• 締切済み


Calendar usually makes us realize the date, a day of the week and our schedule. So calendar is very useful for us to check the date, a day of the week and our schedule. A week is made up 5 week days and 2 holidays. Week days are from Monday to Friday for students and holidays are Saturday and Sunday. Week days are written by black figure and Saturday is written by blue it and Sunday is written by red it most calendars. Each country is different from to start a day of the week in a week. Most Japanese style calendars is written from Sunday to Saturday in a week. On another side Chinese style calendar is written from Monday to Sunday in a week. Each month is different from date. Some months have 31 days, some months have 30 days. Especially February has 28 days, every 4 years it has 29 days. These day many people use digital calendar, for example smart phone. On another side many people use paper calendar too. I prefer paper calendar to digital calendar because I’m not good at operating machine and paper calendar is easy to write. こちらの添削及び追加したほうがよい事項があれば、英文でかいていただけるとうれしいです


  • cherry77_
  • ベストアンサー率23% (291/1261)

まず、第1文目と2文目は似たようなことを言ってるのでどちらか削除したほうがいいかと思います。 ちなみに1文目のmakes us realizeという場所ですが、 realizeというのを確かに気づくという意味ですが、頭で考えて気づく、という意味ですので、 カレンダーをパッとみて日付を知る場合には用いないほうがいいです。 Calendar lets us know the date~とするのが自然かと思います。 A week is made up 5 week days and 2 holidays は、 A week has five week days and two weekend days. としたほうがいいでしょう。 日本人は休日=holidayと勘違いしがちですが、holidayはholyなdayなので 土日というよりはクリスマスや感謝祭などの祝日を指します。 従って、その次の文は書き直しが必要です。 Week days are written by black figure and Saturday is written by blue it and Sunday is written by red it most calendars. は、 Week days are shown in Black, Saturdays are highlighted in blue and Sundays in Red in most calendars. Saturdaysと、複数形にするのが大事です。 また、highlighted という言葉を二回連続使用するのは避けるため二回目は省略してあります。 こういう省略の仕方はアリです。 Each country is different from to start a day of the week in a week. は、言わんとしていることがわかりますが英文自体はあいまいなので The first day of a week differs from country to country. とすると明快です。 Most Japanese style calendars is written from Sunday to Saturday in a week.は、 In most Japanese calendars, a week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. 次の中国のことに関してはOn the other hand から始めてください。 Each month is different from date.は、意味が通じないので Each month has a different number of days.などとするとわかりやすいです。 These day many people use digital calendar, for example smart phone. は These days many people usu digital calendars such as ones on smart phones に。 ここでまたOn another sideとありますが、前に似たようなことを言っているので違う接続詞を選びましょう 例えば Howeverとか。 I’m not good at operating machine and paper calendar is easy to write. は、 operate machineだと工場などで機械を運転するかのように聞こえるので、I am not goood with technologies and paper calendars are easy to write on とすると良いでしょう。 write のあとにonを忘れず。

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

★Calendar usually makes us realize the date, a day of the week and our schedule. Calendar makes → Calendars make realizeは大袈裟な感じがします。 Calendars usually tell us ... で十分です。 ★So calendar is very useful for us to check the date, a day of the week and our schedule. So calendar is ... → So calendars are ... the date, a day .... を繰り返すのは格好の悪い文です。 たとえば、So calendars are very useful for us. でいいのでは? ★A week is made up 5 week days and 2 holidays. Week days are from Monday to Friday for students and holidays are Saturday and Sunday. for students が余計です。(週休2日の社会においては) ★Week days are written by black figure and Saturday is written by blue it and Sunday is written by red it most calendars. by black figure→in blackがいいと思います。by blue it →in blue ◎Week days are written in black and Saturdays and Sundays are written in red in most calendars. ★Each country is different from to start a day of the week in a week. →これは文法的にまずいです。 Each country is different as to when to start the day of the week. In some countries, Sunday is the first day of the week, while in others, Monday is (the first day of the week). ★Most Japanese style calendars is written from Sunday to Saturday in a week. →主語の書き方が重たい Most of the Japanese-style calendars have Sunday as the first day of the week. In most calendars in Japan, a week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. ★On another side Chinese style calendar is written from Monday to Sunday in a week. →On the contrary, (most of the) Chinese-style calendars are ... あとは上述の表現と同じ。 ★Each month is different from date. Some months have 31 days, some months have 30 days. Days of the month vary. Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days. February is peculiar. It has 28 days, and yet every 4 year, it has 29 days. ★These day many people use digital calendar, for example smart phone. →Today, many people use digital calendars, especially smart-phone users do. ★On another side many people use paper calendar too. calendar→calendars →Yet, there are also many people who use paper calendars. ★I prefer paper calendar to digital calendar because I’m not good at operating machine and paper calendar is easy to write. →I prefer paper calendars to digital calendars because I’m not good at operating machines and paper calendars are easy to look at. あなたがpaper calendarsを書くわけでもないでしょう。easy to writeはeasy to look atでは? 以上、ご参考になればと思います。

