• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。 アムステルダムに近い、アールズメールは、東京が町、エベレストが山、と言う意味で「オークション場」である。      > Aalsmeer がオークションの場である、と知らない人はいないだろう。 2。 「この線路をこちらに向かって貨物列車が来るのが見える」と、彼は彼女に言った。「それも我々目がけてまっすぐにだよ」。    >彼女がどこにいるのか分かりませんが「危ないから速く逃げろ」と言う警告に聞こえます。


  • 和訳に添削して下さい。

    下にある和訳について、添削していただけないでしょうか。 よく分からないところが多くて、変な日本語になっているところがあると思います…。 Despite this, Davalos feels that the world cut-flower trade is large enough to allow both high-tech international companies and smaller national growers to succeed - at least for the time being. これにもかかわらず、ハイテク国際企業とより小さな国家栽培者が成功するのを許すのに十分、世界切り花取引が大きいことを ― 少なくともしばらくの間Davalosは感じる。 But not all local growers are as optimistic. しかし、すべての地元の栽培者が、楽観的なものとしているというわけではない。 Lina Hale is an independent rose grower in the United States whose business is now under constant threat from cheaper imports from large companies. リーナ・ヘールは、ビジネスが現在大企業からのより安い輸入品の絶え間ない脅威の下にあるアメリカ合衆国の独立したバラの栽培者である。 In the 1980s, her father predict the situation would get worse:”I see a freight train coming down the track,” he warned her, “and it’s coming straight towards us.” 1980年代には、彼女の父は状況がさらに悪化すると予測する:私は貨物列車がトラックに沿って来ているのを見る」と、彼は彼女に警告した。「そして、それは我々の方へまっすぐに来ている。」

  • 和訳に添削して下さい。

    長文で申し訳ないのですが、和訳に添削して下さるとうれしいです。 とくに一番最後の文がよく分かりません… When you purchase cut flowers from your local florist, do you think about where they came from? あなたが切り花を地元の花屋から購入するとき、あなたは、その花たちがどこから来たかについて考えるか? Common sense might tell you that they were grown close by, because cut flowers can't survive a very long trip. 切り花があまり長い移動を乗り切ることができないので、常識では花たちがすぐ近くで育ったと教えるかもしれない。 The reality, though, is that your cut flowers might come from places like the Netherlands, Ecuador, or Kenya! しかし、事実はあなたの切り花はオランダ、エクアドルまたはケニヤのような場所から来るかもしれないということである! Flowers can now travel long distances thanks to air freight and high-tech cooling systems. 花は、現在、空輸とハイテク冷却装置のおかげで長距離を移動することができる。 Even the most delicate orchid can be shipped to arrive fresh in most places on Earth. 最も繊細なランでも新鮮なうちに地球の大部分の場所に到着するように送ることができる。 This allows Americans, for example, to import some 70 percent of the cut flowers they buy. これは、アメリカ人が、たとえば、彼らが買う切り花の約70パーセントを輸入するのを許す。 The country that exports the most cut flowers is the Netherlands, which dominates the world cut-flower trade. 最も多くの切り花を輸出する国はオランダである、そして、それは世界の切り花の取引を支配する。 There, seven auction houses handle about 60 percent of the world's cut-flower exports. そこでは、7つの競売業者が世界の切り花輸出のおよそ60パーセントを取り扱う。 Some auction houses are very large indeed -- Aalsmeer, near Amsterdam, is an auction house in the sense that Tokyo is a city or Everest a mountain. 本当に大きな競売業者-アムステルダムの近くのAalsmeerは東京が都市またはエベレストであるという感覚の競売業者だ。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    As you know, a very well sharpened blade by a honemeister will keep it's sharpeness for quite some time.All of my other straight's get sharpened by a honemeister and the cost for sending my razor and return to me is $42. I live in a small town and need to send then out as no one in my town can sharpened a straight.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! 友達が作ってくれた曲なんですけど、どっきりでこの曲を日本語で歌ってあげたいんです。 どうか歌の和訳を手伝ってください。 『The Word』 Even if you don't believe in what you feel,you can see the change that is inside of you don't cast out what you feel might be true. I tell you from my heart you see for you to be Happy Eternally, with your family forever you can be with our Heavenly Father He who loved us so.He can show us what to do and where to go if our hearts are ready to know listen to your heart so you can believe in what do you want to be leavin' out of your life When you see some little sprouts begin to grow,it will shine some light and you will start to know cause your taste buds will start to tickle even just a little bit at a time knowing what is growing will taste sublime your thoughts will start to rhyme Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white When the heat starts coming you will know for sure,nourishing the word and acting is the cure you discover,if you can endure it starts with soil is running low,do you have enough to let the good things grow with your might,get ready to sow,cause it's Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white You will never know if you will let your doubt,keep you in a desert with expected drought, swelling water,keeps filling a spout that gives you clean and bright and fighting faith that never lets you down. come drink freely from the water that is Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 友達が作ってくれた曲なんですけど、ドッキリで日本語で歌ってあげたいんです。 どうか和訳のほうを手伝ってください。 『The Word』 Even if you don't believe in what you feel,you can see the change that is inside of you don't cast out what you feel might be true. I tell you from my heart you see for you to be Happy Eternally, with your family forever you can be with our Heavenly Father He who loved us so.He can show us what to do and where to go if our hearts are ready to know listen to your heart so you can believe in what do you want to be leavin' out of your life When you see some little sprouts begin to grow,it will shine some light and you will start to know cause your taste buds will start to tickle even just a little bit at a time knowing what is growing will taste sublime your thoughts will start to rhyme Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white When the heat starts coming you will know for sure,nourishing the word and acting is the cure you discover,if you can endure it starts with soil is running low,do you have enough to let the good things grow with your might,get ready to sow,cause it's Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white You will never know if you will let your doubt,keep you in a desert with expected drought, swelling water,keeps filling a spout that gives you clean and bright and fighting faith that never lets you down. come drink freely from the water that is Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white Cause it's coming from the tree of life,the tree of life who's fruit is tender sweet,and white ※一度質問したことがある内容ですが、 カテゴリが違うところにしてしまっていたので 再び質問させていただきます。

  • 以下の問題について,解説お願いします.(英語です)

    以下の問題について,解説お願いします. 英語の問題です. 問.以下の英文は,文法の誤りがあります.誤っている箇所を正しく訂正しましょう. 例) It's across Stewart's Department store. acrossとStewart'sの間にfromが抜けている. 1. Is there a stationery store around to here? 2. Then going straight two blocks. 以上の問題がよくわかりません.どなたか解説をお願いします.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I live in a small, tightknit development full of families with young kids. We were excited to become new parents a month ago and feel more included in the neighborhood already. Our backyard is a large hill sloping down from the street toward our house, and as my husband and I can testify, it’s great for sledding. Our backyard is a large hill sloping down from the street toward our houseの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方に。 お願いできますか? 意訳でもかまいません。 何とぞよろしくお願いします。 The future partner will have learned a trade or a service. He is seldom if ever without work. In his work or any task he does he is methodical, exacting, precise and detailed. He strives towards perfection, and is anxious conscientious and modest at work, good at covering up his mistakes when necessary. He is respected in his vocation. The twelfth house is the house of chronic ill health, though it can only show a tendency, not a certainty because how we live our life makes a difference to how we ail or age. If there is any chronic illness in his old age it is likely to be with the intestinal tract, constipations, dry scaly skin, exema, of the feet or the nerves.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    和訳お願いいたします。 ・ I hope you had a good night's sleep and that I'm not giving you too much stress. Am I giving you stress with your flights? Sorry if I did. Please choose whatever is easy for you. And if there is something I can do to help, I only try to make you happy :) Today I heart that I might have to visit 3 potential customers in China. It would be a very short visit ... just a few day. Hmmm it's almost like your visit to Belgium .. hahaha. If I need to go to China, I would be back before the 1st of December. Don't worry I will be here when you come. Actually I told my boss a friend from Tokyo is coming to visit Belgium ... so he knows I need to be in Belgium then. And Jents (do you remember him) told my boss and all my colleagues ... "and it's a very pretty friend" ... hahaha

  • 解説をお願いします

    一応自分でも解いてみたのですが、答えに自信がないので解説をお願いします。 上下の文が同じような意味を表すように、空所に適語を入れる問題です。 1. It seems that there were two temples near here. ( ) ( ) to have been two temples near here. 私は There seem を入れました。 2. It is impossible to stop her going abroad. There is ( ) ( ) her going abroad. これは全く分かりませんでした・・・。 カッコ内に誤りが1つあるので、それを指摘して正しく直す問題です。 1. It is time you (1. stopped) (2. to talk). All you (3. need to do) now is (4. put) your plan into action. 私は 2. to talk → talking にすれば良いと思いました(stopは~ingを取る動詞なので)。 2.It is our (1. neighbor's opinion) that if Kennedy were (2. alive today), the country (3. will) have (4. fewer problems) than it has now. 私は 3. will → would にしました(仮定法過去なので)。 3. (1. Almost) everybody had (2. a) racket in one hand (3. and) a ball in (4. another). 私は 1. Almost → Most of にしました。 4. John (1. has been talking) on the phone (2. for hours) when his friend (3. dropped by) his house (4. the other night). 私は 1. has been talking → had been talking にしました。 5. Becky's (1. old job) was (2. very stressful), but she (3. feels comfortably) at her (4. new one). 私は 3. feels comfortably → feels comfortable にしました(feelの後は形容詞が来る(?)ので)。 問題数が多いですが、回答宜しくお願いします。