• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:BBCニュースの英訳お願いします!)


  • フィリピンの台風で35000人以上が避難所に避難中
  • 多くの遺体が未回収、家族全員が流された可能性
  • 被災地の広範囲での捜索が難航


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. 日曜日には、ほぼ35000人が、まだ避難所に避難していましたと、国立災害危機低減・管理協議会が言いました。 2. 当局は多くの遺体が引き取られないままであると言いました、このことは、一家全員が、押し流されたことを示唆していました。 3. 被災地はとても広くて巨大なので、私は彼ら(救助隊)が捜索をするためにすべての地域に実際に行けていないと思っています。 4. 救助作業は、約20000人の兵士による応援を受けて、土曜日には徹夜で続きましたが、洪水で冠水した道路や地面に垂れ下がった送電線によって妨げられたと、当局は言いました。 5. 全国ネットのテレビは、泥と破片の山が散乱した通りの、荒廃の場面を映し出しました。家の残骸が、水にさらわれて排水溝や川岸に沿って残された車と共にありました。 6. マニラのBBCのケイト・マックジョウンは、嵐がみんなの不意を襲ったと言いました。






  • BBC news-withの用法について

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4751315.stm 上記のニュースで The under-25s were most associated with anti-social behaviour such as vandalism and rowdiness, with most respondents feeling parents were responsible for making sure their children did not become involved. というところがあるのですが、 with most respondents feeling~ のwithは、この場合どういう使い方をしてるのでしょう?? 読んでいたのですが、ここの文の意味が良くわかりませんでした。 どなたかお願いしますm(__)m

  • 次の文の英訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    The grace of Cardiff's white-stoned Civic centre may come as a surprise to those brought up on the old image of the city. The collection of government and civic buildings has been rated along with Washington DC and NEW Delhi as one of the world's most elegant examples of civic architecture. The civic centre with the great dome of the City Hall is topped by a Welsh dragon. It is worth venturing in to see the "Heroes of Wales" statues in the Marble Hall.

  • BBCニュースの訳教えてください!

    rescuers are continuing the search for survivors after floods killed more than 500 people and left hundreds more missing in the southern Philippines. whether experts said tropical storm washi dumped more than a month of average rain in just 12 hours over Mindanao. the US government stands ready to assist Philippine authorities as they respond to this tragedy. 三文目は彼らがこの悲劇に答えたときアメリカ政府はフィリピン政府を進んで救援する状態にあります。と訳したのですがいまいちしっくりしないので正しい訳を教えてください!

  • independent news coverage

    NHKからの抜粋です It says the murders have become more barbaric and the number of abductions is growing rapidly in an attempt to prevent independent news coverage. 対応する日本語記事はありませんでした。 文中の"independent news coverage"とは何ですか。所謂フリージャーナリストのことですか。辞書に掲載がありません。 全文です: An international media advocacy group says 119 journalists were kidnapped this year, an increase of 32 from last year. The Paris-based Reporters Without Borders said in a report that 66 journalists were killed in 2014, 5 fewer than in the previous year. The group installed a shipping container in front of the Eiffel Tower on Tuesday to highlight the case of an imprisoned journalist. It said a number of journalists were kidnapped for ransom by Islamic State militants and others. 47 journalists were kidnapped in Syria and Iraq. The group says the beheading of journalists for propaganda purposes had rarely taken place before.

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    以下の英文でsame、said は何を指すのでしょうか Except lands covered by armed forces reservations, all public lands may be entered into by the holder of a permit and/or lease issued if the same is covered by said permit and/or lease.

  • 英訳してください

    Electrophilic substitution Electrophilic substitution in the highly activated phenol ring occurs under very mild conditions, and mononitration must be carried out with dilute aqueous nitric acid. The usual nitric acid-sulfuric acid mixture gives complex mixtures of polynitro compounds and oxidation products. Separation of o- and p-nitrophenol can be accomplished by taking advantage of the strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding, or chelation, in the ortho isomer. In the para isomer, the hydrogen bonding is inter-molecular, leading to association of the molecules in the liquid and much lower vapor pressure. On steam distillation of the mixture the ortho isomer is obtained in pure form in the distillate. The para isomer can then be isolated from the nonvolatile residue. [Procedure] In a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask, place 10 ml of concentrated nitric acid and 35 ml of water. Weigh out 8.0 g of phenol ("loose crystals") in a 50-ml beaker. (CAUTION: Avoid contact with skin.) Add 2 ml of water and allow the mixture to liquefy. With a disposable pipet, add 1- to 2-ml portions of the phenol to the nitric acid and cool as necessary by swirling in a pan of cold water to keep the temperature of the reaction mixture at 45 to 50°. After all of the phenol has been added (rinse the beaker with 1 ml of water), shake the flask intermittently for 5 to 10 minutes while the contents cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, assemble the apparatus for steam distillation. Transfer the reaction mixture to a separatory funnel and drain the oily organic layer into a three-neck 500-ml flask. Add 150 ml of water and then carry out steam distillation until no further o-nitrophenol appears in the distillate. Collect the o-nitrophenol, air dry, and determine yield and melting point. For isolation of the para isomer, adjust the total volume of the distillation residue to about 200 ml by adding more water or removing water by distillation. Decant the hot mixture through a coarse fluted filter or loose cotton pad, add about 1 to 2 g of charcoal to the hot filtrate, heat again to boiling, and refilter to remove charcoal. Cool a 500-ml Erlenmeyer flask in ice and pour into it a small portion of the hot solution to promote rapid crystallization and prevent separation of the product as an oil. Then add the remainder of the solution in small portions so that each is quickly chilled. Collect crystals, dry, and report yield and melting point.

  • ニュースの一文です。

    Coming up on The Hub with Lyse Doucet. Angry protests spread across a number of Muslim countries against a film said to mock the prophet Mohammad. And, a sharp fall in the number of children under five dying across the world - that's according to the UN children's agency UNICEF. Join Lyse at 1700 BST. >And, a sharp fall in the number of children under five dying across the world 上の箇所のunder 以下の意味と文法を教えてください よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英訳をお願いします。

    ネットの投稿サイトの文章なのですが、辞書を引いても意味がわからない文章がいくつかあったので、 教えてください。 1.She promised she wouldn't leave without telling me and my sisters bye first. She layed there in pain till we arrived and said bye, seconds later that was it.  ※特に「seconds later that was it.」のthatとitが不明 2.The little girl down the road went through the same things. She was only 7 and going to testify against her own dad. ※特に「down the road」が不明 3.The other day he practically saved his brother's life by stepping in the middle of his father beating his brother. ※特に「stepping in the middle of」が不明 4.I had a relaxing night watching movies with my room-mates. Everyone but I had a girl over to lie with during the movie. The closest I got all night was the multiple times my room-mate's dog tried to mount me. ※全体的に意味がわかりません。 ちょっと下品な内容もあるかと思いますが、よろしくお願いいたします。 4つもあるので、わかるものだけでも結構です。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    英訳お願いします。 This time Nicolo was taking his seventeen-years old son,Marco,with him. Marco was forty-one when the Polos came home to venice.  For seventeen of those twenty-four years they journeyed all over Asia-to China, lndochina,Burma,lndia. They served the Mongol conqueror Kublai Khan in his court in Peking and on missions to many parts of the Orient. They were rewarded with rich gifts of silk and Jewels of rare value. In the kingdom of Dely, that “produced large quantities ofpepper and ginger, with many other articles of spicery."  Now Marco Polo's wondrous adventures spurred missionaries and merchants alike to go by land or sea to Cathay-Franciscan friars like John of Monte Corvino, who became Archbishop of Peking; and so many merchants that one of them,Francis Balducci Pegolotti,could write in 1340,“The road you travel from Tana to Cathay is perfectly safe, whether by day or night, according to what merchants Say who have used it." THE SPICE COOK BOOKという本の一文です。 文法に疎く、各単語を調べてつなげてみても、文がうまく繋がらないので困っています。 ご回答お願いします。

  • BBCのウェブサイトで・・・

    BBCのウェブサイトを読んでいて、関係代名詞whichの使い方がよくわかりませんでした。 In their latest study, the scientists used mist nets to collect birds from eight woodland sites around Chernobyl, which have seen a decline in the numbers of larger animals and small invertebrates living within. この関係代名詞whichは何を指しているのか、英語に堪能な方に教えていただきたいのでよろしくお願いします。 http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_9387000/9387395.stm

  • iPhoneの標準アプリ「ファイル」を使用してWindows Server 2019内に作成した共有フォルダにアクセスする方法と設定について解説します。
  • Windows Server側にVPN Serverを立て、VPN接続時にのみアクセス可能とする設定方法についても説明します。
  • また、iPhoneがモバイル回線接続時にWindows Serverへのアクセスを制限する方法についてもご紹介します。