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  • t932
  • ベストアンサー率54% (211/389)

(1) (入院で検査、nCPAPの導入した後) 患者は帰宅し平均65.2±49.6日の所定の治療を受けた。 (2)(外来での上記の期間の終了後)再び睡眠研究所に入院して、治療群と疑似治療群の双方ともふたたび睡眠ポリグラフと持続血圧の検査を行った。 治療を始める前に一度調べていますのでnCPAPを導入して比較のために再検です。 (3)この文章はコンプライアンスの意味が難しい。コンプライアンスは医学の世界では「服薬のコンプライアンス」(医師の指示通りに薬を飲んでいるかということ)「肺のコンプライアンス」(物理的な意味で伸展性、ふくらみやすさ位の意味)という風に使うことが多い。この論文の後の方をみるとコンプライアンスの結果が時間の単位で載っています。私があげたどちらの意味でもなくてnCPAPで呼吸を補助されいる時間という位の意味のようです。 (4)この治験が始まる前から飲んでいた降圧剤は検査の期間中は変更しなかった。 nCPAPが血圧に及ぼす影響を調べているのですから、当然それ以外の血圧を変える要素は一定にしておく必要があります。 (5)降圧剤が患者もしくは他の医師によりうっかり変更されたときは、その患者はこの試験からは脱落したと見なされた。 まえの文章の言い換えです。



t932さん いつも丁寧な解説ありがとうございます. …頂いた訳を参考にさせて頂き,訳し直してみます.お礼が遅くなってすみませんでした. 読み始めたので,最後まで読みたいと思っています.今後とも宜しくお願いします.


  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群 論文翻訳添削のお願い その5

    QNo.7380652の続きです.睡眠時無呼吸症候群に関する論文を訳しました.しっくりしないものになってしまいました.どなたか添削を宜しくお願いします.特に(1),(3),(8)は自信なしです. (1)Sixty consecutive patients who consented to participate underwent baseline diagnostic polysomnography and continuous noninvasive blood pressure recording for 19.1±1.3 hours using the Portapres device (TNO Biomedical Instrumentation). (2)Patients were then randomized to receive either effective or subtherapeutic nCPAP treatment. (3)Randomization was performed on the telephone by a person who was otherwise not involved in the study. (4)All study patients spent another 2 nights in the sleep laboratory to ensure adaptation to the nasal mask. (5)Treatment was done with either the Sullivan IV (ResMed) or the Aria (Respironics) nCPAP device. (6)In the effective treatment group, treatment pressure was increased until apneas, hypopneas, and snoring were prevented during all sleep stages and with the patient lying supine. (7)Effective treatment pressure was 9.1±2.3 cm H2O on average (range, 6 to 12 cm H2O). (8)In the subtherapeutic treatment group, pressure was left unchanged at the lowest possible value for the nCPAP device used (3 or 4 cm H2O, respectively). (1)基準(基本)診断の睡眠ポリグラフ計および非観血的連続血圧測定装置(Portapres)を使用した19.1±1.3時間の連続的非侵襲血圧記録に関係することに同意した16人の一貫した患者. (2)そして,患者は効果的あるいは疑似治療群(治療量以下)のnCPAP治療を受けるために無作為化された. (3)無作為化は,本研究に関係しない別の人により電話で実行された. (4)全ての研究の患者は 鼻マスクへの適応(の調節)を確実にするために睡眠実験室で別の2晩を過ごした. (5)治療はサリバンIV(ResMed)あるいはアリア(Respironics)のnCPAPで行われた. (6)効果的な治療グループにおいて,治療圧力は一時的な呼吸停止,呼吸低下まで増加させられた結果, 全睡眠ステージ,患者を背臥位で,いびきをかくことは防止された. (7)効果的な治療圧力は平均9.1±2.3 cm H2O(範囲:6~12cm H2O)だった. (8)擬似治療群において,圧力は放置され,使用されたnCPAP装置の可能な最低圧力値で変化させられなかった. unchanged以下の訳に自信なし

  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群 論文翻訳添削のお願い その1

    睡眠時無呼吸症候群に関する論文を訳しました.意味を取り違えないように注意しながら,訳したつもりですが,意味を取り違えていそうな気がします.どなたか添削をお願いします.特に最後の2つに自信がありません.どなたか宜しくお願いします. (1)Effect of Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment on Blood Pressure in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea (2)Background—There is increasing evidence that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an independent risk factor for arterial hypertension. (3)Because there are no controlled studies showing a substantial effect of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) therapy on hypertension in OSA, the impact of treatment on cardiovascular sequelae has been questioned altogether. (4)Therefore, we studied the effect of nCPAP on arterial hypertension in patients with OSA. (5)Methods and Results—Sixty consecutive patients with moderate to severe OSA were randomly assigned to either effective or subtherapeutic nCPAP for 9 weeks on average. (6)Nocturnal polysomnography and continuous noninvasive blood pressure recording for 19 hours was performed before and with treatment. (7)Thirty two patients, 16 in each group, completed the study. (8)Apneas and hypopneas were reduced by 95% and 50% in the therapeutic and subtherapeutic groups, respectively. (9)Mean arterial blood pressure decreased by 9.9±11.4 mm Hg with effective nCPAP treatment, whereas no relevant change occurred with subtherapeutic nCPAP (P=0.01). (1)閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸患者の血圧に関する経鼻持続的気道陽圧法処置の効果   (2)背景-閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸(OSA)は,動脈性高血圧(症)の独立危険因子の証拠が増えてる. (意訳)閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸(OSA)が,動脈性高血圧(症)の独立危険因子である可能性が示唆されだしている. (3)閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸(OSA)の高血圧症の実質的効果を示しているnCPAP療法の比較試験はないので,心臓血管後遺症療法の効果が疑問視されている. (意訳)(しかしながら)閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸(OSA)のnCPAP療法が,実質的に高血圧症に効果があるとする報告に比較データがないので,心臓血管後遺症療法の効果を疑問視されている. (4)このため,我々はOSAの患者の動脈性高血圧症におけるnCPAPの効果を研究した. (意訳)このような理由から,我々はOSA患者の動脈性高血圧症に関するnCPAPの効果を研究した. (5)方法と結果-60人のOSAの中等から重症継続患者は,平均して9週間の効果的なnCPAPと必要量以下のnCPAPに無作為に割り当てられた. (意訳)結果と方法-閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸(OSA)の患者60人(中等から重症)を,無作為に2分し,一方はnCPAPの効果が期待できる使用条件(量=時間)と効果が期待できない使用条件で9週間実施した. (6)19時間の夜間睡眠ポリグラフ計および連続非侵襲的(非観血式)血圧の記録(装置)は治療の前後に実行された. (意訳)治療の前後,夜間睡眠ポリグラフ計および連続非侵襲的(非観血式)血圧の記録をとった. (7)32人の患者,各グループ16人は研究を完結した. (意訳)32人の患者を16人ずつの2つのグループに分け検討した. (8)無呼吸および低呼吸は治療レベルおよび治療効果をあげるのに足らないレベルにおいて,それぞれ95%および50%減少した. (意訳)治療の効果が認められるレベルおよび治療効果が期待できないレベルともに,(CPAPを使うことにより血圧は)それぞれのグループで95%および50%の患者で改善が認められた. (9)平均動脈(血)圧はnCPAP 治療の効果により9.9±11.4 mm Hg減少した.一方,治療効果を上げるのに足らないレベルでは関連性のない変化が起こった(P=0.01).

  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群 論文翻訳添削のお願い その4

    QNo. 7368240の続きです.睡眠時無呼吸症候群に関する論文を訳しました.どなたか添削を宜しくお願いします.特に(3)は苦戦でした. Methods Patients and Protocol (1)The study was conducted in the Sleep Unit at the University Hospital in Marburg, Germany. (2)The Unit takes adult patients referred by general practitioners (35%), pneumologists (35%), or other subspecialties (30%). (3)During the study period, 283 patients ful- filled the inclusion criteria of ≧5 apneas or hypopneas per hour of sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness (10 or more points out of a maximum of 24 on the Epworth sleepiness scale17; Figure 1).   (4)A maximum of 4 patients per week could be included in the study. (5)If there was more than one patient eligible on one day, the patient with the most pronounced sleep apnea according to an ambulatory recording was asked first to participate in the study. (6)Exclusion criteria were predominantly central sleep apnea, respiratory failure, heart failure (NYHA class III or IV), myocardial infarction 3 months before the study, and relevant cardiac arrhythmia (second- and third-degree heart block or premature ventricular contractions in Lown classes IV or V). (7)Professional drivers were also excluded. (8)The local ethics committee approved the study, and all subjects gave written informed consent. 方法 患者と臨床試験計画 (1)この研究は,ドイツのマールブルク大学病院睡眠ユニットで実施された. (2)ユニットは 一般開業医から紹介された成人患者(35%),肺炎学者(から紹介された患者)(35%)あるいは他の下位専門分野(から紹介された患者)(30%)を選んだ. (意味)我々が選んだ患者の内訳は一般開業医からの紹介が35%,肺炎学者から紹介された患者が35% そして,他の細分化された専門分野から紹介された患者が30%であった. (3)研究期間を通じて、睡眠1時間当たり5回以上の無呼吸あるいは低呼吸の算入基準を条件が満たされているか、過度の日中の眠気(10あるいはそれ以上のエプワース眠気尺度24の最高を示す)283人の患者(図1) 動詞がみつかない (推定される意味) 研究に参加した患者は、睡眠1時間当たりの無呼吸か低呼吸数が5回の患者、あるいは日中に過度の眠気があるという患者(エプワースの眠気度10以上)である(図1)。 (4)1週間あたり4人の患者の最高(値)は本研究中に増加した。 研究において、1週当たり最高4人の患者を含むことができる。(最初は先に書いた内容かと思いましたが,後の訳のような気もしています.ただ後の訳だと意味がとれません…) (5)それらが1日に可能な一人の患者より多かったならば,外来記録による睡眠時無呼吸と判断された最大の患者が本研究に参加することを依頼された. (意味)研究対象である患者の選定方法は,外来記録にある睡眠時無呼吸の重症度で行った. (6)除外の基準は,主に,中枢性睡眠時無呼吸および呼吸不全,心機能不全(NYHAクラスIIIまたはIV), 本研究3ヶ月前の心機能および心(拍)停止に(直接)関係するものであった.心臓ブロック(心拍の低下による心房と心室の協働ができなくなる病気) (7)また,職業運転手は除外された. (8)地域倫理委員会は本研究を承認した.また,被験者は書面によるインフォームドコンセントを認めた.

  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群 論文翻訳添削のお願い その3

    QNo.7355738の続きです.睡眠時無呼吸症候群に関する論文を訳しました.意味を取り違えないように注意しながら,訳したつもりですが,意味を取り違えていそうな気がします.どなたか添削を宜しくお願いします. (1)Disruption of normal sleep by frequent arousals leads to excessive daytime sleepiness, the most prominent symptom in these patients. (2)Nocturnal arterial blood pressure is increased in OSA patients, and there is increasing evidence that OSA is an independent risk factor for arterial hypertension during the day. 2–5 (3)Although the exact mechanisms are still unclear, a persistent increase in sympathetic tone caused by chronically occurring repetitive hypoxia and arousal are thought to be the key mechanisms for the short- and long-term blood pressure increases in OSA.6,7 (4)It has also recently been shown that patients with OSA have an impairment of resistance-vessel endothelium-dependent vasodilation.8 (5)Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) has become the standard treatment for OSA9 and has been shown in controlled studies to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life in OSA patients.10,11 (6)Controlled studies showed either no effect or only a minor decrease in arterial blood pressure by 1.4 and 2.5 mm Hg, respectively.14,15 (7)The effectiveness of this treatment on cardiovascular sequelae in OSA patients has been questioned altogether.16 (8)Therefore, we performed a prospective randomized trial to evaluate the effect of nCPAP on arterial blood pressure in OSA patients. (1)過度の日中の眠気につながる常習的な正常な睡眠の崩壊は,これらの患者にとって極めて重要な症状である. 意訳:正常な睡眠が常習的に阻害されると,日中の過度の眠気を引き起こすが,これは患者にとって深刻な問題(症状)である. (2)夜間の動脈性血圧はOSA患者において,増加(強まった)した.また,OSAは1日を通しての動脈(性)高血圧(症)の独立したリスク因子増加の証拠がある. (自然な訳)OSA患者について夜間の動脈性血圧は高まり,OSAは1日を通じて動脈性高血圧の独立したリスク因子であるという根拠がある. (3)正確な機構は未だに明確ではないというものの,慢性的に発生する反復性低酸素(症)および覚醒(睡眠中の目覚め)により引用された交換神経の緊張の持続の増加は,OSAの短期間および長期間の血圧増加の重要な機構と考えられている. (意味)今のところ正確な機構は解明されていないが,慢性的な反復性低酸素症と覚醒により引き起こされる交換神経の緊張の持続的増加はOSAが原因の(短期的および長期的な)血圧上昇の重要な機構と考えられる. (4)また,近年OSA患者は抵抗血管の内皮依存血管拡張の機能障害を持っていることが明らかになった. (5)経鼻持続的気道陽圧法(nCPAP)はOSAの標準的な治療となってきた.また,症状を比較試験で削減するためのnCPAPは比較試験を示した. ←特に自信なし (6)比較試験は,それぞれ1.4および2.5mHgで動脈圧の効果がないかわずかな減少を示した. (意味)比較試験はそれぞれ,1.4および2.5mHgの減少で動脈圧に有意差はなかった. (7)OSA患者の心臓血管の後遺症(心臓血管の続発症)においてこの治療の有効性(の効果)が完全に疑問視されている.  (8)このため、我々は、OSA患者の動脈血圧に関するnCPAPの効果を評価するための“前向き無作為化試験”を実施した。

  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群 論文翻訳添削のお願い その2

    QNo.7355575の続きです.睡眠時無呼吸症候群に関する論文を訳しました.意味を取り違えないように注意しながら,訳したつもりですが,意味を取り違えていそうな気がします.どなたか添削を宜しくお願いします. (1)Mean, diastolic, and systolic blood pressures all decreased significantly by 10 mm Hg, both at night and during the day. (2)Conclusions—Effective nCPAP treatment in patients with moderate to severe OSA leads to a substantial reduction in both day and night arterial blood pressure. (3)The fact that a 50% reduction in the apnea-hypopnea index did not result in a decrease in blood pressure emphasizes the importance of highly effective treatment. (4)The drop in mean blood pressure by 10 mm Hg would be predicted to reduce coronary heart disease event risk by 37% and stroke risk by 56%. (Circulation. 2003;107:68-73.) (5)In recent years it has been shown that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disorder in adults. (6)OSA is characterized by repetitive apneas and hypoxia caused by upper airway collapse during sleep, despite respiratory efforts of the diaphragm. (7)Five or more apneas per hour of sleep are generally considered abnormal, and severely affected patients have several hundred apneas each night. (8)Most apneas and hypopneas are terminated by a transient arousal from sleep and consecutive hyperventilation. (1)日中を通じそして夜間においても,平均,心臓拡張および収縮期血圧の全てがおよそ10mmHg減少した. (意訳)日中および夜間ともに,平均,心臓拡張期および収縮期全ての血圧が10mmHg低下した. (2)結論…OSAの中等度から重度の患者に効果的なnCPAP処置は,日中,夜間の動脈圧いずれも実質的減少をもたらす. (意訳)nCPAP治療により,中程度および重症OSA患者の動脈圧はいずれも実質的に改善(低下)した. (3)無呼吸-低呼吸指数50%の低下という事実は,極めて有効な治療を際だたせる血圧の減少の結果ではない. (意訳)無呼吸-低呼吸指数が50%低下したのは,血圧の低下が原因ではない. (4)10mmHgの血圧の低下は 冠状動脈性心臓病発生のリスクを37%まで,脳卒中のリスクを56%まで縮小することが予測される(Circulation. 2003;107:68-73). (意訳)血圧が10mmHg低下することにより,環状動脈性心臓病および脳卒中のリスクが37%および56%まで低減することが期待される(Circulation. 2003;107:68-73). (5)近年,閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸症(OSA)は成人に関して一般的疾患であることが分かってきた. (6)OSAは横隔膜の呼吸のための正常な作動力にもかかわらず,睡眠中の上気道の“しぼみ”による反復性の無呼吸および低酸素の特徴がある. (意訳)OSAは呼吸に関する横隔膜の機能は正常であるにもかかわらず睡眠中の上気道の閉塞が原因である反復性のある無呼吸および低酸素(症)である. (7)睡眠時間5回/hr以上は,一般的に正常ではないと見なされる.また,厳しく冒された患者は一晩数百回の無呼吸がある. (意訳)睡眠中の無呼吸が5回/hr以上は正常ではないと判断される.さらに重症患者の無呼吸数は一晩で数百回に達する. (8)ほとんどの無呼吸および低呼吸は睡眠中の一時的な目覚めにより終わり,次いで連続した過呼吸がある.  

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします。

    Results Results of the recruitment process The study group were drawn from a population that consisted of 200 predominantly male subjects residing at the ZVAMC NHCU from October 1989 to October 1990. The recruitment period extended from October 1989 to June 100 and the exercise program was conducted from January to October of 1990. The inclusion and exclusion criteria shown in Table 1 were applied to the study population. Independent ambulation, requiring no supervision with or without an assistive device, was a prerequisite for study consideration. Because of this criterion, 112 of the NHCU residents were excluded from the study. Another 60 residents were omitted because of significant illness, dementia, leg amputation or dependence on an assistive device for ambulation. Of the remaining 28 subjects, 5were excluded because they scored above the predetermined cut off point on the Tinetti mobility assessment scale; it was felt these individuals were too functional to derive significant benefit from the intervention program. Of the 23 remaining subjects, 15 provided informed consent. Because of resource and supervisory limitation only three to four individuals could reasonably participate in the exercise sessions at any one time. Consequently, only 12 of the potential 15 subjects were actually able to participate in the study. Six subjects joined the exercise group and six the control group. After completion of the control protocol, four of the control subjects then participated in and completed the exercise protocol. Of the original subjects in the exercise group two were forced to total of eight subjects in the exercise group protocol. Selected characteristics of the subjects are described in Table 2. No significant differences were noted between the initial profiles of the exercise and control groups, although weight, length of stay and number of major diagnoses demonstrated more variability than age, height and number of scheduled medications. Baseline Testing of the Exercise and Control Subhects Baseline data for the participants who completed the study indicated that their initial scores for strength, work capacity and gait were substantially lower than age-specific nomal values recorded in the literature30 31 33.the participants demonstrated deficiencies of 21% for tinetti mobility skills, 62% for gait velocity and 56% for stride length. The exercise and the control groups were not significantly different with regard to their profile of baseline deficiencies in these functional capacities. タイプミスあったらすみません。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 英語論文の翻訳、長いですがお願いします。

    Methods Subjects were recruited from the 200-bed Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center (ZVAMC) Nursing Home Unit (NHCU) , which has a turnover of ~200 residents per year and serves predominantly elderly men . the protocol was approved by the Human Research and Review College of Wisconsin . potential participants were identified via a memorandum to the NHCU staff that described the inclusion and exclusion criteria listed in Table 1 . Chart reviews , interviews and examinations to determine eligibility for the study . Men without exclusionary characteristics underwent Tinetti mobility testing 29 and a neuromuscular examination . Scores of 30 or less on the Tinetti mobility test and evidence of lower extremity weakness based on the standard muscle strength scoring system 27 qualified subjects for further consideration . These candidates after signing an informed consent were then randomized into either the exercise or the control group . the final eligibility determination was made after participating men demonstrated <80% of age-specific normal lower extremity strength on isokinetic muscle strength testing . よろしくお願いします

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします。

    Reliability testing The intrarater correlation coefficient for the Tinetti mobility assessment was 0.92 when 15 randomly selected subjects from the NHCU were tested and retested within72 h. Correlation coefficients of 0.90 and 0.86 were achieved for intrarater isokinetic strength strength and endurance mueasurements when study subjevts underment repeated testing within 48 to 72 h. Statistical analysis P values, based on two-tailed matched-pair tests, were calculated for comparisons between the before and after study period date. P values based on two-tailed, unequal-variance independent sample T tests were calculated for comparisons of the response variables between the exercise and control groups. Significance was assumed to be at the P<0.05 level. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated for intrarater and inter-rater reliability for both the Tinetti mobility assessment and for the isokinetic muscle testing. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Testing procedures All study participants completed manual muscle and Tinetti mobility testing , isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups , exercise stress testing and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and end of the 12-wk study period. These measurements were made by blinded examiners at baseline and 7 to 10 days after completion of either the exercise or control protocols. Positioning of the subjects for manual muscle testing of the various lower extremity muscle groups and the zero to five muscle strength grading system were based on the positions and grades established by Kendall and MCreary.27 Modifications in muscle testing were made as necessary following the procedures recommended by Daniels and Worthingham.28 Leg length discrepancies and significant joint motion limitations were recorded at this time. Clinical gait and balance were measured with a modified version of Tinetti’s instrument.29 This mobility test involves a series of simple tasks including sitting, standing up from and sitting down in a cair, standing and tandem standing both with eyes open and closed , turning in a circle, turning head from side to side , standing on one leg , reaching and bending to pick up an object, withstanding a nudge on the sternum while standing and walking short distances with or without the aid of an assistive device. Observations of gait were made for gait intiation, step length and height, step symmetry, step continuity and gait path. Each task was scored on a zero to one or zero to two scale . Isokinetic muscle strength testing was performed at 60°per second to obtain concentric isokinetic strength measurements for knee flexion and extension, measurements for knee flexion and extension, utilizing the Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer (Lumex, Inc. Bayshore, NY) and single-channel chart recorder. Adjustments for age were determined by estimating a 1% decline in strength per year after age 40.30 Measurements of endurance were recorded by tabulating the number of repetitions completed at 180°per second before strength declined to <50% of peak torque. Testing procedures All study participants completed manual muscle and Tinetti mobility testing , isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups , exercise stress testing and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and end of the 12-wk study period. These measurements were made by blinded examiners at baseline and 7 to 10 days after completion of either the exercise or control protocols. Positioning of the subjects for manual muscle testing of the various lower extremity muscle groups and the zero to five muscle strength grading system were based on the positions and grades established by Kendall and MCreary.27 Modifications in muscle testing were made as necessary following the procedures recommended by Daniels and Worthingham.28 Leg length discrepancies and significant joint motion limitations were recorded at this time. Clinical gait and balance were measured with a modified version of Tinetti’s instrument.29 This mobility test involves a series of simple tasks including sitting, standing up from and sitting down in a cair, standing and tandem standing both with eyes open and closed , turning in a circle, turning head from side to side , standing on one leg , reaching and bending to pick up an object, withstanding a nudge on the sternum while standing and walking short distances with or without the aid of an assistive device. Observations of gait were made for gait intiation, step length and height, step symmetry, step continuity and gait path. Each task was scored on a zero to one or zero to two scale . よろしくお願いします

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Discussion The aim of the study was to evaluate the applicability, safety and effectiveness of the exercise intervention program for the population of this VA nursing home. The results indicated limited applicability, high acceptability and safety and partial effectiveness. Only~10% of the male residents of the ZVAMC NHCU were found to be candidates for the moderate to high-intensity exercise program employed in this study. Furthermore, only two of three qualified candidates consented to participate. The resulting estimate that only ~8% of the male residents were cadidates for the exercise intervention should, however, be considered a lower limit. Other appropriate candidates may have been excluded during the screening process because of the rigid criteria. The largest number of independent ambulators who were excluded from the study consisted of individuals requiring an assistive device. Of this group many fad suffered a previous stroke or hip fracture resulting in asymmetrical focal deficits. Certainly some of these individuals were physically capable of participating. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease or other early forms of progressive illness, although excluded by the screening criteria, may also have been able to participate in the study and may have benefited from the program. すみませんお願いします http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871