• ベストアンサー




1)I have no bookcase,so I'll make myself. →I have no bookcase, so I'll make one myself. 2)It's green that we've painted the door,not red. →It's green not red that we've painted the door. 3)It was this chair I put my book on, not that one. →It was this chair not that one (that) I put my book on. →It was on this chair not on that one (that) I put my book. 4)Meet me at the same place that yesterday. →Meet me at the same place (where) we met yesterday. 5)Who's there? It's only me. →Who's there? It's me alone. →Who's there? It's me with nobody else.





  • 英文を見てください(><)

    「私は本棚がないので自分で作りました」は I do not have a bookcase, so I'm going to make it myself. で大丈夫でしょうか?何かおかしい所があったら教えてください。 お願いします!

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。902

    You don’t think I know what you’re going through? I didn’t grow up in the Cosby family. You think every other family I lived with was like this? No, I know what it’s like to be around someone who’s wasted out of their mind. I know what that stuff does to people. Which is why I’ll never do it myself. Silver, look, you gotta trust my dad. At least trust me. No, I know what it’s like to be around someone who’s wasted out of their mind. の部分なのですが、構文what it's like to beを意訳を入れて説明して頂ければありがたいです。アルコール中毒の母親に苦しむ娘(白人)とその彼氏(黒人)との会話です。

  • 英文の和訳と解説をお願いします

    it is assumed that to the degree to which I love myself I do not love others, that self-love is the same as selfishness この英文の和訳ができる方いないでしょうか。できればどうしてそのような訳になるのか、解説していただいたらとても助かります。特に to the degree towhich...の箇所の訳の仕方が分かりません。よろしくお願いします

  • 訳して頂きたい英文があります!

    訳して頂きたい英文があります! どうしてもうまく訳せません。 She had an uneasy suspicion that I did not believe in her; and if that was why she did not like me, it was also why she sought my acquaintance: it galled her that I alone should look upon her as a comic figure and she could not rest till I acknowledged myself mistaken and defeated. お願いいたします。

  • 次の英文の翻訳をおねがいします。

    I have always taken for granted that pockets are places to put things into, and have stuffed my pockets with anything that would go into them―books, newspapers, letters, pipes, pouches, cigarettes, match-boxes, and so forth. Yet even as a boy I was discouraged from making this, as it seems to me, natural use of my pockets. I was told that, if you put things into your pockets, you spoilt the shape of your suit. This seems to me as ridiculous as it would be to say that, if you put potatoes into a sack, you spoil the shape of the sack.

  • 英文添削をお願いします。

    英文添削をお願いします。 28th September ‘10 I considered to make good use of an unused ground today. This work is enjoyable for me, but I think whether it is necessary for our project or not. And I have a question whether all of my bosses have same aim or not. I think it’s not important for me whether the plan will be used or not, it’s important to make my bosses understand my aim. But I am worried whether it makes them change their though or not.

  • 次の英文を翻訳お願いします。

    I am trying to order on amazon. It is less expensive if I order it from Japan. That is why it is taking me so long because I do not understand the website. よろしくお願いします。

  • この動画の英文を教えてください。

    この動画の、5:57からの、「It's over」から、7:27までの「You are the best」までの英文を書き出していただけないでしょうか? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-v4vB0d238 ちなみに私がやってみましたが、ほとんど意味が分からない状態です・・・。 よろしくお願い致します。 <私が書き出した文> It's over. kakarot... sorry about like that, but I now done it. Majin boo so much storonger than anyone that I face befor. But I know that I still wait to the win. amaging have you do it, kakarot. after that vegeta,how can I say pipe that in a same time be so gent in the fly I make me angry just thinking about it. But purhaps this my anger, that make me brind too so wrong I see of now. this stay done too clear. you better the me kakarot, you are the best.

  • 次の英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    Let me type correctly my auto-correct put the wrong word in. Now I am very curious why you liking or not liking your job is a secret. 下の文章の意味は分かりました。しかし上の文章の意味が分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を訳してください。

    How do you stand the hardest part of running marathon? Many say that life is like marathon. Do you think that you can deal with the crisis in your life thanks to marathon? By the way corresponding with penpals, the reason I feel like I have difficulty writing is not because of my English. It is because the moment I cannot come up with anything I have to reply. Honestly speaking I am not a talkative person, but I try to talk more when writing. Nice and slow conversations are hard to come by, and the form of letter writing does put in a lot into thinking about what the other person has to say and how to respond. この二つが何となくはわかるのですが、自信がありません。教えていただけると助かります。