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Life is Like a Box of Chocolates


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

2月と言うのに、私には、まだ、クリスマスや新年のご馳走の食べ残しを余分にあります。さらに、1箱の詰めあわせチョコレートを処理したので、映画フォレスト・ガンプからの次のせりふを思い出さずにはいられませんでした:「ママは、人生は、1箱のチョコレートみたいだといつも言っていた。 どんな物をもらうことになるかは、決してわからない。」


  • 翻訳お願いします

    And it made me wonder if this is still true for modern life. These days , you'd be hard-pressed to find a box of shareable goodies without some kind of guide. My box of chocolates came with a bilingual description of each finely sculpted chocolate , detailing in evocative language what filling lay within each glossy shape. Don't like caramel? Even if it's “a masterful creation”? Then avoid these ones. Like praline? Then choose those ones. With chocolates these days , you actually do know what you're gonna get. excess 余り物 edible 食べられる treats 楽しみ worked my way through ~ ~を処理した ouldn't help but be reminded of ~ ~を思い出さずにはいられなかった line せりふ Forrest Gump 「フォーレスト・ガンプ」 be hard-pressed to ~ ~するのに苦労する goodies おいしいもの description 説明 sculpted 立体的に作られた evocative 心をそそる filling 中身 lay within ~ ~の中にある glossy つやつやした masterful 見事な praline プラリーヌ

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Life certainly isn't quite like Forrest Gump's box Of chocolates anymore. We might know what we're going to get, but we might not like it anyway. I prefer to think of life as a tarte Tatin -- a delicious tart that was conceived supposedly by accident in the 1880s by chef Stephanie Tatin. She almost burned the filling of an apple tart and then decided to make it upside down. Life is a bit like that : You might think you know what you're gonna get but end up making a mess of it. But sometimes , like Stephanie Tatin , all you need to do is flip your situation over, serve it anyway and realize that it's actually pretty damn good. excess 余り物 edible 食べられる treats 楽しみ worked my way through ~ ~を処理した ouldn't help but be reminded of ~ ~を思い出さずにはいられなかった line せりふ Forrest Gump 「フォーレスト・ガンプ」 be hard-pressed to ~ ~するのに苦労する goodies おいしいもの description 説明 sculpted 立体的に作られた evocative 心をそそる filling 中身 lay within ~ ~の中にある glossy つやつやした masterful 見事な praline プラリーヌ land out 並べられた neatly 美しく consumerism 消費主義 making ~ available to ~ ~に~を入手しやすくする ingrained in ~ ~に深く根付いている stalkerish ストーカーっぽい when it comes to ~ ~のことになると potential date デートするかもしれない相手 feverishly 無我夢中で step foot in ~ ~に足を踏み入れる establishment レストランのこと disappointed がっかりする inconvenienced 不便を感じる having ~ at our fingertips ~がすぐ手に入る is degrading ~を低下させている instincts 直感 fatigue 疲れ paralysis 停滞 無気力 stress yourself out 神経をすり減らす tarte Tatin タルトタタン was conceived 考え出された supposedly おそらく by accident 偶然に upside down さかさまに end up ~ 結局~する making a mess of it へまをする flip ~ over ~をひっくり返す pretty damn good すごくいい

  • 翻訳お願いします

    It's understandable that we do these things in order to avoid being disappointed or inconvenienced. But I'm curious to know if having all this information at our fingertips is degrading our ability to trust our instincts. Having too much information or choice can also lead to decision fatigue , resulting in poor decision making. Or analysis paralysis--where you overthink everything , stress yourself out and in the end , make no decision at all. excess 余り物 edible 食べられる treats 楽しみ worked my way through ~ ~を処理した ouldn't help but be reminded of ~ ~を思い出さずにはいられなかった line せりふ Forrest Gump 「フォーレスト・ガンプ」 be hard-pressed to ~ ~するのに苦労する goodies おいしいもの description 説明 sculpted 立体的に作られた evocative 心をそそる filling 中身 lay within ~ ~の中にある glossy つやつやした masterful 見事な praline プラリーヌ land out 並べられた neatly 美しく consumerism 消費主義 making ~ available to ~ ~に~を入手しやすくする ingrained in ~ ~に深く根付いている stalkerish ストーカーっぽい when it comes to ~ ~のことになると potential date デートするかもしれない相手 feverishly 無我夢中で step foot in ~ ~に足を踏み入れる establishment レストランのこと disappointed がっかりする inconvenienced 不便を感じる having ~ at our fingertips ~がすぐ手に入る is degrading ~を低下させている instincts 直感 fatigue 疲れ paralysis 停滞 無気力 stress yourself out 神経をすり減らす

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Even though it's February , I still have an excess of edible Christmas and New Year's treats to finish. As I worked my way through yet another box of assorted chocolates , I couldn't help but be reminded of a line from the movie Forrest Gump:“Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” And it made me wonder if this is still true for modern life. These days , you'd be hard-pressed to find a box of shareable goodies without some kind of guide. My box of chocolates came with a bilingual description of each finely sculpted chocolate , detailing in evocative language what filling lay within each glossy shape. Don't like caramel? Even if it's “a masterful creation”? Then avoid these ones. Like praline? Then choose those ones. With chocolates these days , you actually do know what you're gonna get. Sometimes l wish that life really was like a box of 21st-century,chocolates. It'd be nice to have all of life's choices land out neatly in front of me , with a guide telling me what to expect from each one. With consumerism and the Internet making more choice available to more people ,it's becoming ingrained in us to find out as much as we can about something before making a decision. In a way , our desire to know exactly what we're getting has resulted in a sort of stalkerish behavior when it comes to many things in life. Who hasn't tried to find out all they can about a new friend or potential date once they've connected with them on Facebook? Or feverishly looked up the menu of a restaurant they're going to in order to decide what they'll have before they even step foot in the establishment? It's understandable that we do these things in order to avoid being disappointed or inconvenienced. But I'm curious to know if having all this information at our fingertips is degrading our ability to trust our instincts. Having too much information or choice can also lead to decision fatigue , resulting in poor decision making. Or analysis paralysis--where you overthink everything , stress yourself out and in the end , make no decision at all. Life certainly isn't quite like Forrest Gump's box Of chocolates anymore. We might know what we're going to get, but we might not like it anyway. I prefer to think of life as a tarte Tatin -- a delicious tart that was conceived supposedly by accident in the 1880s by chef Stephanie Tatin. She almost burned the filling of an apple tart and then decided to make it upside down. Life is a bit like that : You might think you know what you're gonna get but end up making a mess of it. But sometimes , like Stephanie Tatin , all you need to do is flip your situation over, serve it anyway and realize that it's actually pretty damn good. excess 余り物 edible 食べられる treats 楽しみ worked my way through ~ ~を処理した ouldn't help but be reminded of ~ ~を思い出さずにはいられなかった line せりふ Forrest Gump 「フォーレスト・ガンプ」 be hard-pressed to ~ ~するのに苦労する goodies おいしいもの description 説明 sculpted 立体的に作られた evocative 心をそそる filling 中身 lay within ~ ~の中にある glossy つやつやした masterful 見事な praline プラリーヌ land out 並べられた neatly 美しく consumerism 消費主義 making ~ available to ~ ~に~を入手しやすくする ingrained in ~ ~に深く根付いている stalkerish ストーカーっぽい when it comes to ~ ~のことになると potential date デートするかもしれない相手 feverishly 無我夢中で step foot in ~ ~に足を踏み入れる establishment レストランのこと disappointed がっかりする inconvenienced 不便を感じる having ~ at our fingertips ~がすぐ手に入る is degrading ~を低下させている instincts 直感 fatigue 疲れ paralysis 停滞 無気力 stress yourself out 神経をすり減らす tarte Tatin タルトタタン was conceived 考え出された supposedly おそらく by accident 偶然に upside down さかさまに end up ~ 結局~する making a mess of it へまをする flip ~ over ~をひっくり返す pretty damn good すごくいい

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Sometimes l wish that life really was like a box of 21st-century,chocolates. It'd be nice to have all of life's choices land out neatly in front of me , with a guide telling me what to expect from each one. With consumerism and the Internet making more choice available to more people ,it's becoming ingrained in us to find out as much as we can about something before making a decision. In a way , our desire to know exactly what we're getting has resulted in a sort of stalkerish behavior when it comes to many things in life. Who hasn't tried to find out all they can about a new friend or potential date once they've connected with them on Facebook? Or feverishly looked up the menu of a restaurant they're going to in order to decide what they'll have before they even step foot in the establishment? excess 余り物 edible 食べられる treats 楽しみ worked my way through ~ ~を処理した ouldn't help but be reminded of ~ ~を思い出さずにはいられなかった line せりふ Forrest Gump 「フォーレスト・ガンプ」 be hard-pressed to ~ ~するのに苦労する goodies おいしいもの description 説明 sculpted 立体的に作られた evocative 心をそそる filling 中身 lay within ~ ~の中にある glossy つやつやした masterful 見事な praline プラリーヌ land out 並べられた neatly 美しく consumerism 消費主義 making ~ available to ~ ~に~を入手しやすくする ingrained in ~ ~に深く根付いている stalkerish ストーカーっぽい when it comes to ~ ~のことになると potential date デートするかもしれない相手 feverishly 無我夢中で step foot in ~ ~に足を踏み入れる establishment レストランのこと

  • 日本語へ翻訳して欲しいです。

    :^) Your are right! is by the character of the person . but i still think that you are a wonderful person . i like you the way you are there is no problem if you want to see my album of my facebook この文章ですが、日本語へ翻訳して下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Help! I need help! Youtube has suspended my show because of copyright infringement. But you can not copyright the title of a book movie or tv show. It’s a fact. So why is Sony trying to block me?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    I've had the worst two years of my life but after I take my prescribed meds... Music is the only thing keeping me of the ledge.

  • withろthrough

    I obtained my situation through the help of my father. これでthroughの部分がwithではダメですか? withもthrough同様、「手段」の意味があると思うのですが… 何か使い方に違いがあるのでしょうか?

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 I am very lucky, I get to work from home, and my employer is kind and fair, and treats me with respect. 後半は、“雇い主は優しくて綺麗で尊敬の念を持って接してくれる”みたいな事ですよね?前半のfrom homeって出身地でって事でしょうか? My work is boring, but i don't really mimd so much. Like, next week, I start my japanese class! boringってうんざり?? butからよくわかりません。 Likeってどう訳したら良いのでしょうか? 日本語の授業が始まるって言ってるんですよね?それとも日本語教室を始めるんでしょうか?ゞ多分日本語はわからない人だと思うのですがゞ I think I like the same things that everybody does:… …には誠実とか優しいとかそういう言葉が続きます。 You may find it interesting,… この後の文章はある国の女性は誘わない(口説かない?)とありました。 どなたか教えてくださいm(__)m