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  • 大至急!!!日本語訳お願いします

    This “evidence” can then be used to challenge the original custoby ruling. But shouldn’t the children have some say in the matter? Yes,says social worker Dr.Ruth Bettelheim in a recent new york times essay. “Once children have reached the age of reason ---generally agreed to be about seven--- they should be recognized as the ultimate experts on their own lives. In other words,they should have the right to speak up on their own behalf and,in effect,to decide with whom they want to live. To this end,Bettelheim proposes that every two years, children should be allowed to talk confidentially with social workers about their own custody.

  • 至急、日本語訳お願いします。

    “Part of what gets muddled when you talk about gender differences is the skill of driving and risk-taking,” Ms. McCartt said. The bottom line, she said, is that “aggressive driving behavior is a bigger piece of the pie than skill” when it comes to serious crashes. “The evidence is really incontrovertible that men as drivers take more risks,” she said. The males of the species are not only more dangerous as drivers, they are more likely to be hurt while walking, the city’s study found. More men than women were killed or injured as pedestrians in every age group except among those over 64 (perhaps because women live longer and were overrepresented). Boys 5 to 17 years old ranked first in the absolute number of pedestrian deaths and serious injuries, with 785, more than twice the number of girls in that age range, though elderly people were more vulnerable as a share of the population.

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします!

    "I've stayed in other hotels where pets are allowed, and they all smelled pretty bad," said a guest, who stays at the hotel once a year. "So I'd never consider going back to any of those places, but this hotel is kept in great condition. It's a wonderful place to stay." According to the largest travel agency in Japan, about 70 percent of the 14.5 million families that own pets want to travel with their animals. However,many people can't take their cats or dogs on holidays as only a small number of hotels accept pets. Recently, however, the number of hotels that allow guests to bring their pets has started to grow. "Pets have a hearing quality," said the hotel manager. "I want to welcome guests with pets in the same way I'd welcome people bringing their babies." 長文ですみません(´`;) 長文の一部なので訳しにくいかもしれません。 文法の説明を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    “It has to do with our motherly instincts,” said Amy Forgione, 35, a driver for 19 years. Men, she said, feel above the rules. “They feel like they control the road, that they own the road.” When she drives with her husband, Ms. Forgione said, she buckles her seat belt and holds her breath. Social scientists and traffic safety experts say that male drivers around the world get into more than their share of bad car crashes, and that the male propensity for aggression and risk taking, fueled by testosterone, is to blame. Men, experts say, are more likely to drink and take drugs while driving, to avoid wearing seat belts, to speed and even to choose a smaller gap to turn through across oncoming traffic.

  • 18-4日本語訳

    お願いします。 He told his people that he wanted them to live in a way that would lead to an“increase of their inner worthiness.”Ashoka also promoted the teachings of the Buddha and sent missionaries,including his son and his daughter,to lands as dar away as Sri Lanka so that his people would not make the same mistakes he had.As he said,“All men are my children.As for my own children,I desire that they may be provided with all the welfare and happiness of this world and of the next,so do I desire for all men as well.”  As part of his reforms,Ashoka banned the sacrifice of animals.This confused and angered many of his people,especially the Brahmins who made their living by performing animal sacrifices.The Brahmins were powerful enemies,break away from the Mauryan Empire after Ashoka's death.The last Mauryan ruler was assassinated in 185 BCE by one of his generals-who was,not so coincidentalky,a Brahmin.Although other kings would follow,no ruler would be strong enough to unite the many different people of the subcontinent into a single political state for 1,600 years.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    1 Considering Chief is in several tons of metal armor, I don’t think the swimming option is really all that viable. 2 I am a small business owner that has 5 employees. I was on par to provide health insurance but the premiums have skyrocketed and now I have to tell my employees we cannot offer health benefits. How can these young families gain any health benefits? Have the rates for personal health insurance dropped? Is there a way to help employees fund their own personal policies? I have over a hundred subcontractors and have to be careful that they have supplied all their paperwork stating they are independent contractors, otherwise the gov has said they will be treated as employees. Who knows if they will try and charge owners $750 per subcontractor if the owner isn’t following every letter of the law? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    先程の続きです。日本語に訳してほしいです。 “These patterns are set sort of early,” said Tom Vanderbilt, the author of “Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us).” “You see a lot more boys killed running into traffic,” he said. This is partly because boys are given more “freedom to roam,” and the culture expects them to take more risks, Mr. Vanderbilt said. “That pattern is set early but continues through every sort of life stage, including driving,” he said. While the experts seem to consider aggression a bad thing, many male drivers thought it was a strength. “On the road, I think the most important things are intuition and aggressiveness,” said Mark Volinsky, 24, who has been driving for six years. “It’s hard even for me to conjure those up driving around the city, so I can’t imagine someone like my 45-year-old mom being able to function in that kind of dog-eat-dog environment.”

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    He counted how long he could hold his breath. Each day he improved his time. Even back at home he timed himself by the clock, and was proud to find he could hold his breath for two minutes. The authority of the clock brought close the adventure that was so important to him. The day after tomorrow, his mother reminded him casually one morning, they must go home. He swam straight out to the rock and looked down into the water. This was the moment when he would try. If he did not do it now, he never would. He filled his lungs, started to count, and dived to the bottom. He was soon inside the dark, narrow hole. The water pushed him up against the roof. The roof was sharp and hurt his back. He pulled himself along with his hands — fast, fast. His head knocked against something; a sharp pain dizzied him. He counted: one hundred… one hundred and fifteen. The hole had widened! He gave himself a kick forward and swam as fast as he could. He lost track of time and said one hundred and fifteen to himself again. Then he saw light. Victory filled him. His hands, reaching forward, met nothing; and his feet propelled him out into the open sea. He floated to the surface, pulled himself up onto the rock and lay face down, catching his breath. After a time he felt better and sat up. Then he swam to shore and climbed slowly up the path to the house. His mother came to meet him, smiling. “Have a nice time?” she asked. “Oh, yes, thank you,” he said. “How did you cut your head?” “Oh, I just cut it.” They sat down to lunch together. “Mom,” he said, “I can hold my breath for two minutes — three minutes.” “Can you, darling?” she said. “Well, you shouldn’t overdo it. You look a bit pale. I don’t think you ought to swim any more today.” She was ready for a battle of wills, but he gave in at once. It was no longer of the least importance to go to the bay.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (9) When the aspiring young politician finished his travels, he settled in Rome. Although he hated the corruption that he saw among the city's officials, he wanted to join their club. He hoped to become a magistrate and convince the others to govern once again with honor and justice―to forget their own ambitions and work for the common good. (10) Cicero wasn't a coward. He never hestitated to point ont the crimes that he saw, even if high-ranking officials had committed them. His first legal case pitted him against a top lawyer. Against all odds, he won. This victory made his reputation as the young man who beat an old pro. (11) In 75 BCE the people elected Cicero quaestor, an assistant to the governor of Sicily, when he was 30 years old―the youngest age the law allowed. Even though his ancestors had never held major office in Rome, Cicero climbed the ladder of success very quickly. He did it through hard work and innate brilliance. But Rome was like a boiling pot of trouble in Cicero's day, just as it had been when the Gracchi brothers were alive. Fierce battles still raged in the streets because so many people were hungry and jobless. (12) Riots and corruption had threatened Rome's security in the age of the Gracchi. Afterward, the situation greweven worse. German tribes moved south into Roman territory in southern Gaul modern France), where they defeated Roman armies in three frightening battles. This was the first time since Hannibal that foreign invaders had threatened Italy. Faced with new enemies, Rome desperately recruited soldiers. The consul Gaius Marius enlisted a new army, even accepting poor men who owned no land. Although soldiers usually supplied their own equipment, Marius gave uniforms and weapons to these new recruits.

  • 英語の日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    次の英文を日本語に訳せる方、教えて下さい。 (1)To whom is this notice most likely addressed? (A)tailors and seamstresses (B)Anyone who washes clothes (C)Members of the FTC (D)Television viewers (2)What does the notice say is likely to occur? (A)It will take several years to create symbols. (B)The FTC will use the FCC symbols. (C)People will be delighted with the simple codes. (D)Garments will not be washed as they should. (3)What can be said about the new brochure? (A)It is expensive. (B)It is printed by the FCC. (C)It is flashy. (D)It will take several years to be printed. よろしくお願いします。