawyer thought Black man is the same as dog. He said even if it is usually obedient, that might bite us suddenly. This idea was general in 1930. It is not an exaggeration to say that discrimination to the black executed John. In the last scene, a hero says everyone walks in a green mile of the life. He was 108 years old now, but there is no person who lives a long life in this age. He was helped his sick by John, but he couldn’t save John from electric chair. He probably received John’s life when he was helped. But he thinks his long life is visitation. The prisoner wants to live more, but warder who enforces the death sentence hopes for the death. It is the sarcastic one. 映画「グリーンマイル」についての文です。 わからないところはエキサイト翻訳を使ったので、変なところがあると思います・・・。 でも自分ではそれが変なのかわからなくて困っています。 添削お願いします!

  • 英文解釈

    「The long and the short of it is, it is up to you.」 という英文に対して、 「結局のところ、それは君自身の問題なんだよ。」 という訳文があります。 この前半は、主語が「The long and the short of it」だと思うのですが、 なぜ「結局のところ」という訳になるのでしょうか? 熟語かと思って辞書を引いても出てきません。 どなかたお分かりになる方、お願いします。

  • 英文解釈

    下記の英文をどう解釈すれば良いのかわかりません。わかる方がいらっしゃいましたら解説お願いします。 "What he attempted to do is, he analyzed where Russia was going and attempted to ride a horse - instead, he was on the back of a bucking elephant.” --補足-- 【前後の分】 For the next six years, Gorbachev embarked on a series of domestic reforms that radically changed the Soviet Union. Former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Thomas Pickering said, "What he attempted to do is, he analyzed where Russia was going and attempted to ride a horse - instead, he was on the back of a bucking elephant.” Gorbachev’s reforms touched all segments of society. It included freeing press restrictions and releasing political prisoners and dissidents from jail and internal exile. 【出展】 VOA:

  • 英文解釈について質問があります。 12/4

    To me, „Transition“ is an almost tender album, which very much relies on a sense of breath and a precise placement of elements. How do you see the possibility of recreating this mood in a live setting? Stefan Németh: The precise placement is hopefully something we can achieve by simply practicing. This special mood is for sure another question. With this kind of music it seems it is important that you are pretty much aware of where exactly you perform it. We found out: Some locations are just wrong. It must be a room and a light setting which helps to create this intimate feeling. Think of a theater stage: the audience sits in a convenient way and is not distracted. Their focus is on the stage, the lights go down, your senses are sharpened. Under these conditions it can work. For sure, you don´t find this everywhere. In addition to this scenario, we play with a drummer - Bernhard Breuer, from Vienna - on some occasions. This gives the whole set an extroverted effect. For me it is always interesting to see that the same piece can work in two versions. There is no good or bad version, it seems it is about the actual situation - between the audience, the room and the musicians. And I am happy that we can choose between the trio and the duo version. 1.質問文についてですが、 私にとって「Transition」は”もろい”と言っても差し支えのないアルバムです。 which very much~の文のa sense of breath がどうもはっきりとわからないのです・・・。 2.With this kind of music it seems it is important that you are pretty much aware of where exactly you perform it. この文章についてですが、with this kind of musicまでが副詞句ですよね。 主文はそれ以降で、主語はit seems のit であってますか? 意味がはっきりとはつかめないのですが・・・。 3.There is no good or bad version, it seems it is about the actual situation - between the audience, the room and the musicians. この意味がはっきりとわかりません。 「いいとか悪いじゃなくてさ、・・・・・・」 以上3点よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文解釈について

    以下の英文解釈について文法的解釈も含め教えて下さい。 the townhouse, which is 以下がわかりません。 I didn’t even get into the issue of how many vehicle-miles that single-family home requires compared to the townhouse, which is naturally closer to things and denser and therefore transit-supported. よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文添削をお願いします。

    以下の私の英文チェックをお願いできますか? (1)だからこそ父の言葉は彼女の胸に響いた。 That's why her father's words have touched her heart. (2)父は自らそれを止めたと思っているだろうが、もともと彼女にはそれをしようという気持ちはなかった。彼は彼女の気持ちがわからなかったのだろうか?父は娘のことをわかっているようで、でもまだ彼女がどういう人物なのかわかっていなかったのかもしれない。 Her father thought he stopped it but that not true. She was not going to do it. Didn't he know how she felt? He believed that he knew his daughter very well and he thought he knew what kind of person she is, but actually not. (3)それでも彼女の父に対する感謝の気持ちは残っている。 Even if, her feeling of gratitude to her father is still remaining. (4)しかし彼女の混乱した気持ちを整理するには時間が必要だった。 However, she did have to take a time to comoise (?) her thoughts. すみませんがよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 次の英文でのofの果たす役割について教えて下さい。

    次の英文でのofの果たす役割について教えて下さい。 The sustainable use of natural resources is of concern to us all. ※is of concernのofについてです。 ofが無くても意味が通るような気がします。 これが加わることによって、どのような意味合いが出てくるのでしょうか? また、of concernで名詞句となっていると考えていいのでしょうか?