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Scott Weiland Apologizes to Fans Amid Legal Battle with Former Bandmates

  • Former STONE TEMPLE PILOTS singer Scott Weiland has issued an apology to the band's fans who are affected by his ongoing legal dispute with his ex-bandmates.
  • Weiland was fired from STP earlier this year and replaced by Chester Bennington of LINKIN PARK.
  • The band sued Weiland, accusing him of using their name for personal gain and damaging their reputation with his poor performances and addiction issues. Weiland has countersued, claiming that the band cannot use their name without him.


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  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

元ストーン・テンプル・パイロッツのシンガー、スコット・ウェイランドは、自身の公となっている元バンドメンバーとの法的闘争で、板挟みとなっているストテンファンに対し陳謝した。 STPは今年度初頭にウェイランドを解雇し、リンキン・パークのチェスター・ベニントンを後釜に据えた。 バンドは5月にウェイランドに対し、自身のソロ活動におけるバンド名の使用、及び不真面目なステージ、慢性的遅刻、更に薬物依存によるバンド活動への悪影響のかどで告訴した。 ウェイランドはこれに対し、彼抜きでストーン・テンプル・パイロッツの使用不許可を求めて逆告訴した。





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人気バンドグループ(新生ストーンテンプルパイロットEx-Stone Temple Pilots)のボーカルメンバー スコットウエイーランドは、バンドのフアンに対して、他のバンドメンバーとの訴訟闘争の渦中に巻き込んでしまったことを謝罪した。 旧ストーンテンプルバンドは今年の年初にウエイーランドを解雇して、代わりにリンキンバンドのチェスターベニントンを加入させた。 (旧)バンドは5月にウエイランドを、ソロ活動に以前居たバンド名を使用しているとして訴えた。同時にウエイランドの歌唱力の低さ、遅刻、薬物中毒等がバンドの名声を傷つけていると訴えた。 其れに対してウェイラントも自分の参加していないにもかかわらず、ストーンテンプルパイロットのバンド名を使用していることについて(他のメンバーを)逆に提訴した。






  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    The group sued Weiland in May, accusing him of using the band's name to advance his solo career, while claiming that his poor performances, late arrivals, and addiction struggles harmed the band's career. Weiland has countersued, claiming that the band cannot use the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name without him.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    The group sued Weiland in May, accusing him of using the band's name to advance his solo career, while claiming that his poor performances, late arrivals, and addiction struggles harmed the band's career. Weiland has countersued, claiming that the band cannot use the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name without him.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    STP fired Weiland earlier this year and recruited LINKIN PARK's Chester Bennington to take over. The group sued Weiland in May, accusing him of using the band's name to advance his solo career, while claiming that his poor performances, late arrivals, and addiction struggles harmed the band's career. Weiland has countersued, claiming that the band cannot use the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name without him.

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    STP will release the new EP through their own label. It will contain five songs, including the previously released "Out Of Time". STP fired Weiland in February after reuniting with him in 2010 for a series of tours and one self-titled album. The band had previously been on hiatus since 2002, primarily due to the singer's struggles with drugs and alcohol. The group sued Weiland in May, accusing him of using the band's name to advance his solo career, while claiming that his poor performances, late arrivals, and addiction struggles harmed the band's career. Weiland has countersued, claiming that the band cannot use the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name without him.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Dave Williams of Australia's Triple M radio station recently conducted an interview with STONE TEMPLE PILOTS guitarist Dean DeLeo. You can now listen to the chat using the SoundCloud widget below. STONE TEMPLE PILOTS will release a new five-song EP called "High Rise" on October 8. The disc will be the second release featuring LINKIN PARK singer Chester Bennington following current single "Out Of Time", which emerged last spring and went to No. 1 on the rock chart. STP fired Scott Weiland in February after reuniting with him in 2010 for a series of tours and one self-titled album. The band had previously been on hiatus since 2002, primarily due to the singer's struggles with drugs and alcohol. The group sued Weiland in May, accusing him of using the band's name to advance his solo career, while claiming that his poor performances, late arrivals, and addiction struggles harmed the band's career. Weiland has countersued, claiming that the band cannot use the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name without him.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    The singer last month filed a multi-million dollar countersuit against STONE TEMPLE PILOTS, just one week after the group sued him. Weiland is seeking compensatory damages in excess of $5 million and an additional $2 million for each "willful use" of the STONE TEMPLE PILOTS name. STP's suit claims that the band owns the name STONE TEMPLE PILOTS, as well as its songs, copyrights and trademarks. The suit asks a judge to block Weiland from performing any STP songs in his solo shows and from even calling himself a former member of the band. ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Scott Weiland is extending his ‘Purple at the Core’ tour dates into the late summer. The rocker, who has been on the road for most of the year with his solo band the Wildabouts, will continue to perform music from Stone Temple Pilots two most successful records — ‘Core’ and ‘Purple.’ His continuing usage of Stone Temple Pilots music in his shows has been a thorn in the side of his former bandmates, who sued Weiland earlier this spring. They claimed that he sabotaged the band's attempts at a 20th anniversary tour in support of the ‘Core’ record and was trying to gain all the glory by scheduling his own dates singing the songs from the record. They also claimed that doing so violated a legal agreement the band had signed about the best interest of the band. ※『Scott Weiland』は人物名、『Stone Temple Pilots』『the Wildabouts』はバンド名、『Core』『Purple』はアルバム名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The ticket page for that show says ‘Performing STP's Core and Purple.’ The promotional material has really contradicted itself, with some outlets saying he'll play Core and Purple front to back and others just saying he'll perform the hits. I don't think this bodes well for Stone Temple Pilots and adds validity to the rumors that Weiland has been fired, or that the band has split. Since relaunching his solo career in 2008 Weiland has sparingly performed STP radio hits at his solo shows, leaving those for STP shows. ※ 『Scott Weiland』は人物名、『Stone Temple Pilots (STP)』はバンド名、 『Core』と『Purple』はアルバム名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    ROBERT DELEO SAYS THAT SCOTT WEILAND WILL NOT RETURN TO STONE TEMPLE PILOTS MyCentralJersey.com reports that Scott Weiland will not return to Stone Temple Pilots, according to the band's bassist Robert DeLeo. The article states, “Might there be a time when Weiland comes back into the fold? No, DeLeo said.” DeLeo elaborated, “Scott's made that clear for us over the years, he's made that clear.”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    VELVET REVOLVER has been without a singer and on more or less permanent hiatus since Weiland was dismissed from the band in April 2008. He rejoined STONE TEMPLE PILOTS at that time and has toured constantly and cut one album with them. ※ 『Weiland』は人物名、『VELVET REVOLVER』と『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS』はバンド名です。

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