• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の意味を教えてください。)

Special Pricing for Your Purchase

  • Learn the meaning of a message regarding shipping and discount for your upcoming purchase from an American online store.
  • Discover the details of a special code 'AAAA' that offers a discount for purchases over $20 and can be used anytime.
  • Find out about the possibility of getting a refund for the shipping cost if you choose to use your own shipping company or a cheaper rate is available.


  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

何か文章が壊れていますね。先方があわてて打ち間違えたのか。文の切れ目もあいまいで、ひょっとしたらそのへんで誤解があるかも知れませんが。 「あなたのためにコードを作りました。あなたはコード”AAAA"を使うことができ、$20以上利用するときにはいつでも使えます。あなたのための特別価格です。良ければあなたはこれを購入することができ、注文を受け付けることができます。出荷に関してはあなたが自分の配送会社を使うと決めれば、その分返金することができます。私たちのサイトよりも安い価格のサイトを探すこともできます。もしあれば差額をあなたに返金できます。これでよいかどうか、また他にあなたにできることがあるかご連絡ください。オーダーありがとうございました。」



  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。届いたら不良品で返金か交換のお願いをしていました。その件で返事が来たのですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。 thank you for your patience and understanding, please know you can email me about any issues, I will personally follow your account. As for the 3 damaged AAA they are older so I am sorry we should of checked them before we ship them out to you. If there are any imperfections we will email you first for approval. Most of our AAA are new and we have some AAA that are older but for the most part this should not happen again. I can offer you several options, please let me know and if you can think of a better solution. - We refund you $BBBB USD for the bags and you can keep them and discount them. You can send it back ( we will refund you back the cost for economy shipping ) we credit you back the amount for the AAA and shipping and you can choose other AAA and we will give you 3 free CCC of your choice

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。値引きと在庫の事で相手からメールがきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。 our offices close on the 6th for one week, so you should place your order soon, for the 商品名 we are out of stock until our offices opens again. If you want you can change it, we normally can’t do 50% without first seeing the order size but I requested it for this one time code, it will expire at the end of the week so I would recommend you order soon, also the minimum order is $50 but that should not be a problem. If you want the 2 items that are out of stock, your order may be delayed but if you order the items in stock and perhaps some more, we can ship it out ASAP, thanks again and please let me know if you have any other questions. Also I have answered your questions below, thanks.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。在庫があるか質問したら返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 we finally tracked 2 down for you and it’s actually a better size than our previous one. I can keep the price at $9.99 and the shipping of all will be $5 if you are interested please let me know, I have sent you the invoice and gave you 50% off the price. The cost of shipping is a bit higher since it’s just those items. I can also put the AAA online and you can add it to another order, but it would delay this AAA and the rest of the order since I need a couple of days to send it to our warehouse. If it’s cheaper I can refund you back the cost of the shipping if it is less but it’s high since it’s a smaller shipment. The new one is 2wx 3hx 2d cm and the original smaller one is 1wx 2h x 1d cm, everything else is the same, it’s a really nice AAA and nearly sold out in most places.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。値引きをお願いしていたのですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 sorry we can only do 10% off right now. We had said 15% off if you buy over 10 AAA but for this I can do 12% that’s already much higher than what we offer, our AAA are made of leather and we really can’t discount them too much, you can use code BBB , and the minimum order is NNN and it expires this week. Please let me know if you need anything else, thanks.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。欲しい商品の入荷情報や発送の事でメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 please see the estimate, some items are no longer in stock or the quality I don’t think will meet your standards. The entire shipment can ship in about 7-10 days from payment date, as some of them we need to special order for you. If you would like we can ship them in 2 shipments ( items in stock and then the reorders in 10 days) or you can wait for the entire shipment at once. I have sent you the invoice via paypal. For Fedex it would be $60 for shipping for one complete shipment. If you want to use your account just let me know the account number and we can set up with fedex. Once we get payment we can start the order, thank you again, I went ahead and did the 10% that you had requested, I can’t do anymore, but this is the lowest we have gone for any AAA.

  • すみません。英文の意味を教えて頂けませんか?

    アメリカのネットショップで小物をいくつか落札しました。発送の事で相手からメールが来たのですがすみませんが意味を教えて頂けませんか?宜しくお願い致します。 Hi we only get a good international discount from US to Japan if it is over 3kgs, do you want to order a little more or do you want to use your account? Right now it is about 1 kg actual and 2kg with DIM weight, do you want to use your Fedex account, I can also ship it with USPS, let me know and I can get an estimate for you, thanks!

  • 下記の英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    For the old items, I can reorder them, we just do not keep them in stock, but if you want me to reorder as long as you order 2pieces ( sometimes 3 ) I can special order them for you, which ones are you interested in. For the sold out items, generally speaking, they were not the most popular, i do think the AAA tote was very popular and should do well in USA and also the BBB. Right now we ordered the “CCC” and a lot of clients have been waiting for it, if you want to place an order for that and pre-order you can do, that should release in a couple of days.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップでクリスマスの飾り付けセットを買いました。発送の事で相手から連絡がありました。すみませんが英文の意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 it was shipped out yesterday via DHL, since I was so late in getting your order to you, I went ahead and shipped it expedited so you can have it sooner. The tracking is 0000 and you should get it early next week. Also we just restocked a lot of the AAA you were interested in with our site and right now, if you are interested in anything let me know and I can get you better pricing and a cheaper shipping service

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を注文しようと思っています。相手に在庫チェックをお願いしたら下記の返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。 Yes ill put it online and you can add them to your order that way we can reduce the shipping, when are you placing the order? I’ll ask them to place it online today

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。値段の事と送料の事と、Xマークの事について質問をしていました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか? お願いします。 A price: B price: For handbags - A prices are $29. I can ask Sam but pretty much he will deny it. All of our  A price are getting at A Price even they buy containers. Also, if you were to ship the products by sea I would like you to give me a rough estimate of the shipping fee? I would like you to give me an estimate for my October order as an example. • I’ll contact shipping company and find out for you. “X” means we are going have them in stock.

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