• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ビジネスメール 英訳に不安)



  • HPU1991
  • ベストアンサー率22% (2/9)

ポイントは日本語で書いた文章が「翻訳」すると英文になると思ってるところかな? 英米人の感覚から言うとわけのわからない言い回し、表現、論法が日本文では多発します。 ビジネスメールなら、日本人的感覚からすれば、「シンプル過ぎないか?」と思うほど、シンプルに簡潔に書けば 相手にちゃんと伝わります。 だらだら日本的に書くと向こうは「????」という状態になります。



なるほど。 反省です。 ご回答、どうもありがとうございました!


  • 英訳お願いします

    "We would like to start a shop - it would include expensive French fisherman's rain gear." It's only a matter of time before the UK is submerged in their epic sound waves. "We came from the ocean and we'll return there one day," Fire For Effect states. "BLUE is a way of envisioning the future together, collectively. The sea levels are rising, sea monsters have been waking up, and we are on the verge of awakening something very old from the depths of the sea, and it's probably going to be really pissed off." 長文ですが、どなたかよろしくお願いします

  • 求人の英訳を頼まれたのですが

    間違っている所があれば教えてください。 Staff  Wanted Good circumstance for skills development ・A person, who wants to independent in the future is hearty welcome. Steady Support System. ・A person, who wants to skill up from beginner. ・A person, who wants to learn manner and communication skills even after becoming a member of society,. ・A person, who wants to independence and have own shop. Good circumstance, where any beginner can develop their own skill. It is possible to start as part time worker →learn skills and step up to a regular staff. →develop your skills and experiments for next manager step.→manager Additional salary system for sell, mini-bonus system. Your salaries refer to your efforts. We absolutely support your motivation. We have an independence system. 【Staff wanted for four shops in Chiyoda】 Let’s work at our shops, where are often in topics in media. We are planning to open new shops inside and outside of Japan. We always offer our ramen at customer side, and convey our devotions to each ball of ramen for each customer. We simultaneously want new staffs for four shops. Our achievements are good. Media often pick up our shops. Our shops are popular. Steady working conditions. 【regular Staff wanted】 Bonus, company trips, independent system. Experienced person can have a chance to manage whole a shop as a candidacy for manager. You can learn restaurant business. Staff management, sell strategies….ets

  • 訳してください!

    We had a question for you. We were thinking of going on vacation in December and wondered if this is something that interested you. We were thinking of going on a cruise to the Caribbean. Do you know your plans for Christmas? Are you going to be staying here or are you going home? Can you please let us know if you would like to travel with us and if your parents would like you to have this experience. If you are not interested and will be travelling home to Japan, that is good too. We will plan our holiday around what you would like. Can you please let us know your plans? この日本語訳をお願いします! だいたいはわかるのですが、 We were thinking of going on vacation in December and wondered if this is something that interested you.と、 If you are not interested and will be travelling home to Japan, that is good too. の訳が分かりません

  • 英訳(イエスについて)の訳をお願いします。

    a lot of people are offended that "God himself" would be "weak" enough to give in to sexual desires, when He is supposed to be the holy sacrifice for our sins. ダビンチコードでイエスには子供がいたのではないかというのが話題になりましたが、それについての英文です。 わたしなりには"神イエスは私達の罪のために犠牲になったとされているのに性欲があるということは弱者だ"と非難している。になりますが、誰かお願いします。後、when He is supposed to be the holy sacrifice for our sins. の部分でどうしてwhenを使うのかわかりません。お願いします。

  • メールの翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語は苦手なのですが海外通販をしています。 1回、オーダーしたことのある化粧品ブランドですが 日本に送れないものがあるということで オーダーをキャンセルして返金をしてもらったことのある ショップです。突然、下記のメールが届きました。 そのメールを翻訳して頂きたいのです。 後、メールの下部(Orの下)に We would be happy to offer you a refund on these items and 20% off your next order placed on ○○○.com. とあるのですがこれは次回の注文は20%オフになるということでいいのでしょうか? 以上、どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 We are please to tell you that your ○○○ order is ready to be resent to you. We would like to thank you once again for your continued patience and support at this time. Unfortunately we are now of stock in Pure Pigment in Incite and will not be able to include this in your order, please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause you. We would like to offer you the following options to continue your order. We would be happy to offer you replacement Pure Pigments(s) in any shade of your choice from our website to replace your out of stock item(s)http://www.○○○.com/shop/products/eyes/furore-pure-pigment Or We would be happy to offer you a refund on these items and 20% off your next order placed on ○○○.com. Please let us know which solution would be best for you and we will organise this right away and resend your order to you. Kind regards,

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    英訳をお願いします。 We understand that, in any case, Mr. ○○ would continue to be considered a Japanese resident, as he is required to be outside of Japan for more than one year in order to break residency. as以下の意味がよくわかりません。(前半の文章とのつながりがよくわかりません) 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英訳お願いします。

     Which came first, cars or roads? Today, we seem to have a vicious circle. As soon as new roads are built by our governments, they are filled with cars, so that more roads must be constructed. This race between roads and cars seems destined to go on for ever, unless the wasteful use of oil for cars is banned by some international agreement. Unfortunately, however, the chances of our reaching such an agreement are very slim indeed. Historically, the Romans were the first to bring their roads with them. Given the conditions I which they had to travel, it is a wonder that the Romans travelled at all. You can certainly sympathize with their occasional desire to stop at a fort or two. The Romans forts were, indeed, the first service stations. The Roman roads were an act of faith: namely, sooner or later there would be a point reach. The Romans would certainly have sympathized with the builders of the Humber Bridge who were accused (and still are) of building a bridge to nowhere. However, at least with a bridge you know when you have got there, no matter how pointless getting to the order bank seems to be. But with a road where do you stop? It all seems fairly arbitrary. This was probably the real reason for the expansion of the Roman Empireーthe road builders simply did not know where to halt. Had the Romans thought about it, the fall of their empire could have been avoided. The problem was the trouble-free maintenance of their roads. A few obstacles placed along the roads leading to the capital would have stopped the invaders. It is one of the ironies of history that their talent for good maintenance of roads led the Romans to their own destruction. Every time I baked or cooked anything, Daddy was going to have his life insured. I tried to feed them to the dog but he refused to ruin his health.

  • 断わりのメールについて

    ある人からメールが送られて来ました。 留学生にインタビューをしているから、相手いる時間を教えて欲しいという内容です。 My names XX, I am a sophomore here at XX and am a Communications major. XX and I are currently working together on a project where we have to make a video involving interviewing people for our digital productions class. Our idea was to interview students who are from another country, having them talk about both their transitions from their country to the United States and what they prefer more from both countries. We were wondering if the two of you would be okay with being in our project. All we would need from you is a quick interview that will take approximately 10-15 minutes and videos and/or pictures of your country. Email back any times that would work for an interview! これが一応メールの内容です。 (We were wondering if the two of you would be okay with being in our project. これはどういう意味でしょうか?) で、それに対して断わりというか、全然まだ英語が話せないから質問されても理解して答えられるかわからない、と言った内容のメールを返信しようと思っています。 My English isn't very good. So I don't know I can reply well your interviews. I wish I could, but I really can't speak English well. If you are fine, I could take it. Would that be alright? Or I can introduce another Japanese Student! They can speak English than me. 「英語が本当に話せないけど、それでもいいならあなたたちのインタビューに応じます。」 というような感じで返信を送りたいのですが、上の英文でいいでしょうか? 一応軽く断わりを入れつつ、それでもいいなら…という雰囲気を出したいです。 言い方がキツかったり、失礼であったりしないか、確認して欲しいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英国からのメールの和訳をお願いします

    The price quoted is for a minimum of 7 units we could not sell 2 units at £40.15 we would be unable to cover our costs. For your information the retailers recommened price is £59.99 GBP per unit we could reduce the price per unit to £53.00 GBP but we could not meet the postage costs for shipping. The total price including shipping costs would be £120.30 GBP

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。とても安くて小さいものなのでまとめ売りらしいです。 発送ができるか質問を相手にしていたのですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 We are in receipt of your below mail and thank you very much for your interest in our articles. Of course we would be pleased to welcome you as our new customer and we could deliver our articles directly from LA to your address in Japan. Please kindly note that we have quite a few customers in Japan and it is absolutely no problems to import our goods. Since you have not clarified which articles you would like to purchase we suggest to have a look at our homepage 11111 and choose the requested items. Once you will let us know which items you would like to purchase we can send you our best offer. Since most of our articles are packed in boxes containing 2 or 3 pieces we normally request a minimum order quantity of a complete box. In case of orders for less than a complete box our prices get increased by 30 %. If the order is for more than 5 pieces of one article our prices will get decreased. Hoping to have been of assistance to you and awaiting your detailed inquiry.