• ベストアンサー


There no problem my friend let it register. I asked the post office and there Expected to be there friday or saterday next week. THose are the Due dates. So the wait is almost over. Enjoy

  • bonboy
  • お礼率76% (549/719)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    次のように補修します。     There are no problems my friend. I let it register. I asked the post office and they are expected to be there Friday or Saturday next week. Those are the due dates. So the wait is almost over.    私の友達よ、問題はありません。私は書留にしました。     郵便局に聞いたところ来週の金曜日か土曜日にそちらに到着の予定だそうです。これら(金曜日か土曜日)が到着予定です。     お待ちになるのもあと僅かになりました。     ではお楽しみに





  • Maybe next time?

    はじめまして。 ベルギーにお住まいの方にベルギーに訪れる際に時間があったらお会いしたいというメールを書いたところ、都合が悪く会えないそうです。 その人のメールは、 Unfortunately, I won't be at there those dates. Maybe next time? でした。 特に会いたくないっていっているわけではないですよ・・ね? よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Just wanted to let you know they are here. OK So going to start working on the hetsinks. Hope you get your drivers in soon. Someone just PMed me and it took them 2 weeks to get there stuff. Sorry for the Delay. Usally never happens on shipping with me. Ill make up for it next time friend.

  • 英訳お願いいたします

    (1)次回のミーティングは少ない人数での開催になりそうですが、楽しみましょう! Although there will be a small member , let's enjoy next meeting! 程度しか思いつきません。 また、 (2)次回のミーティングは少ない人数での開催になりますが、楽しみましょう! どなたか、この日本語に近いフレーズを教えてください。 特に(1)「なりそう」、(2)なる(確定している)という表現の使い分けがよくわかりません。 ご指導宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語の翻訳をお願い致します。 ネットで海外にレンズを販売し、そのあとのメールのやり取りです。 Helo Friend, Anyone can't repaired this lens,because there is not mechanical problem.problem is in Lens Element.Those aren't repaired. You have mentioned, tinny Haze in this lens.but they are not Haze.one Lens Element is already dead .If you can supply me Last Two Lens Element.I don't want your money.so please try to understand this.Thanks Have a nice day! よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文を日本語に翻訳してください。

    CNC(自動加工機)の修理依頼を海外メーカーに問い合わせたら以下の英文が送信してきました。 機械翻訳しましたが、いまいち良く分かりませんでした。 Dear friend: Can you let your customer to check if all the X,Y,Z axis stepper motor motor can not work when plug to the controller box of X axis. for this. there are sevaral reasons as below: 1, the mach3 software did not set well as the manual. 2, the signal of the computer is not stable 3, there is a problem with the drive board. so. at first. please show us how dose your customer set the mach3 software. and then, please can you let your customer to take a clear video about the problem. we need this to solve the problem. waiting for your news. really thanks a lot! all regards

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    クインシー・ジョーンズ氏のインタビューから この文章の翻訳をお願いいたします。 There’s a small anecdote in your memoir about how the rock musicians who’d been asked to sing on “We Are the World” were griping about the song. Is there more to that story? It wasn’t the rockers. It was Cyndi Lauper. She had a manager come over to me and say, “The rockers don’t like the song. ” I know how that shit works. We went to see Springsteen, Hall & Oates, Billy Joel, and all those cats and they said, “We love the song. ” So I said [to Lauper], “Okay, you can just get your shit over with and leave. ” And she was fucking up every take because her necklace or bracelet was rattling in the microphone. It was just her that had a problem. よろしくお願いします。

  • 現在完了と現在完了進行形について教えてください

    例題で良く分からない所があるのでお願いします。 それは現在完了(以下:完)か現在完了進行形(以下:進)の正しい方で書き直す問題です。 "Sorry I'm late." "That's all right.I(not/wait)long." 答えは I haven't been waiting long. でした。 私は「進」は過去からまだ続いている行動(活動)について語るで「完」は終わった事と言うイメージです。 ですからこの例題も待ち人が来て待つことは終わったのだから I haven't waited long.「完」じゃ無いのかと思いました。 参考書でも「完」と「進」の違いを書いてありましたが、何となくは分かるのですが、 イマイチ理解し切れません。 出来れば、違い(使い分け)も教えて下さい!お願いします! 後、現在完了とは関係ないのですが、例文で I'm going to Moscow tomorrow.I'm staying there until next Friday. モスクワに行くのは明日で未来なのに、何故「go」も「stay」も現在進行形なのですか? I'm going to go to Moscow tomorrow.I'm going to stay there until next Friday.では間違いなのでしょうか?

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    This concept might not be a big deal for you if you grew up in Japan, but it was a big deal for me when I first arrived here. Let me tell you why. When I was growing up, we only morning – for one hour each! If I didn’t get up before them, I sometimes had to wait more than an hour just to use the toilet. Later, when I was a college student, I had the same problem. There were four of us sharing a house. We shared a house. We shared everything: the kitchen, the living room, and, of course, the bathroom. With so many people sharing one bathroom, the wait to use the toilet could get quite long. This is usually not a problem in Japan. Another reason I like Japanese – style showers/bath is that they are designed to get wet. You never have to worry about getting the floor or walls wet because they are supposed to have water on them! And you don’t have to wipe them down afterwards to prevent mold – as my mother always made me do. 訳すのに注意しなければいけないところや、意訳で難しいところも教えてくれると嬉しいです!

  • メールを翻訳して頂けませんか?

    メールを翻訳して頂けませんか? メールが来ましたが、意味がよく分かりません。助けて下さい。Mirai とは女優の志田未来さんです。 Hi Yoko chan. Have u watch the unpublished CUT of SDK Mirai ep? Not the whole ep but the CUT just released last month. It seems like nobody know about it. IT seems super hilarious b/c kindi kids teased her and made her really embarrassed. Actually i planed to ask my friend to sub it at first then share it latter with everyone. However, my friend really has no time right now to contact with me now. So i really cant wait to know what they said. It looks very interesting. Plz tell me what's going on there. I will ask my friend to sub it properly latter as i wont trouble u much. If u dont have the vid. U just let me know.

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。 ※最後まで、翻訳できる方、お願いします。 There are basically only two types of people in the world,those who dlivide the world into two types of people and those who don't. It's easy enough to shoot a crocodile,but not many people can catch one alive.This is how to do it.All you need is a telescope,a pair of tweezers,a matchbox and a very boring book.You find a sunny spot by a crocodile infested river and leave the book there.Thenyou climb a nearby tree and wait.Sooner or later,a curious crocodile will come out to look at the book,turn a few pages and start yawning.As soon as it falls asleep,you open the matchbox and look at the crocodile through the large end of the telescope.Pickthe creature up very carefully with the tweezers,drop it in the matchbox and close it quickly. Two English workman went out to repair a country road.When they arrived,they realized they had forgotten to bring their shovels.After several cups of tea,they went to look for a public telephone.Eventually they found one and phoned their boss.When he heard the problem,he said"Don't worry,I'll bring the shovels.In the meantime,just lean on each other instead,"