• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の添削出来る方お願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー

It is easy to be said you are kind by other people. GOOD! If you want to be the one, all you have to do is use words which do not irritate others and talk on behalf of poor people, the weak so to speak. becauseは理由を伝える言葉です.文章はその方法について語っています. all you have to do is (to)... 不定詞でつなぎます. However, it is not that easy to be really reliable. being kindとbeing reliableが対立するわけではないのでon the other handは不要. believeは言動について使います.「行動が大事だ」と伝えたいのですよね. It is rather easy to be a nice person. All you have to do is to choose moderate words and speak on the side of those who are helpless, the poor. But it is not so if you want to be reliable. 和文の言葉づかいに惑わされずにしっかり大意をつかんで英訳しているところに本物を感じます. めげずに,たくさんこなすことが大事です.がんばれ!





  • 英作文 添削2

    添削をお願いします He said competitive events should be abolished on this sports day. He thinks it's important to tell the students about the necessity cooperating each other rather than concerning the result. So they should do events whithout winning and losing, like dance or something. On the other hand, she said it's good there is competitive essentials to some extent, which stimulate the students.

  • 英作文 添削お願いします

    英作文 添削お願いします 日本語訳の下が「作った英文」、模範解答の下が「模範解答」です 「ものの見方を変えれば気持ちも新しくなる。」 Also the mind becomes new by changing the way of seeing things. 模範解答 Different viewpoints bring us different feelings. If we change our way of looking at things, we will have a new feeling. 「日本語では短い言葉で多くのことを表すことができる。」 Japanese enable us to express many things with short words. 模範解答 You can say a lot of things with a few words in Japanese. 「人と人が理解しあう手段は様々なのである。」 There are some kinds of the ways of people understanding each other. 模範解答 There are various ways for people to understand each other. There are many ways in which people understand one another. 「私たちは、人から必要とされることで幸せになります。」 We feel happy by being needed by other people. 模範解答 We become happy when we are needed by other people. It makes us happy to be needed by others. 「彼らが働く場を作ることは、私たちの責任なのです。」 It is responsible for us to make the place where they can work. 模範解答 We have to make places for them to work in. It is our responsibility to make places where they work. お願いします。

  • 英作文添削お願いします

    (1)何事も鉄は熱いうちに打たなくてはならない。 (2)たとえば、人の話をじっと聞く訓練は大きくなってからでは手遅れ。 (3)どうしても幼児期にしておく必要がある。 (4)「さあ、今お母さんが何と言ったか言ってごらんなさい。」大事な話の時はこう言うようにしていれば、 (5)いい加減な聞き方をしなくなる。 (1)You must deal with whatever you do before it is too late. (2)For example, it is too late to try to form the habit of listening to others quietly after you come of age. (3)You absolutely need to do it in your infancy. (4)When you talk with your child about a important matter, you should say, "Repeat what I said now." (5)Then your child will learn to listen carefully. ・鉄は熱いうちに打て、ですが咄嗟に出た表現です。 目的語にwhatever you do って大丈夫ですか? ・(4)(5)の連結(?)というか、自分なりに2文に区切ってみたのですがどうでしょうか。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    私の意見では、現在の若者は性別を問わず自分で調理できることが大切である。料理を おいしく仕上げるためには豊かな想像力や手先の器用さが要求されるので、心身の健康 にとてもよい。食材に意識的になれば自然への関心も高まる。さらに、料理で友人を もてなすことができると、あるいは人と共同して料理ができると、絆が深まることは間違いない。 In my opinion, in spite of gender, it is important for young people nowadays to be able to cook well by themselves. It is good for both your mind and body because it needs good imagination or skills with your hand. If you are glad to know ingredients of your food, you will be more interested in nature. Moreover, if you are able to make friends enjoy with your dishes or to cook with some people, you must be more familiar with each other. enjoy with your dishes のwith はby にかえても問題ないでしょうか 他にも間違いはあるかもしれませんが、回答よろしくおねがいします

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    今年大学受験をするものですが、宅浪なので英作文の添削をしてくれる人がいません。なので添削をお願いします。 テーマ:自分の失敗とその失敗から学んだことを100字以内で書け When I was fourteen. I bought a cell phone. As soon as I use it, I liked to call my friends on it. One day, I called one of my friends loudly on my cell phone in the train. I did not realize that I was annoying other people on board. then the woman sitting by me said to me that you should hang up your phone and pay more attention to people around you. After she scolded me, Iwas ashamed of my attitude and learnedthe importance of cosidering other people from this experience.

  • 英作文-5

    日本に滞在している外国人の学生に次のように聞かれたとします。あなたならどのようにこたえ、どんな理由説明をしますか。 "Why do so many young Japanese have their own cellular phone? Most of my Japanese friends have a 'keitai'. Do I need to get one? It is a very useful tool. We had contacted other people by using telephone in our home or company , or using public telephone in towns. However, nowadays we can contact them by using it wherever you are. Furthermore, it has a lot of information and you can readily look for almost everything by using it. That's why many young Japanese have it. However,you should be free to decide whether you have or don't have it. よろしくお願いします!

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    パリの空港で、トランクに腰掛けた一人の男が、ぼんやりと頬杖をついていた。 私が、「どうかなさいましたか、どこかお加減でも悪いんですか」と聞くと、 「いや、いま遠くからついたとこなんですけどね。体はついていても、心がまだなので、 ここで心の到着を待っていると事です」という答えが返ってきた。 In an airport in Paris, a man sitting on his trunk put his head on his arm with his eyes aiming at nowhere. I said to him, “What is the matter? Do you have something bad for you?”. Then he said to me “Well, I arrived here just now from a distance. However, unlike this body, my heart has not arrived yet, so I await it here.” 頬杖 ぼんやり に苦戦しました。 What is the matter? Do you have something~ では丁寧な感じはでないのでしょうか? 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文

    英作文の採点をしていただきたいです 問題 次の英文の指示に従って3分程度の英語で書きなさい。 It is difficult for you to do some things if you are alone. But if you do such things with other people,you don't think they are difficult. Find one example among those things in your life and write about it. My answer It is difficult for me to play the guitar. Playing the guitar is fun.But I can't play it well. My friend can play the guitar very well. So I am helped by my friend.And I can play the guitar well. 減点されない文になってますか? 採点よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    野球は、アメリカの国民的スポーツのひとつである。多くのアメリカ人は、子供の頃、 近所の野原で野球をして大きくなる。泥まみれになり、隣の誰それは自分より上手になった とか、ならないとかいいながら、他人と共同生活を送っていくすべを身に着けていく。あるいは 他人に負かされるという屈辱感を受け入れる訓練を重ねていく。 Baseball is one of the national sports in Ameria. Many Americans play it in their childhood on near grass from their house and grow with it. By doing so, they can learn how to get along with other people in their life, being maddy, saying someone next to them became well or less than themselves in it. We can also say that they train themselves to acknowledge the regret to be beated by other pople. 大変わかりづらい文章になってしまいました。屈辱感 でかなり困りました。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • どなたか自由英作文の添削をお願いします(>_<)!

    題:『Describe the ways you communicate with others (e.g., by mobile phone, email, letter, etc.) and which you prefer.』です(>_<) 私の解答はこちらです。 改善点などあれば指摘していただけると幸いです(>_<) I prefer using a cellular phone to using any others. This is because it enable us to contact a person quickly. In contrast, the letter is very slow. Additionally, the address book on the cellular phone can register many people. As a result, I always use a cellular phone.