• 締切済み



  • negigi
  • ベストアンサー率60% (86/142)

もしかして http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22233029 だったら多分これ http://wenku.baidu.com/view/07ef434fe45c3b3567ec8b83.html 中国語分からんので、あとはがんばってね。


  • この英文を訳してください!

    Concern about health is one of the driving forces behind the rapid expansion of organics,the fastest growing segment of an otherwise Sluggish food industry.In some ways organic has become "a victim of its own success." Agribusiness is swallowing up the very farms that started as a reaction to the industrialization of America's food supply. Small organic farms rebelled against conventional farming methods that relied on Synthetic pesticides and other toxic chemicals that exhaust the soil and pollute water, but there were other aspects to the organic movement that got lost when the U.S. Department of Agriculture established organic standards in 2002. Organic farmers wanted to move away from the large corporate farms that grew only one crop such as corn or WHeat, and return to the old way offarming with various crops and farm animals all coexisting. They envisioned small regional farms supplying Americans with local, seasonal, and natural foods. However, as organic farms grew they started to look a lot like their conventional counterparts, minus the harmful chemicals. Even as critics claim that organic has been "industrialized" and taken over by big business,there is no question that a lot of good has come out of the organic movement. The conversion ofland into organic has been greatforthe environment.It has enabled consumers to have more access to fruits and vegetables grown without pesticides and to meat from animals raised on heal thier feed. However,food still often has to travel thousands of miles from farm to table,the average distance for produce being about 1,500 "food" miles. One researcher, Louise Pape, director of Climate Today,found that wheat traveled 5,110 miles from a farm in Nebraska to a Wal-Martin New Mexico, stopping in four other places on its journey from the field to a box of cake mix. Organic foods are expensive, often requiring a 20 to 50 percent price increase, depending on the product and whether it's in season, and they aren't always available. It can be especially difficult to find certified organic meat. This is all likely to change as Wal-Mart adds a substantial amount of well-priced organic foods to its shelves, much of it packaged organic versions of conventional foods like boxed macaroni and cheese and breakfast cereals. Wal-Mart's appetite for organic will surely resultin the conversion of hundreds of thousands more acres of farmland to organic. The land won't 30 necessarily be in the United States, but it's good news that consumers will have more access to organic. There are also worries about the constant pressure to weaken the organic standards, which will only increase as big business gets more involved. As the meaning of "organic" is Weakened, some farmers go "beyond organic" by using words like "local" and 'sustainable" in reaction to the industrialization of organic. There's no official definition of "sustainable," but it's essentially a way of raising food that's healthy for those who eat it as well as the farms that produce it -the animals, the farmers, and the land itself. Chemical pesticides are minimally used, animals have access to pasture, and the farm itselfis viewed as an extension of the local community. What's taken out of the environment is put back in so that it can be maintained permanently and available to future generations. Local food is fresher, doesn't have to travel thousands of miles to reach you, and is less expensive When you buy it directly from the farmer.It's also better for your local economy. When you choose local you are supporting conservation of fuel resources, economic viability of local communities, freshness, and better taste. Eating locally and in-season foods is also a more traditional way of eating. The disadvantage to local is that unless it's guaranteed to be organic you have to do allthe work yourself to know how it was produced.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 Please find attached invoice FALIN3680 for 620.70 GBP for the mugs you wanted to order. The amount outstanding of 620.70 GBP will be due in January next year, but we do not yet have a date when we will have this stock available. Here is the link to follow for Paypal payment: https://www.・・・・・・ Our PayPal email is pe***@falconenamelware.com the 4% PayPal transaction charge has been added to your invoice. Please check the quantities and delivery details and let me know if anything needs to be changed.

  • 和訳で困っています。

    変な訳になってしまうため内容がつかめません。正確な和訳にしたいので手伝ってください。この英文は税について書かれています。 (1)Options do exist to reduce or eliminate this regressivity; three possible methods are exclusions and multiple rates, income tax credits, and earmarking of some revenue for increased social spending. (2)If consumption over either a one year period or a lifetime is the measure of ability to pay, abroad based VAT (a value added tax) with a single rate would be proportional; that is, the percentage of consumption paid in VAT would be same as consumption increases. (1)この逆進性を取り除いたり減らしたりする選択肢として、増大する社会支出のための除外、複数のレート、所得税控除、いくつかの収入といった方法があります。 (2) もし一年間の消費や生涯の消費が単率VATにおける支払い能力を計る手段になるなら、VATにおける消費の割合は消費の増大と同じになるだろう。

  • 分かりにくい略語、言いにくい略語、間違えやすい略語

    略語だらけの世の中ですが、使いやすくするために略したはずなのに、かえってものすごく分かりにくくなってしまったり、言いにくくなってしまったり、或いは他と混同しやすくなってしまっていると感じるものがあれば、教えてください。 因みに私は昔から「D・I・Y(ディーアイワイ)」が、噛みそうで発音しにくいし、そもそも何のことか通じにくい略語だなと思っていました。

  • 培地に関して?

    O-157の検査で使用されているようですが、セロビオースを添加した寒天培地はO-157以外でも使用されているのでしょうか? PubMedで少し検索すると、 ・cellobiose-colstin 等が出てくるようですが・・・? 質問の意図はセロビオースが検査領域等でどれ位使用されているものか知りたい為です。 ご教示ください。

  • 培地について教えてください

    今、微生物の培地について勉強しているので、お願いします!! 培地をつくるときに、様々な薬品を混合しますよね。 それぞれの成分が生命維持などに必要なのはわかるんですが。具体的なことを教えてください!! 肉エキス・塩化ナトリウム・As・NaCl… (さっきの質問と重なってしまってごめんなさい…)

  • 培地について


  • 培地がどんどん赤くなります

    学校で癌細胞を扱っており、液体培地RPMI1640を使っております。 液体培地の封を開けて2ヶ月くらい経過すると培地が赤っぽくなっています。 培地にはメチルレッドが入っているのでアルカリ性になって赤くなるということはわかるのですがふたをきちんと閉めた状態で冷蔵保存しているのにpHがあがっていくのはなぜなのでしょうか? 普段培地は10%FBSを添加した状態で冷蔵保存していますのでFBS添加が原因でしょうか? できれば培地の管理で大事なことなども含めてアドバイスお願いします。

  • 培地について


  • 培地が割れてくる

     抗生物質の検査のため芽胞を形成させなければならなくなりました。菌は、B.cereusとB.subtilisです。  先週終わりに、夫々を液体培地で増菌し、普通寒天培地に塗沫、30℃で培養しています。  しかし、寒天がだんだん薄くなってきて所々裂け目や割れ目が出来てきて困っています。一応、インキュベターのなかにはビーカーに水をいれ乾燥を防いでいるつもりです。  このまま培地を乾燥させる訳にはいかないのでシャーレにテープを巻いて乾燥を防ごうかなと思っています。  ほかにideaはないでしょうか?