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ニュアンスというより、単語の意味。辞書を。 join ~     ~を結合させる、結び付ける、一緒にする ←文脈により縁結びの意味でも。 concern for ~ ~への関心、心配 「デリーの極悪な犯罪の犠牲者である若い女性への思いで私たちはつながっています」





  • 英文ニュースの和訳

    4月15日付けのTIME誌オンラインの記事 “India's Celebrity Wedding Nearly Derailed by Scandal”を読んでいたのですが(ヒンズー教徒:インド人とイスラム教徒:パキスタン人のスポーツセレブによる結婚についての記事)、以下の一文の意味がわかりませんでした。 Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani managed only a handshake with his Indian counterpart in Washington this week, but his wedding gift to the happy couple is reportedly on the way, as are those of several other prominent politicians. as are those of ~のあたりがいまいち意味が解らないのですが、お分かりになるかた教えて頂けたら嬉しいです。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • BBCニュースの英訳お願いします!

    BBCニュースの訳教えてください! この前のフィリピンの台風の話なのですがいまいち訳があやふやな場所があるので教えてください。 Almost 35000 people were still sheltering in evacuation centres on Sunday, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said. これがひとつめです。 Official said many bodies remained unclaimed, suggesting entire famililies has veen swept away. これが二つ目です。 the affected area is so wide and huge and I believe they have not really gone to all areas to do a search. これが3つめです。 the rescue effort, boosted by some 20000 soldiers, countinued through Saturday night but was being hampered by flooded-out roads and downed power lines, officials said. これが4つ目です。 National TV showed scenes of devastation, with streets strewn with mud and piles of debris. The remains of houses lay alongside cars that had been picked up by the water and left in culverts and along riverbanks. これが5つめです。 The BBC’Kate McGeown in Manila said the storm took everyone by surprise. この6つめです。

  • ニュースの翻訳

    ニュース記事を翻訳しているのですが、なかなか上手く訳せません。 原文は以下のとおりです。 Consolidating our two Charleston area operations into a single location allow us to become more efficient and is consistent with our strategy of being a low-cost produver in all its business.This move will reduce the complexity of our operations and allow us to better serve our customer. 適切な訳をご教示ください。よろしくお願いします。

  • どう和訳しますか?

    以下の文のpublicly dishonoredをどう訳したら良いか悩んでいます。 何かしっくりくる日本語の表現がありましたら教えて頂けないでしょうか? "The official said people who have been found guilty of rape will be publicly dishonored. " (当局者によると、強姦の罪で有罪判決を受けた人は??公に名誉を汚されることになる??、とのことです。) ちなみにソースはVoice of Americaの記事からです。 http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/india-looking-for-answers-after-the-deadly-rape-of-a-young-woman-in-new-delhi/1574238.html 以上、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 低能がBBCニュースランダムピックして質問するよ

    2 January 2013 Last updated at 13:29 GMT Help The father of the Delhi gang rape victim has been speaking to the BBC about his daughter. The 23-year-old medical student died from her injuries on 29th December in hospital in Singapore, where she was flown for specialist treatment. During his interview, her father, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said that while his daughter was still in hospital, she ''held her mother and whispered, Mummy, I am sorry... I am sorry". まだやってんの?インドのレイプ事件 http://ja.forvo.com/search/Singapore/ シンガポールの発音チェック she was flown for specialist treatment. これ fly-flew-flownですよね? ヘリか飛行機で運ばれたんですか? 彼女 インドじゃ治療困難だから緊急搬送へりだろうなたぶん シンガポールの病院か おおおおおおおおおおおお やべ 最後の一文に心打たれた・・・・僕こういうの弱いんですよwww やめてくれますか僕を泣かすの。。。 ちょっとここ難し言い回しですよね who cannot be named for legal reasons どういう意味でしょうか?

  • 和訳

    英語勉強中です。 BBCのLearning English Words in the Newsで記事(2012年の10月12日)を読んでいたのですが。 よく理解できない文章がありました。 The creation of conditions in which economies, and education and health services, might develop in the poorest parts of the world. 文章の構造がよくわかりません。 和訳を教えてください。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    医療系ニュースの記事の一部です。 よろしくお願いします꒰๑•௰•๑꒱ All of the above cases involved nurses and obviously not all of the nurses were good leaders, neither in the practice of nursing nor in their adherence to the mandates of their legal and ethical responsibilities as nurse leaders. Abraham Lincoln once said “Whatever you are, be a good one.” Good nursing leadership is demanding. You must constantly meet those demands with the qualities, characteristics and attributes to which your staff and your patients are entitled.

  • 和訳が知りたいです。

    インドの方からのメールですが訳が知りたいのです。 最後のkeep writing とはどのような意味があるのでしょうか? Dearest friend Thanks to your wishes, we watched aurora during the last day. Expressions, goodness of heart and good friendship is never constraint by any language. The day we met, I wished I knew more Japanese because both Pragya (the gal) and myself wanted to talk to you so much more. So we are really sorry as well that we don't know Japanese. Actually, in my heart, I really feel so inspired to you all guys that you have stick to your own culture and language. I wish we Indians loved our own language as much as you do. Photograph came out really well. Thanks for sending it. We have couple of Japanese friends and from them we know we really love Japanese people. Culture wise they are so close to Indians. Japanese preserved ashes of our great leader Subash Chandra Bose in their Japanese temple for so many decades. Japanese help this leader build his army to free India. So we always feel thankful to Japan. Some of our best movies have famous songs shot in Japan with Japanese words. 'Sayonara' word became so famous in India. When in 50-60's Japan had to give away their leader to British was a war hero, whole India had cried over that incident. My parents still remember that incident and keep telling me about that. Japan Suzuki brought in the car revolution for India and still is a market leader. So we are very well connected with Japan. I can understand how much shocking it might have been for you to go back to Japan. Japan has suffered so much in last 50 years. They are such a peaceful nature but still have suffered so much. It is very unfortunate. I am sure Japan will revive. I can tell you whole of India's wishes are with you guys. You all have so much energy, patience and strong will. I am glad that your near dear ones and house is safe. Please say my wishes to your family. Keep writing.

  • BBCのウェブサイトの英文がわかりません。

    BBCのウェブサイトでどうしてもわからない文章があるので、訳していただけないでしょうか?(できれば文法的なことも付け加えていただけると助かります) but they are calling on their case to be heard as a class action, so the grievances of all women employees can be heard together.・・・・(意味をとらえることができませんでした) It's for the Supreme Court to decide in the coming weeks whether the lawsuit should cover all female retail staff who've worked in Wal-Mart stores in America since 1988.・・・(文章の構文が理解できなかったためにわかりませんでした。) Wal-Mart says any grievances should be heard on a case-by-case basis, rather than be lumped together as one, and deny any claims of sexism.(この文章のなかのas one がよくわかりません) よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    下の英文を和訳してください! 自然な訳にしたいので、翻訳ソフトや、アプリはなしでお願いいたします! The only problem with common sense is that it is based on our preconceived notions in most cases rather than on evidence. For example, common sense suggests that better lighting reduces crime. If I were going to commit a crime I would look for a dark spot. But as it turns out, I am not a criminal. And in the case of lighting there is some evidence that common sense is not completely right. A recent headline contained these words: Street lighting is said to affect crime-little. The article contained this report : "A government-funded study has concluded that although well-light streets may lessen the fear of crime, there is no statistically significant evidence that the lighting actually reduced crime. The study says that crime increased in certain well-illuminated area because the thieves could see what they were doing better. Another finding was that the lighting displaces crime. In addition to increasing in the newly lighted areas, in neighboring places where the lighting has not yet been installed crime goes up." Perhaps you have visited a friend recenty in a hospital. If you are old enough to remember visiting people in a hospital 30 or more years ago, perhaps you will recall that in the surgical wards there were few patients walking. Common sense used to dictate that movement right after surgery was harmful. Whether by design or accident, patients are now almost forced out of bed the first day after surgery in most cases. Healing takes place more quickly with immediate movement. Common sense reasons were replaced with reasons based on evidence in this particular case. Until we evaluate the effects of our common sense notions in the same way increased lighting and movement after surgery have been evaluated, we can hardly hope to learn if what we do is worthwhile, let alone improve what we do. 長いですがよろしくお願いします。