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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳お願いします)



  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

ーーー拙訳ーーー 彼女が駅に駆け込んだ時には、目つきが血走っていて、服はすり切れていた。 「あの女の子は正気じゃないぞ!」と、誰かが言った。 「急行を!」ケイトは叫んだ。「急行を止めて下さい!」 駅長は、彼女が何のことを言っているのか分からなかった。がしかし、知ろうとして立ち止まりはしなかった。すでに、駅長には、急行が近づいて来るのが聞こえていた。赤いランプを手に取り、外へ走り出た。 機関車の汽笛が彼の耳に届いた。近かった。数秒で、急行は町を駆け抜けて行くだろう。駅長はホームに進み出ると、頭上を照らす列車のヘッドライトを見た。間一髪、間に合った。機関士は彼のランプを見て、列車に急ブレーキをかけて止めた。 「どうした?」機関士が、停車した列車からステップを降りてきて、駅長に言った。「こんな小さな町で急行を止めるなんて、どういうつもりなんだ?」 乗客たちも、何が起こったかのか不思議に思いながら、列車の外へと、はしごを降りてきた。機関士、駅長、そしてその他の人たち全員がケイトに目を向けた。彼女だけが事情を知っていた。そして、彼女はその訳を話した。 彼女が説明し終わると、彼女に抱きつき感謝する人たちがいた。ほっとして声をあげて泣く人たちも……。ケイトが彼らの命を救ったことに全員が気づいた。彼女はヒロインとして賞賛された。 しかし、彼女は、ホニー川の2人の男たちのことを忘れてはいなかった。 数分して、列車は3回、かん高く汽笛を鳴らした。これは、トラブルがあったという、町の人たちへの合図だった。男たちが手に何本もロープを持って、走ってやってきて、機関車によじ登った。彼らといっしょにケイトは、あの橋を渡り、 — 幸運なことに、橋はまだ持ちこたえていた — そして、ホニー川橋に向かった。 --- keys --- stop to find out = [自動詞]+to 不定詞(目的) threw their arms around her in gratitude = 直訳「感謝の気持ちから彼女に抱きついた」 had saved as a heroine.their lives. = 『as a heroine.』は、typo と判断し、訳から削除しました。 that there was trouble = that は、同格節を導く接続詞。that 以下は、a signal と同格。 Honey Creek = google map では、日本語表記『ホニー川』。 lengths of rope = cups of coffee と同じような構造。『可算名詞(単位)+of +不可算名詞』 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★ Hope it helps.


  • 翻訳してください

    Kate Shelley got to pigpen just in time. The water was just about to flood the floor. She gathered up the seven little pigs. Followed by their mother , she took the pigs up to the barn , which was on higher ground. The rain showed no signs of stopping. Little did Kate know that she would become a heroine that night. She was fifteen years old , poor , and a good girl. Her father had been a railroad man before he died. That was all anyone might have said about her before this night. After she had seen to all the animals , Kate went in the house. She stood by her mother and watched Honey edging higher and higher up its banks. “I'm afraid it will flood ,” said Kate's mother. “It looks that way ,” answered Kate. “And if it gets much higher , the bridge might collapse.” “Let's hope it lasts until the express goes through ,” said her mother. “I'm worried about the railroad trestle ,” said Kate. “What if that goes?” The railroad trestle crossed the Des Moines River , which fed Honey Creek. If the water in Honey Creek was high , it was sure to be high in the Des Moines River. Just then , they heard the sound of an engine. They saw its headlight moving slowly toward Honey Creek Bridge. It was the extra engine that helped to push heavy trains up the hills on either said of the river. Now it was backing down the track , with men on the running board looking for danger. It began to cross Honey Creek Bridge , which was shaking by now. Then the bell on the train sounded twice. There was a crash. “Mother ,” shouted Kate. “They've gone down!” It was still. The two were quiet for a minute. Then Kate said , “I have to go and help them , mother. And I have to stop the midnight express. They'll never know the bridge is down if I don't.” “Listen , Kate ,” her mother answered. “You're only a child. Only fifteen.” “But I'm the oldest here but for you. And you you have to stay with the young ones ,” said Kate. “You'll never make it. You'll have to cross the trestle. It's full of danger.” Her mother saw the look on Kate's face. She knew it would be worthless to try to stop her. “Go , then ,” she said. “But be careful.”  

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    The men from town came out of the engine. They threw a rope to the two men caught in the creek. One held it and climbed up on shore, hand over hand. He threw his arms around Kate, knowing she had saved him. The other man in the river could not be reached until the next morning, but finally he was safely rescued. For days, Kate got letters from people who had read about her in the paper. People sent money, which helped the family in their poverty. A new railroad bridge was named after her. When she grew up, she became the railroad ticket seller in town. She was allowed to ride the railroad free whenever she wanted to. What's more, the engineer would make a stop right in front of her house to let her off!

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Kate hurriedly put on her old coat and took a lantern. She rushed out. Her mother watched , wondering if she would ever see Kate again. She thought of the trestle , high above the Des Moines River. The danger of crossing it was great even in the daytime when the weather was clear. Now , at night , in a storm , it would be frightening. Kate might easily fall through into the raging river below. To Kate , the farmhouse yard looked like a big bowl of water. The water was lapping over the track which went by the house. Kate had to climb the hill behind the house to a place where the tracks cut through. The tracks were not flooded there , and she ran along them to Honey Creek Bridge. Part of the bridge was still up. The rest of it hung down in the water. Kate could see the shine of the engine down there in the flooding river. She heard cries. Then she saw two of the four men from the helper engine. They were hanging desperately onto a piece of wood. It seemed that the other two men were lost. Cupping her hands around her mouth , she tried to shout above the sound of the flood and storm. “I'm going for help ,” she cried. “I have to flag down the express!” She watched them call back to her. Then she knew that they couldn't have heard her voice , for she couldn't hear theirs. With Honey Creek Bridge down , the only way to town was over the railroad trestle crossing the Des Moines River. She began to run along the creek toward it. When she saw the railroad trestle , she knew something of what she was in for. Wet and shining black above her , the trestle was shaking hard from the raging water. The river was now almost flooding its banks. The water was swirling close to the tracks on the trestle. The rain came down harder. Kate stopped to think. Was there any other way into town? No. Would anyone else know about Honey Creek Bridge collapsing? No , not anyone on the town side , where the express would come from. There was no one else. Only Kate. And if she didn't get there in time , a whole express train of people would plunge over the edge into Honey Creek. Hundreds of innocent people would be drowned. She had to do it.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Kate stepped out on the trestle to see if it would hold her. Though she could feel it shake beneath her, it did not go down. Then, the wind blew out her light. The night was black. She began to crawl, feeling ahead of her to see if the bridge was still there. From one board to the next she went cautiously on. Sometimes she would slip and almost fall into the roaring water below. Then she would regain her hold and go on. Kate did not know what time it was. The express would come through at twelve. What if she vas still on the bridge when it came? She would be killed. But there was no way back now. Part of the way across, she saw a big tree rushing down the river. It had been torn out of the ground by the flood, and dirt still hung on its roots. It was approaching fast. It is sure to push the bridge down, she thought. And I can't stop it. Her heart beat quickly. Then the tree passed under the bridge, clearing the trestle by only a foot. Kate kept crawling. Nails and splinters caught at her clothes. Her hands were torn. Thinking of the express and all its passengers, she made one last effort and finally reached the end of the bridge. She stopped only a minute to rest. As soon as she could, she began to run as fast as she could toward the railroad station in town. It was a half mile away.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Margie made a face. “School? What's there to write about school? I hate school.” Margie always hated school , but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography. She had been doing worse and worse. In the end , her mother had shaken her head sadly and sent for the County Inspector. He was a little man with a red face. He had a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at her and gave her an apple. Then he took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn't know how to put it together again. But he knew how , all right. After an hour or so , there it was again - large and black. It had a big screen , on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. That wasn't so bad. The part which she hated most was the slot where she had to put the homework and test papers. She always had to write them our in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old. The mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time. The inspector had smiled after he had finished , and patted her head. He said to her mother , "It's no the little girl's fault , Mrs. Jones. I think the geography part was geared a little too quickly. I've slowed it up to an average 10-year level. In fact , the overall pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory." Again he patted Margie's head. Margie was disappointed. She had been hoping they would take the teacher away. They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for about a month , because the history part had not worked.

  • ■二重否定、翻訳

    She had not a thought in her head that was not a slogan ,and there was no imbecility, absolutely none that she was not capable of swallowing if the Party handed it out to her 二重否定が多く、何がいいたいのかわかりません。 文法的に説明してください。 よろしくお願いします ※オーウェル「1984」 離婚した妻(she)がどれほど愚かであるかを説明している箇所です

  • 翻訳してほしいです・・・

     しっかりとした日本語の翻訳してほしいです。 (1)The problems facing Cambodia. Underage girl prostitution is a serious social problem in Cambodia. Especially in brothels in villages near the capital Phnom Penh,it is not uncommon for young girls to take customers in the company of adult prostitutes. This was about 10 years ago. When I was in Cambodia as a university student, I had the opportunity to visit a facility that sheltered women and children who had been victims of prostitution and provided them with vocational training. One of the girls who particularly impressed me was Lilia, a 12-year-old girl with long, silky black hair. Lilia was 10 years old when she was sold from a poor village in the north and forced to sell her body in a brothel in a back alley in Phnom Penh. When she did not want to take clients, she was beaten and kicked and forced to do what she was told. When I visited the facility, she had already been taken care of and was being cared for, and her mental and physical wounds were healing, but at the time she was taken care of, she had bruises and burns all over her body and was in great pain. (2)I spent time with Lilia playing tag and ball. She was quieter than most children, but her occasional smile was pure childlike. Lilia was very attached to me, and when we were tired of playing, we took a shower together. Lilia was naked and I could see the scars on her small, thin body. There were burn marks on her back and large teeth marks on the bulge of her small breasts. Such an innocent girl had been in a brothel until a few months ago. I felt as if I had been confronted with this reality, and I felt indescribable. When I left the establishment after staying there for a few days, Lilia handed me a beautiful red flower and a small letter. The letter said, in her own words, 『I was happy to be with you』 As I was driving home from the facility, my heart ached as I imagined the unimaginable that had happened to such a young and sweet girl. More than a year later, I visited Cambodia again. Although I was not able to visit the facility, I had dinner with the staff. 「How is Lilia?」I asked him, and he told me the shocking truth「Actually, she ran away from the facility」 (3)I wondered where the little girl had gone after running away from the facility. As we often hear in other facilities, Cambodian girls often escape from shelters and return to brothels because their families cannot survive without them working. Did Lilia also go back to the brothel? Or are they trying to return to their own homes? It was very painful to think about how that little Lilia was doing.

  • gaslighter

    I recently ran into an old friend I ceased contact with when I found out my then-partner had once cheated on me with her. I was young, there was a huge age difference, and he was a classic gaslighter. She was even younger—and he put all the blame on her. Now I know he probably took advantage of her in the same way he did me. Since our awkward run-in as adults recently, I’ve considered reaching out—mostly to acknowledge what happened and offer to set the facts to rights, if she wants. gaslighterとset the facts to rightsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed. Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the boiled eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?” “Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she hastily replied. “Look closer,” he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face. high fireとladled the coffee outとpulling off the shellの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I was in the cafe by the north entrance to the station, reading my paper and having a coffee .I had an appointment with a client nearby and I was killing time because I'd arrived half an hour early.I suddenly heard a terrible shout, and when I looked out of the window,I saw that a woman was in the middle of the crossing. I assumed she'd fallen off her bicycle because it was lying on the tracks and all her shopping had come out of her basket.People were calling out to her from the road.Some were telling her to stay put and others were telling her to get off the crossing. She didn't seem to know what to do.She just say there.One of the waiters in the cafe saw this and ran out to get her.