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ロックバンドの前任ドラマーだったトミーは、一体全体このバンドがもう一度 音楽を作り出せるのかどうか、誰よりも確信が持てなかった。 しかし同時に彼はこうも確信していた。これは自分のキャリアでは最高のバンドだ。





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    “Rock Band, in my opinion, was a miracle, in a way. Because here we are, guys in our 40s, putting together a band that's gonna be [perceived] as a modern rock and roll band. And we achieved that. We were competing against much younger guys, we had a huge success with it,” he said. Tommy didn’t seem too keen on talking about whether Scott may ever join the band again though.

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    Tommy is the band's primary lyricist. His style has changed with the band's evolution; much of the lyrics on debut album were written about societal issues such as religion, abuse of power, and isolation. The band's breakthrough single "NO BLACK" polarized critics with its lyrics, some interpreting it as advocacy of date rape. ※Tommyは人名であり、NO BLACKは曲名です。

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    As a huge fan of the band I really hope these rumors are not true and the band announce plans for a new album sometime in the next few months, but we’ll see. A fan recently had a great quote regarding Rock Band that really rings true. They’re one of the best rock bands out there, they just don't know it. Scott, Dean, Robert, and Eric, rock needs you making music!

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    SCOTT WEILAND REFERS TO HIS SOLO BAND AS ‘THE ROCKABOUTS’ Scott Weiland called his solo band ‘The Rockabouts’ at his show in San Francisco on Friday night. The band has been known as the Wildabouts since last year. Scott also referred to them as The Walkabouts though in a recent interview. Weiland also introduced the new special guest Rockabouts drummer, Frank, who was filling in for Danny Thompson who had to take a couple of days off according to Weiland. ※ 『the Wildabouts』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』『Danny Thompson』は人物名です。

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    Chester Bennington and Stone Temple Pilots make for rock ‘n’ roll’s ultimate dream team. Not only can the Linkin Park and Dead by Sunrise singer pull off that classic Scott Weiland-style bravado characteristic of the band’s hits, but he’s adding his own decidedly personal flare to new material such as the swaggering single “Out of Time”. He locks in with guitarist Dean DeLeo, bassist Robert DeLeo, and drummer Eric Kretz as if he was meant to be there all along, and something much larger emerges. This is one of the most formidable and important rock bands in history reborn… In this exclusive interview with ARTISTdirect.com editor in chief Rick Florino, Dean DeLeo of Stone Temple Pilots opens up about “Out of Time”, the group’s new EP, and even takes a look back at Purple.

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    Stone Temple Pilots frontman Chester Bennington discussed joining STP on his Twitter page last night: Just played the first show with STP! It was fucking AMAZING! FYI, I will never leave Linkin Park. We are currently working on a new record and its awesome! For those wondering about STP's history with Chester Bennington, on the 2001 Family Values Tour Bennington joined the band to perform on select songs. Bennington has often cited STP as one of his favorite bands and Scott Weiland as one of his main influences vocally.

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    Former STP frontman Scott Weiland just recently embarked on the second leg of his “Purple at the Core” tour with his solo band, The Wildabouts. He recently had the chance to chat with Alan Sculley of HamptonRoads to reminiscence on STP's early days and provide a hint at what's to come for his solo career. When inquired about the band's disparate recording of their 2010 reunion album, Weiland said “No, we weren't hanging out much.” He noted that life in the band changed after the release of “Purple” in 1994. “That's kind of when it stopped. We were all chummy and all that up until then.”

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    “Sometimes I wake up in the middle of night and think…Holy s**t, I’m making a real record,” guitarist Edgey says of his excitement at working with Morello and Benson. The attention is well deserved. TLI is an absolute breath of fresh air, even if they are playing a form of rock that’s as old as the genre. No computers. No electronica. Nothing but blues, folk, guitar, killer drums and the vocals of a rock angel. Compared to The White Stripes, they have a similar sound, style, dynamic and feel—but their rock is all their own. And they definitely own it. Edgey and Delila (vocals/guitar) make up the core of the four-year-old band. Fernando came along two years ago when they were in Portugal and needing a drummer. His two-show stint ended up being a full-time gig in the self-professed “radical” folk band—radical, not political. Despite releasing songs called “Workers of the World Unite!” and “The Ballad of Trayvon Martin,” TLI makes a distinction between the two descriptors. "Radical’ simply means…to go to the root of the problem,” Edgey says. “We’re socially responsible. We see something that’s wrong and we speak up for it… We don’t use the band as a platform.”

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    Ex-STONE TEMPLE PILOTS singer Scott Weiland has apologized to the group's fans who are "caught in the middle" of his very public legal battle with his former bandmates. STP fired Weiland earlier this year and recruited LINKIN PARK's Chester Bennington to take over. The group sued Weiland in May, accusing him of using the band's name to advance his solo career, while claiming that his poor performances, late arrivals, and addiction struggles harmed the band's career. Weiland has countersued, claiming that the band cannot use the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name without him.

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    Weiland recently embarked on a new run of solo tour dates beginning on August 2 in Los Angeles. As with his other shows earlier in the year, Weiland is playing material from STP's first two albums, "Core" and "Purple", as well as a smattering of covers, solo tunes and other STP tracks. Weiland's use of STP songs in his solo shows was reportedly one of the reasons why the band sacked and then sued him. The band members claim that this, along with his erratic behavior and substance abuse issues, damaged their career.