• 締切済み




あまりきれいな英語ではありません。。。 和訳するのはどうかと。。。


  • 和文英訳について

    「京都駅からタクシーにのったが、ずいぶんと時間がかかってしまった。」 を英訳すると "I took a taxi from Kyoto Station, and it took a long time to arrive." でよろしいでしょうか? 後半の文は、「目的地につくのに時間がかかった」と考え、日本語を補って、 "it took a long time to get to my destination."としたほうがよいのでしょうか。

  • 和訳お願いします

    dude your not my fucking friend and i dislike you so much because you call me that just shut the fuck up god damn. 「おい、お前は俺の友達じゃないし俺はお前が大嫌いだよ。」 so muchまではわかったのですがあってますか? becauseからがよくわかりません。お時間があれば教えてください。

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    以下の分の英訳をお願いします。 I have bought a lot of times items from China.. but it never took so much time. The shipping cannot takes more than 5 weeks. It's really strange and the problem it is also that in april I cannot give you a feedback, because in ebay if you don't give a feedback in 2months and a half, the item is took away from the account. So I will give you a feedback at the beginning of March. And if the item will arrive it will be ok, if not we will discuss for the refund. I hope you understand.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I helped my friend burn his tattoos off. He got some chest tattoos when he was like 14 from some really sketchy dude in his living room. Once he hit 17 or so, he decided he didn't want the tattoos anymore and needed to get rid of them. Calls me up and tells me to come over since he needs help with something. I ask what and he says he'll tell me when I get there. I get to his place and he's in the kitchen. On the table is a bottle of vodka, a rag and a wood burner. He takes his shirt off, sits down and says "Burn my tattoos off". At first, I was like "Are you fucking insane?" but he insisted he could handle it. He said laser removal is too much and this will be a lot quicker. Not gonna lie, I didn't really dwell on it much. I gave it maybe 5 seconds worth of thought before saying fuck it and getting to work. Dude handled it amazingly well. Didn't yell, swear or pull back in pain. He made some facial grimaces but that was it. Took a pull off the bottle every couple of minutes and bit into the towel when it got to be too much for him. pull back in painは「痛みで後ずさりする」でしょうか?Took a pull off the bottleは「ボトルを一口飲む」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英訳 全く自信がありません。

    楽器の製作を依頼しています。次のような内容の英文を作りたいのですが。この英文のチェックをしていただきたいのです。 楽器製作に関してあなた様に質問及び連絡があります。 私は輸入代理店より次のような忠告を得ました。 「保険だけはしっかりかけておいて下 さい。楽器に対する保険金額は、総経費の110%~120%になるようにして下さい。」 どうかあなたにこのような内容の保険をかけてくださいますようお願いします。 不足分の金額をお支払いします。 ・私は右利きですので、右きき用の楽器を製作してください。 ・ペグボックスとネックの接続部には釘を打ち付けて固定するのでしょうか。それとも膠だけで固定するのでしょうか。私は自分でリュートを作ったときには膠だけで固定して、はずれてしまったことがありました。 ・指板とペグボックスへの装飾は可能でしょうか。 You have a question and communication about musical instrument production. I took the following advice from an import agency. "Please take only the insurance well. An insurance for a musical instrument please become 110% - 120% of an all-around cost." Please insure you with such contents insurance. I make a payment with an amount of money of the deficit. ・Because I am a right-handed person, please produce a musical instrument for right-handed people. ・Do you use a nail over a peg box and a joint of the neck and will fix it? Or will you fix it only with glue? When I made a lute with oneself, I fix it only with glue, and there was able to be the thing that it has come off. * May you have a fingerboard and a peg box of a musical instrument decorate it?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    “I’ve seen Stone Temple Pilots play probably about 30 times, a huge influence on me. They really made music that I absolutely loved, and I still love to this day. So the chance to go out and perform those songs with those guys was very cool. Honestly, Robert DeLeo, Dean DeLeo, and Eric Kretz, those guys are super talented. I’ve had the privilege of not only being in Linkin Park and being around a bunch of geniuses, I got to go and be in Stone Temple Pilots and be around a bunch of geniuses, and just kind of sit back and kind of ask myself, ‘How did I get here?’”

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    On 6 October the Serbs attack again near the villages of Dobroveni and Skochivir but were again counter-attacked and pushed back. The Bulgarians took the village of Brod. The Serbs who had great superiority in artillery attacked constantly. On 14 and 15 October 1916 the fights continued without interruption. The Serbian pressure was immense and the Bulgarians continued to hold their positions. During the night of 15 October was one of the culmination moments of the battle when the Serbs made 8 successive attacks which were all repulsed. The Serbs then recovered for three days and on 18 October they crossed the left bank of the River Crna at Brod and fortified it. The Bulgarian army counter-attacked but was repulsed. On 23 October the artillery fire of the Entente grew even more.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The British attack began on 8 July at 8:00 a.m., when a battalion advanced eastwards from Bernafay Wood and reached a small rise, where fire from German machine-guns and two field guns, caused many losses and stopped the advance, except for a bombing attack along Trônes Alley. A charge across the open was made by the survivors, who reached the wood and disappeared. The French 39th Division attacked at 10:05 a.m. and took the south end of Maltz Horn Trench, as a battalion of the 30th Division attacked from La Briqueterie and took the north end. A second attack from Bernafay Wood at 1:00 p.m., reached the south-eastern edge of Trônes Wood, despite many losses and dug in facing north. The 30th Division attacked again at 3;00 a.m. on 9 July, after a forty-minute bombardment; the 90th Brigade on the right advanced from La Briqueterie up a sunken road, rushed Maltz Horn Farm and then bombed up Maltz Horn Trench, to the Guillemont track.

  • 動画のコメント欄の英訳お願います。

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJTlrTVe4DI&list=FL2sHflywgpxqDiKNGblABuQ&index=1 動画先のコメント欄にてのやり取りの訳をお願いします。以下は引用です。 <CheetahPowerz 5 か月前 > I'm from the Netherlands and I kinda don't know why Japanese people think that the Netherlands is such a great country.. School system is extremely bad, chaos and terror everywhere. I can tell you one thing, the place you don't want to live is the Netherlands. <ruwanda31 4 か月前 > We are talking about Working system. not safety,education and terror. I know Japan is the best country for safety and easy to live in the world. But I can say Fucking bad for working system. Many Japanese people(Especially young people) are dying because work too much. We should change this real.

  • 意味を教えてください

    When my fiancé and I got engaged, it became apparent that he wanted a large wedding with all his friends and family, and I wanted to elope. I agreed to have the large wedding because it was so important to him (the words “devastating my family” were used quite a bit) on the condition that he would handle at least 90 percent of the tasks involved. I have a very demanding job working 60-hour weeks, and I just don’t have the time. It’s now three months to the wedding, and he has barely done anything. The invites are supposed to go out in a less than a week (it’s a destination wedding) and he hasn’t even started stuffing or addressing the envelopes, despite the fact that I’ve reminded him several times. The invites are supposed to go out in a less than a weekとstuffing or addressing the envelopesの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします