• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語問題)


  • この質問文章は、英語の文法に関する選択問題です。
  • 各問題には、ifやsince、unless、untilなどの単語を適切に入れる必要があります。
  • また、質問文章には日常会話のシチュエーションが入っており、リアルな状況での英語の使い方を学ぶことができます。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

“What will you be able to meet me?” “I can meet you tomorrow ( unless ) I have an important business meeting.” what → when “Have you seen Sue recently?” “No, I haven't seen her ( since ) she returned from her business trip.” “Don't talk to Ben now. Wait ( until ) his anger cools down.” “OK.” “What shall we do ( if ) we can't get enough money to carry out the project?” “We will have to put it off.” You don't have to pay for the bill until you receive it. After you beat the egg, add butter to it. I fell asleep while I was doing my English homework. Hurry up, or you will miss the bus. 以上でいかがでしょうか?



  • 英語でわからない問題があります。教えてください><

    次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい。というものです。4問わからないものがあります。 (1) a. I like the moon better than any other celestial body. b. I like the moon ( ) ( ) all the celestial bodies. (2) a. She is the loveliest girl I have ever met. b. I have never met ( ) ( ) lovely girl as she. c. She is ( ) ( ) any other girl I have ever met. (3) a. He said that he was happy to meet us that day at that memorable party. b. He said, "( ) ( ) happy to meet ( ) ( ) at ( ) memorable party." (4) a. He said to her, "Will you attend the party tomorrow?" b. He asked her ( ) she ( ) attend the party ( ) ( ) ( ). 問題多くてごめんなさい><1つでも分かる人がいらっしゃれば回答よろしくお願いします。  

  • 僕が考えた英語の問題

    この英文を訳す&SVOCに分けてください I must give her what I have to take the train.

  • 英語訳してください。

    ひろった文章なんですが。 Me and you have nothing to do with my gf Like i have nothing to do with ur husband So we can meet and do what we want when we are free あなたとわたしには私ねガールフレンドの事は関係がない そしてあなたの夫の事も同じだ 私たちが会うときは私たちはいつもフリーでありたい。 という訳でいいでしょうか? なんだか、意味深ぽいのかな… よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語

    1 I'll return Jane's book to her the next time I () her. アwill see イsaw ウsee エhave seen 2 These flowers () lovely. アsmell イare smell エare being smelt 3 “Mr.Green?… Well, if I remember correctly, he's a bit taller than average, and his hair is white, and he () glasses.” アis putting イis wearing ウputs on エwears 4 “Have you ever seen that movie?” “Yes, when I was in Tokyo, I () it three times.” アhad seen イhave seen ウsaw エwould see 5 “She looks so sad. () I go and talk to her?” “No, You had better leave her alone.” アWill イWould ウOught エShall 6 () it be true that 70% of Americans believe in angels? アCan イMust ウDoes エMay 7 I heard you're planning to build a new house. Do you know how much () ? アcost it will be イit cost ウit will cost エwill it cost 8 “Have you seen Mary recently?” “No, but () dinner with her on Sunday.” アI'm having イI'd been having ウI'd have エI've had 9 I don't think I can meet you at six tomorrow night because we have a lot of extra work this month. Probably, (). アI'll still be working イI'll still work ウI'm still at work エI'm still working 10 “That famous cherry tree () because of pollution.” “Yes, we have to do something to save it.” アhas death イhas died ウis dead エis dying 解説、解説等お願い致します。

  • 英語問題

    1:Saki, why don't you take some time off? You ( ) too hard lately. (1)would work (2)had worked (3)should have worked (4)have been working 2:Have you ever seen that movie ? Yes. Actually I( )it yesterday. (1)saw (2)have seen (3)had seen (4)was seen 3:We ( ) Italy four times during the 1980s. (1)used to visit (2)would visit (3)visited (4)have visited

  • 英語問題

    空欄に適する単語を下から選んで、正しい形に直して書く問題なのですが、わかりますか? わかったら、翻訳もお願いします(;_;) eat have return remove prevent (1)We need to _____all of your stomach and adjacent lymph nodes. (2)Can I_____ without my stomach? (3)You'll have to eat small amounts of food more often, but you may eventually _____to eating normally. You'll also have to _____injection of vitamin B12 for the rest of your life to _____anemia and nerve problems. (4)We'll give you radiation therapy along with your chemotherapy afterward. deliver emergency develop care cover (1)I'm a care manager. I'll assist you in _____a care plan including your needs for home _____services and home-_____ meals. (2)What happens if I can't move? (3)We have an _____response system and assist you when you call us. (4)That's very kind of you. I'm also worried about how I can pay for your service. (9)Your Medicare will _____ it.

  • 語順

    Ask yourself (calmly) what will you gain by asking her to step down, and what do you have to lose? とあったのですが、what will you gainのところはwhat you will gainでも良いでしょうか?違いはあるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語 問題

    答えが合っているか見てください。 間違ってたら何故違うのかも教えて欲しいです。 すべての問題の訳もできれば・・・ ・()do you think will win the race? 1 How 2 Who 3 Whose 4 Whether→2 ・The plant is dead. Maybe I () it more water. 1 should have given 2 should give 3 had given 4 give→3 ・We had a great time last night. You (). 1 should come 2 ought to have come 3 had come 4 could have come→4 ・It didn't rain after all, so I () my umbrella with me. 1 need have taken 2 needn't have taken 3 took 4 would take→2 ・These magagines must not (). 1 be thrown away 2 be thrown 3 throw away 4 throw→1 ・Try to avoid () soap in your eyes. 1 not getting 2 not to get 3 getting 4 to get→4 ・Frank asked me () anyone about the matter. 1 not talking 2 not to talk 3 not telling 4 not to tell→2 ・誰がその仕事に適任だと思いますか? () do you think is apt for the job?→Who 以下はわからなかった問題です ・Do you have a cellphone? =I wonder ()()()a cellphone. ・I'm sorry that she changed her plans. =She ()()() her plans. ・I was surprised that it rained. =I didn't expect ()()(). ・あなたはぜひ休息をとるべきです I insist on () taking a rest. ・あなたの助けのおかげで私は宿題を終わらすことができた His help () me to finish my homework. ・彼は電車を乗り間違えたのかもしれない He ()() taken the wrong train. ・She (to/to/not/ought/have/the salt/added) theb soup. ・What do(advise/do/me/to/you)? お願いします。

  • 英語の分からない問題を教えてください。

    次のカッコに入る語句はどれだと思いますか? 1.Yes,OK,( ).I now understand what you mean. 2.We hope that this market reserch will help us ( ) into what our customers value most. 3.You seem to be very familiar with Japanese ( ). 4.Sorry I'm late, but it really ( ). 5.There are some ( ) between the way we run our operations and the way the Munich office does. 6.Yes, that's important and we're going to ( ) at a leter point. 7.The report has some interesting recommendations to make ( ) changes in management. 語句 address that, business customs, couldn't be helped, gain insight, integral differences, pertaining to, point taken

  • あなたに会えてよかった 英語 不定詞

    あなたに会えて よかった とto不定詞を使って言いたいのですが、いかの4つの表現は それぞれどう考えられるでしょうか? 正しいですか?ニュアンスはどうなるのでしょうか?   (1) I am glad to meet you. (2) I was glad to meet you. (3) I am glad to have met you. (4) I was glad to have met you.

  • 2017年に契約してひかりtvを拝聴していのすが、最近インターネットに繋がらい事が多く、チューナーが古くなった為かと思っています。
  • 現在使っているチューナーはTV3400ですが、新しいチューナーに取り替えたいです。
  • それでも駄目ならば解約したいです。