• ベストアンサー


初めて、鍵編みの編み図を見て作ろうと思っているのですが、 難しくて解読できません。 以下の分を日本語訳していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 1st round Miss 3ch, 2tr in next ch, 1tr in each ch to last ch, 5tr in last ch, working alongother side of foundation ch, 1tr in each of next 11ch, 2tr in next ch, sl st in 3rd ch at beg ... 32tr.


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

ddeanaです。お礼をありがとうございました。私もかなり昔に鍵編みをしただけで今やっていないので、わかる範囲でしかお答えできませんが、いくつか例文として訳してみました。 ・2tr in next ch:次のくさり編み目に長々編み1つ ・1tr in each of next 11ch:次の鎖編み11目のそれぞれに長々編み1つ ・sl st in 3rd ch at beg :最初の鎖編み目の3番目を引き抜き編み(もしくは引き抜く) 数字+trとかchは編む数、1st、2nd、3rdなどは1番目、2番目、3番目を意味します。下記にいくつか例文和訳がありますので、これも参考になさってみてください。 http://www.felissimo-couturier-blog.com/2008/10/post-394d.html



ありがとうございます! やっと意味が分かってきました!、 今までいただいたご回答とリンク先の翻訳を合わせてやっと意味が分かってきました! 理解するまでご丁寧に教えてくださり、本当にありがとうございました!


その他の回答 (2)

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

ddeanaです。前の回答の参照部分に含まれていない単語だけ訳をお伝えしますね。 ・1st round:一巡目 ・Miss:目を飛ばす、 ・in each :それぞれの~~において ・in last:最後の ・working along other side of foundation:基礎部分の反対側も同じようにする 多分これを組み合わせればお分かりになると思います。素敵な作品作ってくださいね。



補足までしていただいて、本当にありがとうございます! 「2tr」などの数字+trの意味が分からないのですが、ご存知でしょうか・・? 2巻の長々編み?で、4巻きの長々編みということになるのでしょうか。 また、上記だと、輪にせずに2つに基礎を分けて後ほどつなぐ構造になるのでしょうか? 質問ばかりして申し訳ないのですが、もしよろしければ教えていただけると幸いです。よろしくお願いします。

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

多分これが一番わかりやすい用語解説かと。ただしこれはアメリカ式です。イギリス式だとまたちょっと違います。 http://pocketbook32.web.fc2.com/english.html イギリスとアメリカの違いは少しですが下記に http://amimono-london.blogspot.jp/2010/05/blog-post_28.html



リンクの添付ありがとうございます。 勉強させていただきます!



  • かぎ針編図の英訳

    下記の子供ニット帽を編みたいのですが、編み物は数えられる程度したのみの初心者な上に、英語略語で書かれていてよくわかりません。英語は多少できるのですが、何分編み物自体が素人なものでいまいちピンときません。 どなたかこれを訳し、注釈いただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。URLはこちらです。 http://vallieskids.blogspot.co.nz/2010/06/pretty-in-pink.html Rnd 1) ch32, dc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch accross, 2dc in last ch, now working on opposite side of chain dc accross in base of ch, dc in same st as starting. sl st to top of first dc Rnd 2) ch2 (does NOT count as first st now and throughout) Working in back loops throughout hat, dc in back loop of each st around Rnd 3-11) repeat rnd 2 Rnd 12-15) ch1, sc in same st and in each st around. Fasten off

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    Thackeray marched out of the wood, leading two wounded officers and 140 other ranks, the last remnant of the South African Brigade. Piper Sandy Grieve of the Black Watch, who had fought against the South African Boers as part of the Highland Brigade, in the Battle of Magersfontein in 1899 and been wounded through the cheeks, played the South Africans out. The survivors spent the night at Talus Boise and next day withdrew to Happy Valley south of Longueval.

  • third (from)to last

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 という数字があり、lastの位置を基準として値の場所を読み取る英語について調べていました。 http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/56344/usage-of-second-third-fourth-last というリンクのMetaEdさんの回答があるのですが、 「The 2nd, is third from (or to) last」 という記載があります。この部分は正しいのでしょうか? - The third from last : 2 - The third to last: 2 - The second: 2 これら全て正しいでしょうか? 上記が正しい場合、わからないのが、オックスフォード現代英英辞典にて next to last を引いた時に 「second to last」 とも記載があることです。 上記の呼び方ではnext to lastに相当するのはfirst to lastになるのでは、と思っています。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    1.This assignment look easy. 2.The new business can start with 100 employees. 3.Our new products were released last week. 4.Do you know the person who lives in the house? 5.You need to fill out both your phone number and e-mail address. 6.All the applicants should send their resumes either by personal delivery or e-mail. 7.The new soap developed by the company smells fresh. 8.Our company began exporting appliances overseas 20 years ago. 9.Our company manager went to the capital of the country which is bigger than Tokyo. 10.The company will send clients e-mail updates at the end of each working day.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Following the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles, on 20 July 1922, Togoland formally became a League of Nations Class B mandate divided into French Togoland and British Togoland, covering respectively about two-thirds and one-third of the territory. The British area of the former German colony was integrated into Ghana in 1957 following a May 1956 plebiscite where 58% of British-area residents voted in favour of joining Ghana upon its independence, rather than remaining under British-administered trusteeship. The French-ruled region became the Republic of Togo in 1960 and is now known as the Togolese Republic. In 1960, the new state invited the last German governor of Togoland, Duke Adolf Friedrich of Mecklenburg to the country’s official independence celebrations.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    At the Battle of Mons the BEF had some 80,000 men, comprising the Cavalry Division, an independent cavalry brigade and two corps, each with two infantry divisions. I Corps was commanded by Sir Douglas Haig and was composed of the 1st and 2nd Divisions. II Corps was commanded by Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien and consisted of the 3rd and 5th Divisions. Each division had 18,073 men and 5,592 horses, in three brigades of four battalions. Each division had twenty-four Vickers machine guns – two per battalion – and three field artillery brigades with fifty-four 18-pounder guns, one field howitzer brigade of eighteen 4.5-inch howitzers and a heavy artillery battery of four 60-pounder guns.

  • 年金に関する英語の質問です

    以下の年金に関する英語で、each of the first 20 yearsの意味が分かりません。よろしく The pension is 2.5% of the insured’s average earnings in the last three years for each of the first 20 years of contributions plus 2% for each year exceeding 20 years.

  • 翻訳してください

    Da Vinci ‘predicted world would end in 4006’ says Vatican researcher Richard Owen ("The Times," March 15, 2010) Rome, Italy - A date for your diary: Leonardo da Vinci predicted that the world would end on November 1, 4006, according to a Vatican researcher. Sabrina Sforza Galitzia said the clues were to be found in da Vinci’s Last Supper mural. The central half-moon window, or lunette, above his painting of Christ with his disciples before the Crucifixion contains a “mathematical and astrological” puzzle which she has deciphered, she said. She claimed to have worked out that da Vinci foresaw the end of the world in a “universal flood” which would begin on March 21, 4006 and end on November 1 the same year. Documents showed that he believed that this would mark “a new start for humanity”, Ms Sforza Galitzia said. “There is a da Vinci code — it is just not the one made popular by Dan Brown,” she said. Ms Sforza Galitzia, who formerly studied da Vinci manuscripts as a researcher at the University of California in Los Angeles, now works in the Vatican archives. Last year, the Vatican published her study The Last Supper of Leonardo in the Vatican, in which she examined a tapestry of the Last Supper made for King Louis XIII of France, based on da Vinci’s design for his famous mural in Milan. She said she was working on a sequel which would explain da Vinci’s hidden “code”, involving signs of the zodiac and his use of the 24 letters of the Latin alphabet to represent the 24 hours of the day. Da Vinci had seen the story of humanity as leading to “the sum of all things, the final reckoning” described in the Book of Revelations but also by ancient writers such as Plato and Aristotle, she told La Repubblica, an Italian newspaper. He had been a scientist and man of faith who had lived in “difficult times” and had hidden his messages “so as not to be attacked,” she said. The Last Supper, which measures 460cm by 880cm (15ft by 29ft), covers an entire wall at the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Da Vinci began working on it in 1495, and finished it in 1498. It was restored between 1978 and 1999 after it had badly deteriorated. In his 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code, filmed in 2006 and starring Tom Hanks as a Harvard “symbologist” called Robert Langdon, Dan Brown suggests that the figure at the right hand of Jesus in The Last Supper is not the Apostle John but Mary Magdalene, and that she was pregnant with Jesus’ child when he was crucified, and thus carried his bloodline. The novel and film were both attacked by the Church as historically inaccurate as well as blasphemous. Related Sections | Catholic | Mass Media Disclaimer: WWRN does not endorse or adhere to views or opinions expressed in the articles posted. This is purely an information site, to inform interested parties of religious trends.

  • 翻訳お願い致します。

    翻訳お願い致します。タイの花瓶がオランダへ輸出された? って言う内容なのでしょうか? The Souvenir vases are covered in typical Dutch trinkets from Thailand, Boxes of these ceramics miniatures had been lying in a Thai workshop, Waiting to be exported to the Netherlands after sales suddeny went flat Years ago. Now they’re getting a new lease on life as part of these Wonderable vase. Each vessel is unique, thabks to the ever-changing selection of miniatures, and numbered with a hand-painted ceramic disc. The Thai makers sign and date each Souvenir vase inside tha rim before sending The miniatures off to the Netherlands at last. Transformed into unique objects, they’re now fit to be displayed in the choicest spot In the house.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    The attack was almost unopposed and by 7:00 a.m. the South Africans had captured the wood south of Prince's Street, despite the wreckage of fallen and uprooted trees. Tanner sent two companies to secure the northern perimeter of the wood and later, the 3rd Battalion advanced to the east and north-east. By 2:40 a.m., the wood was occupied, except for a German strong point in the north-western corner, adjoining Longueval. The South Africans began to dig in around the fringe of the wood in groups, forming strong–points supported by machine-guns, in a salient and in touch with the 26th Brigade only along the south-western edge of the wood next to Longueval. The troops had spades but roots and remnants of tree trunks made it possible only to dig shallow shell scrapes before German troops counter-attacked.
