• ベストアンサー


英国BBCのラジオを聴いていて、パブに行く前に安い酒を飲み下拵えをするの意味でpreloadと言っていました。日本語で対応する言い方を知りたいのですが。通の方、お願いします。http://www.wordnik.com/words/preloadではpreloadをTo drink (alcohol) before going out socially, e.g. to avoid the higher price of drink at the venue.と定義しています。


  • ベストアンサー




  • アンダーバリューを断りたい

    海外通販を申し込んだところ、おそらくアンダーバリューなのかな、と思われるメッセージをもらいました。 「実際の金額でお願い」と、断りたいのですが、 「I want to declare at a true price」で通じますか? 先方からのメッセージは 「We back to work today,could you pls let me know how much you wanted to declare?to avoid higher tax?How about 10USD?」 でした。 好意?で言ってくれているとおもうので あまりきつくなく断って、実際の値段で申告?してほしいのです。 添削、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳 to...to

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします(外国人です) In other words, to avoid the confrontation of going against perceived authority(police/prosecutors), whose opinion/actions (honor) should not be challenged to side with a "predetermined” criminal. 言い換えれば、認識された権力(警察、検察)と対立し、向かい合うことを避けるためには、「あらかじめ定められた」犯罪者を支持するために、権力の意見/行動 (名誉)に挑戦してはならないのである。

  • ☆☆☆ 聴衆に向かって言う: You are going to promise me

    ステージ上からミュージシャンが聴衆に 「さあ、観客の皆さんも次の曲に参加してください。私達と一緒に歌うチャンスですよ。でも、ひとつ約束ください。。。両足でこうしてリズムをとるのです。♪♪ いいですね、さあ、はじめますよ」 質問: Please promise me.... You are going to promise me... 二つのニュアンスの違いを教えてください。 後者は、英国放送BBCの音楽番組にあった実際の表現です。 前者の表現を観客に言うと、どのように聞こえるのでしょうか?

  • 新聞見出しで名詞の直後にto不定詞。文法と意味は?

    英字新聞の見出し等でよく見かけるのですが、名詞の直後にto不定詞が来ることがあります。 Beijing to release more air pollution data 【↑BBCの記事の見出しの例:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-16438315】 このような用法の一般的な文法構造と意味を教えて下さい。"be動詞+不定詞"と全く同じ意味でしょうか。 ちなみに、見出しの後に、次のような記事が続いていました。 Authorities in the Chinese capital have agreed to release more detailed reports on air pollution. Beijing's Environmental Protection Bureau will begin to publish monitoring data on fine particulate matter before the Chinese New Year … ●文法構造について 今回の例では後続の記事からwill ( is going to )と同じ意味であると推測できますが、 一般的に文法構造上どのような位置づけなのか知りたいです。("is going" の省略なのでしょうか、それとも"is"の省略なのでしょうか) ●意味について また意味についても、常にwill ( is going to )と同じ意味なのか、それとも"be動詞+不定詞"と同じように複数の解釈(予定、運命、意図等)があるのか知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 大大大至急!!訳してください

    訳お願いします In everyday terms,however,to socialize simply means to mingle socially with other people. In means making friends, getting along with classmates and colleagues, going out to puds and parties. In other words, socializing plays a crucial role in all our lives.Just how important a role it plays has been underscored by several recent sociological and neurological research project. One,carried out by social scientists and psychologists at the University of Michigan,has found that socializing actually makes us smarter. the authors of the study, who published their findings in the Personality and Social Psycholgy Bulletin,conclude that frequent social interaction exercises peoples brains ,giving us higher levels of cognitive performance.

  • 英語が苦手なので、メールの英文の翻訳をお願いします

    It is difficult to memorize so many yes, but I'll get there eventually, lol. I read about all that in the book I got. It's interesting how languages are formed. Ha ha I'll consider that when I do go to Japan. Thank you for the suggestion. That's good to hear, as soon as my skills are better I'm actually going to do that myself, read books in Japanese that is. Well you don't have to avoid it entirely, just read a few others before you read Shakespeare. It'd be better to have a grasp on English, trust me, his work is a bit confusing with how he writes is a bit different. Anyways if you enjoy old world type stuff then go for it, just read some others before you do is all I suggest. Well I'm off to study talk yo you later! これ(上記)が以下の自分の送信メールに対する返答です。英語が得意な方、どうかこれ(上記)を翻訳してください!! ha ha you’re learning the kanji(‘characters’,kanji characters). It’s difficult for you to memorize (many) kanjis a day, isn’t it?(略)Why don’t you name yourself 「玲奈(れいな、reina)」(for example) after Lexi in order to introduce yourself to everyone in Japan when you come to Japan? Yeah, I’m going to enjoy reading books written in English. But okay I’ll avoid reading Shakespeare. I can’t so much as read Japanese classical literature, so I surely can’t read English classical literature,ha ha ha. Then talk to you later ^_^

  • accelerate toとrise byの訳し方

    ある、TOEICの問題集に以下のような例文がありました。 In a report, the bank said that economic growth may accelerate to about 3.5 percent in the first quater before slowing to about 2.25 percent by the final three months of next year. Consumer-price inflation will rise by the target of 2 percent this year on the back of higher energy and import costs before moderating back to that level by the end of 2007. 英国国営銀行は、経済成長はまず第1四半期中は3.5%ほど上昇することが考えられるが、その後やや緩和され、来年度の第4四半期までには2.25%程度までに下がる、と報告で述べている。 消費者物価の上昇率は、エネルギー価格や輸入価格の高値を背景に、今年は目標の2%を超えるだろうが、その後緩和され2007年度末までには2%レベルに戻るだろうと予測している。 (1)上記の例では、「to about 3.5 percent」を「3.5%ほど上昇する」と訳していますが、「3.5%まで上昇する」という意味ではないのでしょうか。もしできないとすれば、「3.5%まで上昇する」と訳したい場合にはどのような英文になるのでしょうか。 (2)上記の例では、「rise by the target of 2 percent」を、「目標の2%を超える」と訳していますが、「目標の2%だけ上昇する」という意味ではないのでしょうか。もし、超えるという訳になる場合があるとすればどのような場合にそのような訳になるのでしょうか。また、~だけ上昇するというように上昇幅を言いたい場合にはどのような英文になるのでしょうか。 何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語 長文 読解

            Tips for Overseas Travelers        Imagine as if you were a US citizen 1.Obtain a new passport or have your eurrent one renewed well in advance of your departure date. The process takes a few weeks, and there is always the possibility of unforeseen delays, some fees are higher for adults than children. 2.Consult your travel agent or the Us. Department of State about the countries you plan to visit. Many countries require special visas if you plan to stay over 90 days. For some destinations, certain immunizations are needed requiring a month or more of preparation. 3.Be aware that some countries do not use the same voltage for electrical outlets that we use in the U.S. You may want to purchase a voltage converter to use abroad. 4.Try to minimize the exhaustion and fatigue caused by long overseas fiights. Airplane cabins have extremely dry air, and many people become dehydrated without realizing it. Avoid alcohol, and instead drink water every couple of hours. Get up to stretch at least once each hour if you are not sleeping. This helps keep you from getting sti lt also helps blood circulation and can reducc swelling in the feet, a common problem for people on long flights. 答えがないため以下の解答を教えていただけると助かります。 ●What are different for adult and child passports ●What type of purchase is suggested ●Why should we drink water every couple of hours on long flights お手数おかけしますがよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Once, an elderly man consulted me because of his severe depression. He could not overcome the loss of his wife who had died two years before and whom he had loved above all else. Now how could I help him? Well, I refrained from telling him anything, but instead confronted him with a question, "What would have happened if you had died first, and your wife would have had to survive you?:" "Oh," he said, "for her this would have been terrible; how she would have suffered!" "You see," I replied, " such a suffering has been spared her, and you have spared her this suffering - to be sure, at the price that now you have to survive and mourn her." He said no word but shook my hand and calmly left my office. In some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.  Of course, this was no treatment in the proper sense since, first, his despair was no disease, and second, I could not change his attitude toward his unchangeable fate because from that time on he could at least see a meaning in his suffering. Our main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain but rather to see a meaning in our life. That is why we are even ready to suffer, on the condition, to be sure, that our suffering has a meaning.

  • 英語からフランス語に翻訳お願いします。

    英語からフランス語に訳せる方お願いします。 The man woke up, and he drank coffee to start his day. He put his parka on and go ready. His wife asked where he is going. She asked him to drink a cup of coffee with her, so he drank. At quarter to eight, the office was empty and the man was bored. He drank coffe until they arrive. His day is busy. He worked until coffee break, and his secretary brought him coffee. At business meal he felt stressed. His co-workers offered him cigarette and coffee. When they finished, he called the taxi. He does everything in Paris. He found a bar, and he got re-cafeined. The man arrived at the office, but the secretary made him mad. He threw her out the window. And right before he left, he drank coffee.

  • iMazingをダウンロードしましたが、WiFi環境がないためにワイヤレスでの同期ができません。
  • 有線LANでPCに接続していると、iPhone内のファイルをPC上で閲覧することは可能です。
  • しかし、iMazingはWiFiがないと使用することができません。