• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳してください!)


  • 海外製のカツラ購入を考えています。肌の色に合うフレンチレースは何種類かあるのでしょうか?
  • 取引相手からの回答では、darker tanned laceを勧められていますが、transparent French laceもオススメとされています。
  • 具体的にどのレースが私に合うかわからないので、アドバイスをお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー

「darker tanned laceが一番のお勧めですが、それにtransparent French laceをアクセントにしてはいかがでしょうか。そうした方が、(カツラっぽくなく)自然な感じになると思います。」  単に、offer(勧める)ではなく、do offerと強めてありますので、darker tanned laceが一押しということでしょう。そこへ、transparent French laceをstick with(貼りつける)感じにすることを提案(suggest)しているようです。  つまり、darker tanned laceをベースにtransparent French laceを混ぜておくということではないかと思います。  undetectableは「検出しにくい」という硬めな感じの言葉ですが、カツラということが「検出しにくい」、つまり「自然な感じ」ということだろうと思います。



お早いお返事、ありがとうございます。 説明不足で申し訳ないのですが、今回私はレースの上にもう一枚レースを被せるinjected laceで注文しました。 レース一枚だけだと結び目の黒いボツボツが目立ち、不自然になるからです。 だから訳は「darker tanned laceが一番のお勧めですが、それにtransparent French laceを貼つけてはいかがでしょうか。 そうした方が、(カツラっぽくなく)自然な感じになると思います。」になると思います。 stick withという慣用句?をアルクで調べても、「貼りつける」が出てこなかったのでここでつまずいたようです。 stickで調べたら「貼りつける」はあるけど、withがついているのでこの訳になるとは思いませんでした。 transparent French laceをざっと調べてみたら、そういうものはあるようなので この意味で間違いないと思いますが、念のため取引先からの返信メールがきてから ベストアンサーは決めさせていただきます。 勉強になったし、本当に助かりました! ありがとうございました!



取引先から返信メールがきて、やはり「そういう意味だよ」と言っていました。 ありがとうございました!


その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

    私どもでは、より濃い小麦色のレースを扱っておりますが、あなたの場合、こちらの方が目立たないと思いますので透明なフレンチレースを引き続きお使いになるようお勧めします。 >>darker tanned laceを勧めているのか、transparent French laceというものがあってそれを勧めているのかわかりません。よろしくお願い致します。     勧めているのは darker tanned lace ではなく、transparent French lace の方です。



お早いお返事、ありがとうございます。 すいません、私の説明不足でした。



  • この英文を日本語に訳していただけませんか。

    下記の英文が訳せません。どなたか訳していただけませんか?他は何とかわかります。 よろしくお願いします。 "We believe a price point of $250-300 would have gone a long way in keeping competition at bay," 【原文】 This morning the company announced its new 7.9-inch tablet, but since then Apple's stock has fallen more than 3%, or more than $20. It closed at $613.36. The iPad mini starts at $329 for a 16 GB model. By comparison, the iPad mini's competitors, the Google Nexus 7 and the Amazon 7-inch Kindle Fire HD, offer their tablets at $250 and $200 for 16 GB models, respectively. "We believe a price point of $250-300 would have gone a long way in keeping competition at bay," Mizuho Securities said in a note Tuesday. Google and Amazon are counting on the sales of digital goods purchased on the tablets to make up for the low, or in Amazon's case non-existent, margins to make a profit. Apple may instead be counting on the sale of its device.

  • 関係詞の継続用法(非制限用法)について  英作文

    「次の日本文を英語に訳しなさい」という問題で納得することができないことがありお力を借りたいと思い質問させていただきます。 制限用法はわかっていると思います。 例えばThe man who is standing over ther is Mike. 「あそこに立っている人がマイクだ」 今ここに100人の男がぞろぞろいるとします。そのうち99人は白いシャツを着ていますが、1人だけ赤いシャツを着ているとします。そしてその「赤いシャツの人」がマイクだと、誰かに伝えたい。「あの赤いシャツの男がマイクだ」といいます。つまり、「あの男がマイクだ」といっても、この場には100人も「男」がいる。だから、区別がつかない。だから、ほかの人とは違う特徴を「あの赤いシャツの・・・」というふうにつけ加えるわけです。もしこの場に一人の人しかいないなら、He is Mike「あの人がマイクだ」で終わりです。ところが、今ここには何人もいて、「あの人」といっただけでは、誤解が生じる恐れがあるわけです。だから Who is standing over thereh「あそこに立っている」という説明を付けている。したがって、関係詞の「制限用法」というのは、先行詞(この場合は「男」を、類似の他者(この場合は「ほかの男たち」から区別して誤解を避けるためにつけるもの。 ここまではわかっています。 しかし次の2つの文が考えてもわかりません。調べてもわかりません。 1 我々は朝食に関しては保守的になるきらいがあり、毎朝クロワッサンを食べるフランス人がそれにうんざりすることはない。 2えさを与えられている動物園のサルは、野生のサルよりはるかに暇な時間がある。 こちらが模範解答になっていました。 1We tend to be conservative about breakfast, and French people ,who eat every morning, are never tired of itまたは、 We tend to be conservative about breakfast.French people eat croissant every morning, but they are never tired of it. (こちらは, whoを使わずにbutをつかって書いた解答です。) なぜフランス人はたくさんいるのに、,whoなのかわかりません。 2 Monkeys in the zoo, which are given food, have much more free time than those in wildまたは、 Because monkeys in the zoo are given food, they have much more free time than those in the wild. (こちらは,whichを使わずにBecauseを使って書いた解答です。) なぜmonkeys に,whichがつくのか理解することができません。 Japan, which has developed too rapidly, has many social problems.「あまりに早く発展した日本は多くの社会的な問題を抱えている」こういう文では「Whichという関係代名詞が「継続用法」で使われている」と文法的に言います。「日本」と言えば1つだけだから、 Japan, whichとして1つしかないから継続用法を使うというのはわかります。 ところが質問にある「サル」は「たくさんのサルがいる」からなぜmonkeys in the zoo, whichになるのかがわかりません。 またはFrench peopleもたくさんいるわけですから,whoにするのがなぜかわかりません。 正直継続用法が苦手です。

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (11) Some scholars believe that Amenhotep IV was a normal-looking young man. Their theory is that the distorted human forms artists began drawing at this time were the result of a new artists style. The bodies, neither male nor female, but a bit of both, were meant to show the king as "everything." Other scholars have a different theory. They believe that Amenhotep IV was deformed by disease. They believe the long spidery fingers nd toes, the head that looks like pulled taffy, and the stick arms, full breasts and sagging belly represent a true likeness. Amenhotep IV's mummy has never been found, but if one turns up with an unusual body shape, we'll know who it is. (12) Scholars aren't sure if Amenhotep IV ruled alongside his father for a short time or not. It would have been excellent on-the-job training for the inexperienced prince. It would also have made it crystal clear to anyone who might have designs on the throne that the job was filled. From Amenhotep III's mummy we know toward the end he was fat and in poor health. Two of his teeth on the right side were abscessed. He would have been in constant pain. With Amenhotep IV ruling beside latest painkiller from Cyprus―opium. If he had packed his teeth with opium, he would not have been able to make clear-headed decisions; a co-ruler would have been not only useful, but also necessary. (13) When Amenhotep III died, embalmers used a new method. They injected tree resin and salt under the skin to plump it up nd give the body a more life like look. This innovation was the first in increasingly drastic changes that marked the reign of the rebel Amenhotep IV―a short blip in Egypt's history we know as the Amarna Period.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Clemenceau told Wilson: "America is far away, protected by the ocean. Not even Napoleon himself could touch England. You are both sheltered; we are not". The French wanted a frontier on the Rhine, to protect France from a German invasion and compensate for French demographic and economic inferiority. American and British representatives refused the French claim and after two months of negotiations, the French accepted a British pledge to provide an immediate alliance with France if Germany attacked again, and Wilson agreed to put a similar proposal to the Senate. Clemenceau had told the Chamber of Deputies, in December 1918, that his goal was to maintain an alliance with both countries. Clemenceau accepted the offer, in return for an occupation of the Rhineland for fifteen years and that Germany would also demilitarise the Rhineland. French negotiators required reparations, to make Germany pay for the destruction induced throughout the war and to decrease German strength. The French also wanted the iron ore and coal of the Saar Valley, by annexation to France. The French were willing to accept a smaller amount of reparations than the Americans would concede and Clemenceau was willing discuss German capacity to pay with the German delegation, before the final settlement was drafted. In April and May 1919, the French and Germans held separate talks, on mutually acceptable arrangements on issues like reparation, reconstruction and industrial collaboration. France, along with the British Dominions and Belgium, opposed mandates and favored annexation of former German colonies.Britain had suffered little land devastation during the war. However, the British wartime coalition was re-elected during the so-called Coupon election at the end of 1918, with a policy of squeezing the German "'til the pips squeak". Public opinion favoured a "just peace", which would force Germany to pay reparations and be unable to repeat the aggression of 1914, although those of a "liberal and advanced opinion" shared Wilson's ideal of a peace of reconciliation.In private Lloyd George opposed revenge and attempted to compromise between Clemenceau's demands and the Fourteen Points, because Europe would eventually have to reconcile with Germany. Lloyd George wanted terms of reparation that would not cripple the German economy, so that Germany would remain a viable economic power and trading partner. By arguing that British war pensions and widows' allowances should be included in the German reparation sum, Lloyd George ensured that a large amount would go to the British Empire.

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    In 2004 the French government decided to ban all obvious religious symbols from public school. As a result, Muslim girls could no longer wear the bijab, or the head scarf. Jews were not allowed to wear yarmulkes, or skullcaps. Even large Christian crosses were not permitted. A special commission researched the question and made the recommendation to ban the religious clothing. Former government minister Bernard Stasi headed the group. He said that the members of the group consulted many different people-including teachers, religious leaders, sociologists, and politicians- before they made their decision The commission felt that conspicuous religious symbols set people apart and stop them from feeling truly French. By instituting this ban, the commission hopes that immigrants will become a more integral part of French society if they do not wear such clothing. Traditionally, newcomers from Africa and the Middle East have often been poorly integrated into French society. However, this decision has upset other ethnic groups. For example,there are about 5,000 Sikhs in France. Being mostly lower middle class and thus having little access to mainstream French media, they did not know about the government commission. The commission was not aware of their concerns either. As a result, Sikhs never had the opportunity to testify in the hearings Several thousand Sikhs held a rally in Paris last week. They wanted to know if they have to take off their turbans. Or should they, as Luc Ferry, the education minister said, wear "see-through turbans." Sikh spokesmen argue that the turban is not a symbol of their religion. They wear turbans to cover their hair, which they never cut. Therefore, if they cannot wear turbans, their hair, which is the real symbol, will be uncovered. "We feel undressed if we don't wear out turbans," said Simranjit Singh, a Sikh member of the Indian parliament who came to France-along with hundreds of people from all over Europe and America-for Saturday's rally. "It is humiliating to the core if we are made to take off our turbans." The government has not yet made a decision on the legality of the turban.

  • what to do with ourselves

    NHK実践ビジネス英語2019年8月Lesson 9 (1)のMcMillanさんの台詞で、 We were at a loss as to what to do with ourselves. テキスト訳「自分たちはどう過ごせばいいのかと、途方にくれました。」 とあります。 at a loss 途方に暮れる as to ~に関しては、~については、~に応じて do with ~を処置する、~をどうにかする McMillan: I hear you, Shota, I hear you. We're all smartphone junkies these days, aren't we? But going cold turkey is possible, believe it or not. Digital detox actually works. At first, we felt cut off from the world around us. We were at a loss as to what to do with ourselves. That sounds strange when I look back at it now in the cold light of reason, but that's how Arabella and I felt at the time. But the digital spell finally broke, and we realized that there was a whole world outside our smartphone screens. @2019年8月L9(1) よくぞここまでてんこ盛りしたねというフレーズ満載の台詞です。 その中にある “do with”は、この講座でもよく出てくるフレーズの一つですが、 “what to do with ourselves”をネット検索すると、次の説明がでてきました。 https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-does-daisys-question-whatll-we-do-with-419196 In The Great Gatsby, what does Daisy's question, "What'll we do with ourselves this afternoon and the day after that, and the next thirty years," suggest about "old money" and the American dream? なんと「華麗なるギャッツビー」のDaisyの台詞ではありませんか。 彼女の台詞は、What'll we do with ourselves?となっていますが、 この文を平叙文のスタイルにすると、 We will do what with ourselves. として、新しい他動詞doの用法だというのは無理があるでしょうから、 We will do with what ourselves. で、whatを句動詞do withの目的語とすると、ourselvesは、以前、教えていただいた “a robot yourself”の文末にある再帰代名詞の強調用法ということでおさまりがいいかと考えました。 ということで、このDaisyの台詞を日本語にすると (1) 「ねぇねぇ、これから私たちどうするの」 となるのだと考えましたが、もう少し突っ込んで、 (2) 「これから私たちだけでどうするの」 という意味かなとも考えました。これだとby ourselvesになるのかな。 Daisy本人に聞く方が手っ取り早いのですが、彼女を演じたミア・ファローMia Farrowも昔のことで憶えていないでしょうしね。そうかもう一人キャリー・ハンナ・マリガンCarey Hannah Mulliganがいましたね。でも、彼女とは面識がないので… ということで、質問です。 [質問] Daisyの台詞の真意は、次のどれになるのでしょうか? (1) 軽いノリでDaisyが言っている (2) もう少し意味深な思いを込めている (3) Daisyの言うことを、あれこれ考えるな よろしくお願いします。 To whom it may concern: ついでながら、 “what’ll…”でネット検索したら、次のような用例がヒットしました。 What’ll you have? 「何食べる?」 What’ll it be? 「ご注文は?」 口語では、普通なんですね。引用httpは省略させていだたきます。 以下、参考まで: I hear you おっしゃることはわかります go cold turkey きっぱりやめる believe it or not 〈話〉信じられないような話ですが、まさかと思うでしょうが、驚くべきことに、何と、信じようと信じまいと digital detox デジタルデトックス cut off from 《be ~》~から疎外される look back at 〔昔のことなどを〕振り返る、思い出す in the cold light of reason 冷静に思い返すと break a spell のろいを解く digital detox(解毒◆【語源】detoxificationの略) Electronic detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic connecting devices such as smartphones and computers. It is regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress, focus more on social interaction and connection with nature in the physical world. Wikipedia do with (英辞郎on the WEB) 1.~で済ませる[間に合わせる]、~でどうにか我慢する 2.~を処置する、~をどうにかする ・I don't know what to do with myself. : 私はどうしてよいか[自分が何をすべきか]分かりません。/私は自分を持て余しています。 ・She gave me an old hat that she doesn't wear anymore, and I don't know what to do with it. : 彼女がもうかぶらなくなった古い帽子をくれましたが、どう扱っていいか分かりません。 3.〔便宜・利益を〕得る

  • この漫画の英訳をしたいです・・

    タイトルの通りですが、漫画のセリフが難しくて訳すのに困っています。 以下、手紙の文章が画像の劣化の関係で読み解けませんが、分かる範囲で書き出して自力で訳してみました。 しかし意味不明な箇所が多くてどなたか分かる方がいらっしゃいましたら、御教授のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 ~1コマ目~ (緑の老婆) ain`t here.' these two came an sat either side of me. he had a hypo - they were gonna stick me. ここにはない! これら2人が来た。 私の横に座った。 彼はHYPOを持っていて私を刺そうとした。 (緑の老婆) can't fire in a crowded theater, so i bopped 'EM they bent my front sight! 混雑した劇場で発砲できない。それで私は彼らをピシャッと撃った。彼らは私の前の標準を曲げた! ~2コマ目~ (緑の老婆) STUFF YOUR COMPANY! I'M PRACTICALLY an innocent bystander! あなたの会社を詰め込みなさい! 私はほとんど罪がない傍観者である! (黄色の男) Lady,you`ve already fractured his skull! 御婦人、あなたはすでに彼の頭骨を砕いた! (ポンチョの男) lucy! kleingunther`s got clarissa! where`s ED? ルーシー! kleingunther (?)が clarissa(?) を持っている! EDはどこにいる? ~3コマ目~ (ドアの文字) 「employees only」 「従業員のみ」 (赤服の男) president of what--- oh,the congress. 何かについての社長--- おお、議会。 (ポンチョの男) we need to go to suite 1919. 私たちはスイート1919年に行く必要がある。 (ポンチョの男) lucille G. kropotkin,G28 genet place,laporte ---verify that with the president. lucille G. kropotkin 、(?)G28 genet 順位(?)、が大統領と一緒にlaporte(?)にそれを実証する。 ~4コマ目~ (赤服の男) if the lady will leave her name and address,we`ll use the staff elevator. もし婦人が彼女の名前と住所を置き残すなら、私たちはスタッフエレベーターを使うだろう。 (ポンチョの男) we`re congressional witnesses,one of us has been kidnapped. this was another try. can we shake loose of here,fast? 私たちは国会の目撃者である、私たちの1人が誘拐された。 これはもう1つの試みであった。 私たちが、ここで、速い ? について緩くて振ることができる。 ~5コマ目~ (赤服の男) security desk says they took a shuttle groundward not more than five minutes ago. 安全管理デスクが5分以上前にではなく、彼らが往復便 groundward (?)をとったと言う。 (手紙の内容[文字が小さくて単語が拾えなかった箇所多し]) leutenant we enjoyed more auccess with dr, oloon and Mr,bear. Instand of meeting time, ando lives attempling to lollow,recanalder my aller belare the cangredd caruened. Mr,R leutenant(?) 私たちが drと一緒に、いっそう auccess(?)であるのを楽しんだ。 oloon(?)とMr.熊。 ミーティング時間の Instand(?) 、生命が lollow(?) に attempling(?) する ando(?) 、は cangredd(?) が caruened(?) した私の aller(?) belare(?) を recanalder (?)する。 Mr,R ~6コマ目~ (赤服の男) if you had waited for me,sir,instead of trying to kick down a titanilim door... もしあなたが私を待っていたなら、サー、蹴ろうとするかわりに、 titanilim(?) ドアを下りなさい・・・。 ・・・もうさっぱり意味が分かりません。 どなたか分かる方がいらっしゃいましたら、御教授のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • テニスについての英文の和訳お願いします

    テニススレ に 「キャロライン・ウォズニアッキのラケット」 という質問があり、 それに関する英語の文章を見つけ、回答したのですが、 意味がわからない箇所があちこちあります 和訳お願いします 原文は: Beyond The Baseline Caroline Wozniacki changing her racket? http://tennis.si.com/2013/06/18/caroline-wozniacki-racket-change/ Her arrival to grass also sees a significant equipment change. Sponsored by Yonex since 2011 (she had played with a Babolat stick for her entire career until then), Wozniacki took the court Tuesday with a blacked-out racket. She’s still using the same strings as she has in the past, but she’s hoping the new racket will help her generate more spin and power. However, she says the move isn’t related to her dismal clay season. “I’m just tinkering a little bit with my racket,” Wozniacki said. “I’m still under contract with Yonex, so we’re just trying to figure out, a racket that can help me a little bit more with my game. … I just feel like I needed a little bit more power and the racket will help.” Wozniacki could get a rematch of her lone win at the French Open, against Laura Robson, in the second round. Robson was scheduled to play Yuliya Beygelzimer, a Ukrainian qualifier, later Tuesday. ============================= わからないのは: (1) Wozniacki took the court Tuesday 「火曜日」という名前のテニスコートにラケットを持って行ったのか? 火曜日、テニスコートにラケットを持って行ったのか? (2) However, she says the move isn’t related to    her dismal clay season. 「しかしながら、この動き (新しいラケットが役立ちそうということ?) は うっとうしいクレイコートの季節になったからではない と彼女は言っている」 って訳ですか? なんかピンと来ません (3) Robson was scheduled to play Yuliya Beygelzimer,   a Ukrainian qualifier, later Tuesday. 「later Tuesday」 というのは火曜の午後? 夕方? qualifier は「予選」 とすると、予選は火曜に行うのでしょうか? 「a Ukrainian qualifier」 は「予選から勝ち上がってきた ウクライナ人」 の訳で良いですか? (4) 英語の質問とはちょっとかけ離れますが、 「キャロライン・ウォズニアッキのラケット」 http://okwave.jp/qa/q8282035.html | 推測A:契約をしたがラケットが気に入らなくて、 |  プレーヤー側が契約を破棄した。 | 推測B:メーカーは契約延長を望んだが、提示された | 契約料が高すぎてメーカー側が破棄した。 について記載されてる英語のサイトどこかにありますか?

  • 英語問題

    (1)The problem is, real food is cooked by real people — you! — and real people are cooking less than ever before. We know why people don’t cook, or at least we think we do: they’re busy. They find convenience foods more available than foods they cook themselves They wrongly believe that ready-to-eat foods are less expensive than those they cook themselves. They live in so-called food deserts and lack access to real food. In addition, they were never taught to cook by their parents. (2)Yet Americans watch 35 hours of television a week, according to recent survey. Increasing amounts of that time are spent watching other people cook. And although there certainly are urban and rural pockets where people have little access to fresh food, about 90 percent of American households own cars, and anyone who can drive to McDonald’s can drive to a supermarket. (3)But perhaps most important, three basic recipes can get anyone into the kitchen and beyond the convenience foods in a few days. One could set off a heated argument with a question like, “What are the three best basic recipes?” but I suggegt these: a stir-fry, a chopped salad, and the basic combination of rice and lentils, all of which are easy enough to learn in one lesson. “Lessons” might be called “recipes,” and need no “teacher” beyond the written word. They are made from actual food. The salad requires no cooking; the stir-fry is lightning fast; the rice-and-lentils, though cooked more slowly, requires minimal attention. (4)These recipes offer other benefits. They’re healthy and environmentally friendly. They’ve sustained scores of generations of societies worldwide, using traditional farming methods and producing little negative impact on the earth. Almost without exception, your ancestors relied on something like one or more of these dishes. (5)There is one notable thing these recipes are not: magic. You cannot produce them without having a functioning kitchen (a sink, a refrigerator and a stove will do it), some minimal equipment, including a pot, a flying pan, a bowl, a couple of knives and a cutting board, and the ability and money to stock a pantry. These requirements cannot be met by everyone, but they can be met by far more people than those who cooked dinner last night. (6)It’s worth noting, moreover, that the stir-fly and the rice-and-lentils can be made entirely from the pantry, if you allow for the fact that frozen vegetables are a completely acceptable substitute for “fresh”, especially in winter, when “fresh” may mean “flown in from Peru.” (7)Given ingredients, a kitchen and equipment, all that is left is some time, and with a well-stocked pantry, that time can be about the same as driving to McDonald's and back. Make these three things mentioned above, and you're a cook. By becoming a cook, you can leave convenience foods behind, creating more healthful, less expensive and better-tasting food that requires less energy, water and land per calorie. Not a bad result for us — or the planet. 【設問】 ・1段落2文目内doの内容 アbelieve イcook ウfind エknow オlive ・2段落3文目内pocketsの意味 アcabinets イhalls ウdestinations エplaces オpurses ・3段落2文目内whichの内容 アa stir-fry, a chopped sarad, and the basic combination of rice and lentils イthe convenience foods ウthe written word エa heated argument ・5段落3文目内metと同じ意味のもの アHe met his family at the airport. イThey fell in love when his eyes met hers. ウHe always met misfortune with a smile. エThis new product mem our customers' needs. 長文の原文はこちらです。 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/02/weekinreview/02bittman.html?src=me&ref=homepage&_r=1&

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