
  • BBCのウェブサイトでわからない文章があるので、訳していただけますか?(文法的な解説もお願いします)
  • ウェブサイトの英文が理解できません。訳していただけますか?
  • 英文が理解できないので、訳していただけませんか?
  • ベストアンサー


BBCのウェブサイトでどうしてもわからない文章があるので、訳していただけないでしょうか?(できれば文法的なことも付け加えていただけると助かります) but they are calling on their case to be heard as a class action, so the grievances of all women employees can be heard together.・・・・(意味をとらえることができませんでした) It's for the Supreme Court to decide in the coming weeks whether the lawsuit should cover all female retail staff who've worked in Wal-Mart stores in America since 1988.・・・(文章の構文が理解できなかったためにわかりませんでした。) Wal-Mart says any grievances should be heard on a case-by-case basis, rather than be lumped together as one, and deny any claims of sexism.(この文章のなかのas one がよくわかりません) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー

>but they are calling on their case to be heard as a class action, so the grievances of all women employees can be heard together. 難しいのは下記の言葉の使い方(訳し方)と思います。 they = This group of women call on = appeal to ~に訴える (人)の心に訴える ~に懇願{こんがん}する http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/call+on?r=66 to be heard = で聴取{ちょうしゅ}される a class action = 集団訴訟 女性達は集団訴訟としてこのケースを(裁判所で)聴取されることを懇願している。 女性従業員の不当な取り扱い(不平不満)を一辺に聞いてもらえるように・・・・ >It's for the Supreme Court to decide in the coming weeks whether the lawsuit should cover all female retail staff who've worked in Wal-Mart stores in America since 1988. It is ~ to 動詞 の構文でitは仮主語になりto不定詞以降が主語になる文章です。 It is not easy for a __-year-old person to ~ _歳の人間が~するのは難しい[容易ではない]。 ー その文章にfor 人 と付け加えるだけで、 it is for him to make the decision. 決定をするのは彼なのです。 It's for the Supreme Court 最高裁である to decide whether the lawsuit should cover all female retail staff 訴訟が全ての売り場に携わる女性に適用されるかどうか決めるのは who've worked in Wal-Mart stores in America since 1988. 1988年以来アメリカのウオールマートで働いてきた >Wal-Mart says any grievances should be heard on a case-by-case basis, rather than be lumped together as one, and deny any claims of sexism. 不平不満はその都度ケースbyケースとして聞くべきであって、このような(集団訴訟のように)まとまった形で一つ(のケース)として取り扱われるべきではない・・・・のような意味合いです。




その他の回答 (3)


あ、読みなおしてみると、 it の意味上の主語は whether 以下の部分です。この場合は to の部分ではないです。 いずれにしても for ... to .. の部分は名詞として働き、it は状況に応じて各部分を指したり、前に述べた状況を指したりします。


強調構文とは下記のような文章の一部を強調したい場合に it is ~ thatの構文をとる。it is thatを省略しても文章が成り立つ。 >My secretary sent the bill to Mr. Yamada yesterday. It was my secretary that sent the bill to Mr. Yamada yesterday. It was the bill that my secretary sent to Mr. Yamada yesterday. It was Mr. Yamadathat my secretary sent the bill to yesterday. it was yesterday that my secretary sent the bill to Mr. Yamada. He makes the decision. It is he who makes the decision. or It is he that makes the decision. となるが It is easy for him to make the decsion. は単純に To make the decision is easy for him. It is for him to make the decision. To make the decision is for him. be動詞を自動詞としてつかうと 添付辞書の3番目で"to take place or occur" http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/be To make the decsion takes place for him. 決定することが彼に起こる。=彼が決定をする。 単に仮り主語の延長として考えるべきと、個人的には、解釈をしていますというのも下記の文は It's to make you feel at home. itはto不定詞の仮主語ですが強調する内容は持ち合わせていないような気がします。 http://www.google.co.jp/search?hl=ja&lr=&rlz=1I7GFRD_ja&as_qdr=all&q=%22it%27s+to+make%22&btnG=%E6%A4%9C%E7%B4%A2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq= この辺りになると見解の違いということで勘弁してください。





It's for the Supreme Court to decide in the coming weeks whether the lawsuit should cover all female retail staff who've worked in Wal-Mart stores in America since 1988. この文は、for から最後までがひとかたまりの名詞節になっていて、it's 名詞 という形でその名詞節を強調する構文です。 it に意味上の主語はありません。訳は(直訳ですが) 「訴訟がが1988年からアメリカのウォルマートで働いている女性従業員すべてを対象にするかどうか、最高裁がこれから数週間で決めることになる」です。 for 人 to... は「人が~すること」となります。





  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    まず 「英語は地域によって方言など色々な特徴、差があるよ」という文がいくつか続き Add all these regional peculiarities together and it might be possible to trace any one person with considerable precision. 私は「これら全ての地域的な特徴を合算するとかなりの正確さであらゆる人をたどることが可能になるやも知れません」と一旦、訳したのですがtogether and の部分がよくわかりません 宜しくお願いします。

  • この英文

    この英文(下記)はなんという意味なのでしょうか? 何かCMなどに使われた という意味なんでしょうか? 自分でもいろいろ調べてみましたがなかなかつながらなくて・・・。 どなたか力を貸していただきたいです。 ZVUE Launches Retail Promo With Rock Legend Journey Pre-loaded MP3 player with music from Journey’s new double CD to be carried at Wal-Mart San Francisco—ZVUE Corporation (NASDAQ: ZVUE), a global digital entertainment company, today announced that ZVUE will be selling an exclusive MP3 Player pre-loaded with all 22 tracks from the new Journey double-CD, “Revelation”. The Journey-branded player will be available exclusively in 3,600 Wal-Mart stores nationwide beginning July 22. The product retails for $39.88 and will be presented in gift-box packaging, designed to feature Journey with their new lead singer Arnel Pineda. Each disc of the double-CD will feature 11 tracks; one will feature brand new material from the band while the other will feature re-recorded classic Journey hits. The Journey-branded MP3 player comes with high-quality ZVUE Sound Headphones, 3 ft. USB Cable and 1 GB of built-in memory, which will allow customers to augment the Journey music with several hundred additional tracks of their choosing. “We are excited about partnering with one of the greatest rock bands in history and continuing to work with Wal-Mart to provide exciting ways for customers to enjoy new and classic music. This is the second pre-loaded MP3 player to be distributed by Wal-Mart this month alone,” said Jeff Oscodar, ZVUE President and CEO. “The Journey-branded MP3 player offers great value and will provide generations of customers with many hours of listening enjoyment.”

  • 英語がわかる方お願いします!

    この文章が結局何を言いたいのかわかりません。 どなたかわかりやすく説明お願いします。 急いでます。 "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" That is the headline on a New York Times story about the country's largest retailer. The very idea that third parties should be deciding whether a particular business is good for the whole country shows incredible chutzpa. The people who shop at Wal-Mart can decide whether that is good for them or not. But the intelligentsia are worried about something called Wal-Mart's "market power." Apparently this giant chain sells 30 percent of all the disposable diapers in the country and the Times reporter refers to the prospect of "Wal-Mart amassing even more market power." Just what "power" does a sales percentage represent? Not one of the people who bought their disposable diapers at Wal-Mart was forced to do so. I can't remember ever having bought anything from Wal-Mart and there is not the slightest thing that they can do to make me. The misleading use of words constitutes a large part of what is called anti-trust law. "Market power" is just one of those misleading terms. In anti-trust lingo, a company that sells 30 percent of the disposable diapers is said to "control" 30 percent of the market for that product. But they control nothing. Let them jack up their prices and they will find themselves lucky to sell 3 percent of the disposable diapers. They will discover that they are just as disposable as their diapers. Much is made of the fact that Wal-Mart has 3,000 stores in the United States and is planning to add 1,000 more. At one time, the A & P grocery chain had 15,000 stores but now they have shrunk so drastically that there are probably millions of people -- especially in the younger generation -- who don't even know that they exist. An anti-trust lawsuit back in the 1940s claimed that A & P "controlled" a large share of the market for groceries. But they controlled nothing. As the society around them changed in the 1950s, A & P began losing millions of dollars a year, being forced to close thousands of stores and become a shadow of its former self. Let the people who run Wal-Mart start believing the talk about how they "control" the market and, a few years down the road, people will be saying "Wal-Who?" With Wal-Mart, as with A & P before them, the big bugaboo is that their low prices put competing stores out of business. Could anyone ever have doubted that low-cost stores win customers away from higher-cost stores? It is one of the painful signs of the immaturity and lack of realism among the intelligentsia that many of them regard this as a "problem" to be "solved." Trade-offs have been with us ever since the late unpleasantness in the Garden of Eden.

  • 解らない英文があります

    Bernard ShawのThe Doctor's Dilemmaの最初のページを読んでおり、以下の文でつまずいてしまいました。 "That any sane nation, having observed that you could provide for the supply of bread by giving bakers a pecuniary interest in baking for you, should go on to give a surgeon a pecuniary interest in cutting off your leg, is enough to make one despair of political humanity" おそらくこの文章を理解できない原因は、'should go on to give a surgeon ...'の主語がわからないことだと考えています(any sane nationが主語だと思うのですが)。 そこで、今回お聞きしたいのは、shouldに対応する主語とこの文章の日本語訳です。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • net of bank chargesとは?

    海外に銀行経由で送金を行う際、以下のような文言にある“net of bank charges”というのは「手数料を差し引いて」という意味でしょうか。具体的にはどういうことを言っているのでしょうか。 “All payments should be made net of bank charges.” “All payments should be made in EUR (Euro) and all transfers of funds should be made net of any charges.” よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文契約書

    英文契約書の勉強を続行しています。この間質問にお答えいただきましたが、また分からない文章にぶつかりました。executedやdeemed to constituteなどの訳し方がさっぱりわかりません。どなたかご教授いただければ、ありがたいです。This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and any single counterpart or set of conterparts signed, in either case by all the Parties hereto shall be deemed to constitute a full and original agreement for all purposes. constituteは構成するという意味だと思うのですが、すべての目的において、完全で当初の契約を構成するというような、中途半端な訳しかできない状態です。どうぞ、よろしくお願いします。

  • I'm only a child, yet I know we are

    I'm only a child, yet I know we are all in this together and should act as one single world toward one single goal. 先程の質問で、意味は大体わかったのですが、この英文で「I know we are all in this together」の「this」は何を指しているのですか? プリントの問題で「and should act・・・のand と should の間には主語が省略されているがそれは何か?」という問題があるのですがわかりません。 また・・・ You are deciding what kind of world we will grow up in. の直訳に近い意味と文型を教えてください。 自分なりに・・・ 「あなたたちは私たちがどのような世界で育っていくかを決めている」 S You V are deciding O what kind of world O we will grow up in 最後の方がわかりませんでした。(OとかCのあたりが・・・) お願いします。

  • All as it should have ~

    “He’s dead,” answered Raskolnikov. “The doctor and the priest have been, all as it should have been. この文章のall as it should have been.の理解ができないです。 as it should be は そうであるべきと 理解しているのですが、 have been になるとどう意味が変わるのかが理解できないです。 また、all とas it should have beenの繋がりが文法的にどうなってるいるのか も 分からないです。解説お願いします。

  • この英文大丈夫でしょうか

    この英文、問題ないでしょうか? もしおかしければ、直していただきたいです、お願いいたします。 Your attitude to life is admirable. You shoud be able to realize any dream in the best way possible. 「あなたの人生に対する姿勢は素晴らしいと思います。あなたなら、どんな夢も最良のかたちで叶えられると思います。」 shouldの使い方が変かもなと思っています、どうでしょうか…??

  • 以下の英文について教えてください

    The mournful truth that a man — every man-must die alone, had been thrust sharply into my mind and kept there by the frequent violent attacks of my malady I suffered at that time, every one of which threatened to be the last. (中略) Then my mother died. Her perfect health failed her suddenly, and her decline was not long. But she suffered much, and on the last occasion of my being with her at her bedside she told me that she was very tired and had no fear of death, and would be glad to go but for the thought of leaving me in such a precarious state of health and with a mind distressed. Even then she put no questions to me, but only expressed the hope that her prayers for me would be answered and that at the last we should be together again. I cannot say, as I might say in the case of any other relation or friend, that I had lost her. (中略) It came to me as a great surprise a few years ago to have my secret and most cherished feelings about my own mother expressed to me as I had never heard them expressed before by a friend who, albeit still young, has made himself a name in the world, one who had never known a mother, she having died during his infancy. <最後のIt came to me~の英文について>: It came to me as a great surprise a few years ago~のasは「~として」ですか? as I had never heard them expressed ~のasは「~のように」ですか? (themはmy secret and most cherished feelings ?) my own mother expressed to me as I had never heard them expressed before by a friend のところの意味がよくわからないのですが、 expressedの取り方は、 my own mother expressed to me私自身の母親が私に表現した、 I had never heard them expressed私はそれらが表現されるのを決して聞いたことがない、 ですか? she having died during his infancyここは独立分詞構文で、「彼女は彼の幼年時代に亡くなってしまったので」? ----Far Away and Long Ago :W.H.Hudson