• ベストアンサー


大変でも以下の英文の翻訳お願いします。 How is your business these days? Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. We appreciate you as a customer.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

このところお仕事の方はいかがでしょうか。    私どもに出来ることがありましたらお申し付けください    お客様として感謝しております。




その他の回答 (1)

  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

How is your businessというのは勿論その通り、仕事はどうですか?とか景気はどうですか?などの意味ですが、それ以外に所謂ご機嫌伺いでも使われる常套句です。 最後のWe appreciate you as a customer.というのも顧客に対して自分たちの店やサービスなどを利用してもらいたい文章などの結びの文章としての常套句です。 なので私が推測するに、何かプロモーションや営業などのご挨拶なのかなと思いましたので下記のように訳してみました。 最近お仕事の方(もしくは調子)はどうでしょうか? もし何かお手伝いできることがありましたらお知らせください。 いつもご利用ありがとうございます。





  • 翻訳お願いします

    アメリカの手芸店でネット通販を利用して、私のオーダーに対しての返答です。 ちょっと長いのですが、よろしくお願いします。 We've received your order and it's in the queue to be pulled. If we're out of stock on anything we'll let you know once we've pulled your order. If you need to know right away if an order is not complete please let us know so we can call you vs. sending an e-mail. Our current time to get things in the post for complete or partial orders is 3-5 business days but might be longer if our queue gets bloated (and we've all been there one time or another :-)). If you have specified a deadline we'll do our best to meet it and will let you know if that's a problem. If you have a deadline and have not noted it in the order, please let us know ASAP - even if it's a month from now! Feel free to give us a call on our toll-free number the order is urgent so we get the message more quickly. If we have to reorder or special order something the sooner we know about a deadline the better since it takes 3-4 weeks to reorder most items. If you selected "hold for all items" but would like to change that to "ship partial" please let us know via e-mail or give us a call. If you don't hear anything from us within 10 days do contact us. Sometimes e-mail messages go missing and we're happy to give you an up-to-date status if you've not heard anything. When we ship your order you will receive an e-mail notification so you know about when to expect it. Thanks for your order,

  • すいませんが翻訳お願いします。

    すいませんが翻訳お願いします。 Thanks for your email. We notice that all of your orders on our website have been shipped out, we are sincerely sorry that we cannot add the item for you. If you really like the item, how about you place a new order of the item on our website. The order will be shipped out within 1-3 business days after the payment has been cleared. If there is anything else we can do for you, just feel free to contact us. Have a nice day!

  • この英文たちについてご説明願います。

    You know how many copies we print of our newspaper? ↑we print of のofの役割とは? These will start the uprising. ↑このTheseは there is, are のtheseと同じふうに捉えればよいか? Keep your peckers up! ↑この文の意味は? Keep your legs crossed! ↑この文の意味は? これら4つの文のうち1つの文に対する回答だけでももちろん結構ですので、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    インターネットでブーツを購入したのですが、発送時なって以下のメールがきました。 以下の翻訳おねがいします。 I wanted to let you know we received your Redwing boots today and they look great. The only issue is that Redwing made your boots with brown stitching instead of black stitching. Please let us know if this is acceptable and we will ship out your item immediately. 多分、ステッチの色が間違ったという内容だと思います。 間違っていてもいいので発送してください。という内容の返信の文も教えて頂けると ありがたいです。

  • 英文の翻訳お願いいたします。

    アメリカのお店から、FILSONのジャケットとブーツを購入したのですが、 以下のメールが届きました。たいへんでも翻訳お願いいたします。 I forgot to let you know in the previous e-mailed the FILSON item you reguested is not longer being made. We will refund you when we can ship your boots out.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    日本語にわかりやすく訳してほしいです。 翻訳サイト使っても意味がイマイチわかりません。 We are writing for your order information. We received the package you returned. Please contact us for replacement order with the transaction ID once you pay your balance. We will order another order for you once confirmed. If there is anything else we can do for you, please feel free to contact us!

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    個人輸入でレッドウイングのブーツとSitkaというメーカーの迷彩の Kelvin Jacket というジャケットとAscent Pantというズボンを購入したら以下のメールがきました。 大変でも英文の翻訳お願いします。 個人輸入でレッドウイングのブーツとSitkaというメーカーの迷彩の Ascent Pantというズボンを購入したら以下のメールがきました。 大変でも英文の翻訳お願いします。 Hello, I wanted to let you know I received your Redwing boot order today and they look great. The only issue is that the Sitka item you ordered is currently unavailable. Please let us know if you would like us to send out your boots and refund you for the Sitka item or if you would like to see if something else is available we can check on another Sitka item.

  • この英文を翻訳してほしいんです

    海外のネットで買い物をしていたら謎のメールが来てしまいました。英語の詳しい方助けてください We have refunded back onto your card a small amount could you tell us how much it is, once you have told us the amount we will send you your order.

  • 和訳を...

    nice observation :) yeah it's gross how much food we have... the US GOVERNMENT is very greedy. not the people like me. .. oh just to let you know... the essay is due in 4 days. no rush or anything... haha. Just answer as best you can. I don't need long answers :) .

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    海外のサイトで商品を購入したのですが、返金されてきました。内容が良く理解できません(>_<) 翻訳お願いします。 Thank you for shopping with International Checkout! We have an update regarding your beddingstyle order 2861556. The new status is : Order Canceled - Your PayPal payment has been refunded. Comments:- 7. November 2014 Unfortunately, without the confirmation we requested, we are unable to complete your order at this time. Your PayPal payment has been fully refunded. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding in this matter. Please contact us if you would like to reinstate your order. You can also find this item at another store and/or re-place your order at the site. Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with. - John B You will receive additional updates regarding your order 's progress as they become available. Your Account Please visit the <https://www.internationalcheckout.com/login.php>My Account page to access your current order status, view tracking details, or to request a return or exchange after you have received your items. Contact Us Our customer service team is always happy to hear from you. Please <https://www.internationalcheckout.com/contact.php>Contact Us for assistance. Please reference your order number so we may better serve you.