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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳お願いします*急ぎ)



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  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

ディック・ブルーナ オランダ ユトレヒト出身 1927年生まれ 「僕は子どもみたいに絵が描けるようになりたかったんだ、だから自然と大きな紙の前ではワクワクするんだ。大人として君たちが何かを描こうとすると、何が起こったか確認することから始めるよね。僕は君たちが身近で見るもので、僕も好きなことを描くんだ。多分僕はまだちょっと子どもっぽく考え、子どもっぽい心のままなんだろう。僕が理解してないことがたくさんあるんだからね。」 ブルーナの子ども向け書籍 ブルーナが最初に描いたスケッチである、青色をバックにした真っ赤なリンゴは単純なデザインであり、色と描画による実験でした。大人はしばしばこうした原色は相性がよくないと意見しました。湿っぽく風が強い海辺での休みの日、彼は両目を表す小さな点と不恰好な両耳についての絵本を描きました。ディックの父親はこうした平面的な構図をまったく好みませんでした。にもかかわらず、ヤープ・ローメインはこれら小さな絵本のうち「リンゴちゃん」「ティス」「フォーレンダムのトト」「小さな王様」「うさこちゃんとどうぶつえん」を含む7つを出版するよう説得したのです。 ※絵本タイトルは下記から引用いたしました。 http://www.welovemiffy.com/about_m_d/book1.html





  • 翻訳お願いします3*急ぎ

    前の続きです。 While Miffy might be an international celebrity now and Bruna a millionaire(By now he has sold more than 85 million storybooks,which have been translated into 40 languages),he is one of the most unassuming men you could ever meet.In company he is rather shy.The thought that he must speak in public,gives him he trusts to give him the safety and security he needs.Every day he rises at 5 or 5.30,squeezes a glass of orange juice for his wife,Iren,and draws her a picture about things she has done,or reminders of things she is planning to do.He cycles along the Utrecht canals and goes to a cafe for a coffee. Miffy's 50th birtheay was celebrated with the opening of a museum in her honnur-the Dick Bruna Huis in Utrecht-where you can visit a permanet collection of Bruna's work. 長くなりましたがお願いします!

  • 高校1年 英文翻訳

    ★至急翻訳お願いします Life is full of adventures. Never give up,and have more guts! These are the mottos kept in Akiko 's mind. I don't like to think about the things I can't do. Instead ,I like to think about the things I can do. I want people around me to change and I also want to change and grow. By making the most of her abilities,she hopes that other deaf people will follow suit. I believe dreams are for everyone

  • 翻訳お願いします2*急ぎ

    前の続きです。 It didn't become a great success because the company had no experience with children's books and did not bother to advertise.But mixed critiques would't stop him from drawing;he was convinced that these drawings were perfect for children. Bruna was influenced by the developments in Dutch graphic design of the De Stijl Movement.He is inspired by Rietveld's Schroderhuis(in his hometown),which he thinks is fascinating because of its color and shape simplicity.By limiting the size of the pages to 155x155mm he managed to downsize the costs of his books and fit them exactly into tiny hands. Miffy's appearance chaneged in 1963.Her attitude,the shape of her face,her arms, legs,ears,everything gets a little more tension.It makes her lool moie self-confident.Bruna is always in pursuit of simpler,more perfect forms.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    OK I have the aluminum one finished and the copper is all finished except for the set screws, I need to know if you like this length or if you would like it shortened a little as it's longer than the one you showed me by several mm. I left it this long because I felt the more heat sink you have the better it is for your laser diode but you may not like the look of it so I am giving you a chance to have it shorter if you like. Also I think these heat sinks may not fit your hosts as they were made to fit these hosts and you know I like to make them tight, for example the aluminum heat sink will go in the host that the copper heat sink was made for and it's a bit loose but the copper heat sink will not fit inside of the other host. There is about .005" difference in them so you will probably want these hosts they are $12.00 each that's my cost. Let me know about the length so I can finish it up and get it off to you

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    宗教の話をしていました。 情報が足りないので、翻訳しにくいとは思いますがよろしくお願いいたします。 以下の文です!! I think you should definitely NOT trust these people, if I may. These kind of people usually trick others who suffer for a lost one, and are so incredibly mean. One of the most terrible things a person can do is to play with others feelings. It's just SO incredibly mean. If I were there, I would have had a couple of not-so-friendly words to tell these men/women. And it would have not been a good day for them, I can ensure you. I just can't bear who does these things, they make me SO incredibly angry! I totally agree with you. Yes, things can't always go well, but morning always comes :) And generally, there always are tiny little things that can make us happy. That's my opinion at least. I am catholic so I believe everyone has a soul. I also believe that this soul doesn't get lost when someone dies, as we will ...uhm..meet again someday, somewhere...i guess :) but certainly I do not believe in ghosts, I don't believe dead souls have fun scaring people or telling unlikely people to take money from others. What I mean is, even if you lose someone, that person will always be with you. Caring about you, in a certain sense, but not in the same sense those 2 idiots mean. For sure they cannot talk with dead souls or things like that. So, yes, you should tell your friend. I think she can understand, just explain your feelings quietly and with an open heart. Tell her that you don't think these people know what your grandmother feels, because you already know, feeling her close to you everyday. You are the one who knows these kind of things better than anybody else, so, extraneous people as such can't know it better than you :) Just be honest and calm, I think she will understand :)

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分ですので、中途半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He was a nervous brainy child, a plump and precocious. A large headed plethoric boy. Robust but incline to take cold easily and come down with headaches. His childhood was full of sounds and scenes from a past age. He was a beautiful child, like an old oil painting, A lively active child, doing unusual things. Doing wild unexpected things, with a horrid shrieking voice.

  • すみませんがこちらの歌詞の翻訳が乗っているところ、

    すみませんがこちらの歌詞の翻訳が乗っているところ、また翻訳を教えていただけないでしょうか? 汚い表現も多々ありますがよろしくお願いします。 I'm in Tokyo, I'm looking for a whore I tried to score some blow but I don't speak Japanese, no Find a geisha girl, I take her for a whirl Wrap a tuna roll on my dick and the bitch is on her knees, yeah Sucky fucky, sucky fucky Sucky fucky, sucky fucky, smells like sushi Sucky fucky, sucky fucky Sucky fucky, sucky fucky, smells like sushi Asian hooker Hot little motherfucker Asian hooker You're a dirty little cocksucker Sucky, sucky I'm in South Korea, broke out with gonorrhea Now I totally figured it out that's why it hurts when I go pee, shit I feel like a jerk 'cause my dick won't work, no It's like I got punched in the nuts by a dude who knows tai chi Sucky fucky, sucky fucky Sucky fucky, sucky fucky, smells like sushi Sucky fucky, sucky fucky Sucky fucky, sucky fucky, smells like sushi Asian hooker Hot little motherfucker Asian hooker You're a dirty little cocksucker Asian hooker Hey, I'm the man with a plan, I'm fuckin' going to Japan Gonna spend a couple of grand just fucking hookers in the can Fuck the rest of the band, I'm fuckin' going to Asian Do some coke and get a tan, I'm fuckin' gonna be the man Asian hooker Hot little motherfucker Asian hooker You're a dirty little cocksucker I want them Asian hookers Let's do some Asians Let's fuck some hookers Hookers

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 One of the things that can be important in a relationship are the kind of hobby and social life that the other person is used to and likes. If he is a stay at home character, contented to potter round the house in his free time, or if he is wild extravagant and always socializing and wants an independent life outside the relationship to do so. If he will shut you out of his leisure. Or if you’ll socialize and become in involved in thing together as a couple. These things can be important within the structure of a relationship and can help draw the bond closer, or change it. So this is what I will come to now.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The United Nations was created immediately after World War II to ensure that nothing like World War II ever happened again Trump just went before them and threatened to start a world war. I don't think Don the Dick gets it.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! I think that he’s an incredible dreamer, incredibly naïve, he’s incredibly smart in what he wants to be smart at he’s one of those guys that knows ten thousand little things but doesn’t know much about one big thing and it was really fun, it was really fun to read and... Again there was something inspiring about it, there was something child like about it. There was something oddly brave about it and the thing that was very cool about the part to me was that he’s a simple guy and in his simplicity he doesn’t over think the world. And so he just lets the world happen to him and I think that that’s a blessing a lot of the time. ある俳優のインタビューです。 自分の役柄について聞かれ答えているのですが、どうしても意味が理解できないんです。。。 長文ですが宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m