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英語分かる方、訳を教えて下さいm(_ _)m

英語分かる方、訳を教えて下さいm(_ _)m A sentence is usually made up of several words. Her grandparents live on the daily side of this street.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

文章というのは大抵いくつかのの単語から出来ている。 彼女の祖父母は表通りに面した家に住んでいる。


  • 翻訳して下さい(>_<)

    翻訳して下さい(>_<) A sentence is usually made up of several words. Her grandparents live on the daily side of this street.

  • 英語の訳を教えてください。

    訳を教えてください! "As no human tongue can speak and no human ear can hear" The three rabbinic passages quoted in this chapter call to our attention the f act tha t the revelation of the "Words" did not happen by means of ordinary words that were spoken or could be heard. This fact is emphasized in the verse that follows the "proclamation" of the Ten Words (Exod 20:18) where the Hebrew reads, "And all the people saw the voices". All of this implies that any attempt to explain the depth of that revelation in human language is bound to fail.

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    Millie has a daughter and a son, but they live on the opposite side of the country and aren’t able to visit now. Her daughter is 4, and when I saw her over the summer, she briefly referred to me as auntie. Millie pulled her daughter to the side and told her that I was not her auntie and that I was to be referred to by my first name. I was to be referred to by my first nameの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Maybe she panicked when she saw the barries were down on the other side. She dropped her bicycle and spilled all the groceries in her basket. People on both sides were calling to her, telling her to run because a train was coming, but she just stood there.Then suddenly a brave young man jumped over the barrier on the other side,ran to the woman, put her on his shoulder and carried her to safety.The train came in on the track closest to me, so she wouldn't have been injured, but still it was a scary moment.When the barriers came up again, some other people picked up the woman's bicycle and groceries for her.If the railway company doesn't make that crossing safer, it's only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured there.

  • [英語]()に当てはまるもの教えて下さい><

    1. Why have the chickens stopped () eggs? (1) laying (2) lying (3) to lay (4) to lie 2. Indoor heating systems have made () for people to live and work in comfortable conditions. (1) possible that (2) it possible (3) possible (4) it is possible 3. Her father () her to be careful when choosing friends. (1) advised (2) explained (3) said (4) suggested 4. (), we went home. (1) full (2) This done (3) Did this (4) Done this 5. I called your office a couple of times, but the line was (). (1) full (2) short (3) far (4) busy 6. People are becoming increasingly () the misuse of the taxpayer's money. (1) received from (2) fed up with (3) delayed by (4) given to 6. You say it is black. (), it is white. (1) By contrast (2) On the contrary (3) Moreover (4) In exchange

  • 英語訳

    The couple secretly get married but,when a friend of Romeo's is killed by Juliet's is cousin, Romeo kills the cousin in revenge. For this crime, Romeo is banished from Verona.Meanwhile, not knowing that Juliet is already married, Juliet's parents plan for her to marry a nobleman.To help her to escape from this situation,a friar gives Juliet a special drink that makes her seem dead. これの訳分かる人教えて下さい。

  • 英語訳

    The couple secretly get married but,when a friend of Romeo's is killed by Juliet's is cousin, Romeo kills the cousin in revenge. For this crime, Romeo is banished from Verona.Meanwhile, not knowing that Juliet is already married, Juliet's parents plan for her to marry a nobleman.To help her to escape from this situation,a friar gives Juliet a special drink that makes her seem dead. これの訳分かる人教えて下さい。

  • 英語の訳わかりません。お願いします><

    On January 4,Garsden Company purchased and received inventory costing $2,000,paying cash. 1月4日にGarsden Companyは棚卸資産を$2000で購入し受け取った。 The event of January 4 required two changes on the balance sheet,even though only one side of the balance sheet was affected. 貸借対照表上の二つの変化をもたらした1/4の結果は、たとえ貸借対照表の片側だけとしても影響を及ぼした。 Each event that is recorded in the accounting records is called a transaction. 会計帳簿の記録されたそれぞれの結果は、transactionと呼ばれる。transactionの訳し方わかりません。 Each transaction causes at least two changes on the balance sheet(not counting the changes in totals and in the date),even when only one said of the balance sheet is affected. 貸借対照表上で二つの変化を引き起こすtransaction(総合的には記録されない)貸借対照表の片側だけですら影響される。 This is true of all transactions,and this is why accounting is called a double-entry system. これは全てのtransactionskの真実であり、会計がdouble-entry systemと呼ばれる由来である。

  • 英語訳お願いします。

    どなたか、英語が堪能な方お願いします。 (1) This is charcoal. I like barbeque very much. I often have barbeque party with my family and friends in summer. It is really fun and dish is very delicious. (2) This is an autographed ball. I was given an autograph by Mr.Yoshinobu Takahashi in Yomiuri Giants. It is genuine. I like baseball since long ago. My father watched Major League games on TV in the weekend and I came to like it affected by that. (3) These are vegetables. I am working as a part time worker at the grocery store. All worker are friendly and cheerful and I am happy to work. My job is easy. (lol) Good points to work there are that hourly pay is high and I can eat many fresh fruits. (4) This is a savings bank in the form of Jizo (a guardian deity of children). It has good touch and I like it. No money is in it. (lol) (5) This is a seal. I bought it when I went to the trip to Beijing, China. It was made of crystal and by craftsman’s hands. I like it very much but have never used. (lol) (6) This is a photo of Tenanmon. It was very cold on the day I took this photo. It was very wide and the building had sense of history. Here was also a location site of the movie "Last Emperor." (7) This is a ticket of the World Cup. I went to the World Cup 2006 in Germany. I saw the game between Japan and Brazil and was very excited. Dortmund in Germany had very beautiful street and very tasty baked sausage 長文すいません・・・

  • 英語の疑問を英語で質問します。

    英語の達人の方に、overという前置詞について英語で質問です。 I found a sentence in an English workbook printed in Japan. " A plane is flying over the sky." How do you interpret this "over" in this sentence? If this "over" means "above", the plane is in the space and then the plane can't fly unless it is an artificial satellite or an flying saucer. If it means " across", you can very hardly see the plane because the plane is about to go to the opposite side of the horizon. Do you think the use of "over" in this sentence is appropriate? なかなか、感覚的なものは外国人には難しいですからね。