• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳教えてください)



  • ベストアンサー
  • hidekona
  • ベストアンサー率61% (16/26)

直訳です 1)On going into a dark room from the light, we see very little. 明るみから暗い部屋に行くと、何も見えない。 2)There is no telling of the beauty of snow crystals. 雪の結晶の美しさは形容しがたい。 3)I can't help feeling proud of being a Japanese 日本人であることに誇りを感じないわけにはまいりません。(助詞不明) 4)As for me, i'm not used to farm life yet. 私に関して言えば、まだ農家での暮らしに慣れていません。 5)Taking awalk in the suburbs, we were caught in a shower. 郊外を散歩していると雨が降ってきた。 6)Not listening to the teacher carefully , i was at loss which passage to read. 先生の話を聞いていなかったので、どの文章を読んだらいいのか分からなかった。 7)The girl, looking up shyly, asked me to buy some matches. 女の子は、恥ずかしげに見上げながら、マッチを買ってくれと私に頼んできた。





  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    We cannot, we must not, refuse to protect the right of every American to vote in every election that he may desire to participate in.And we ought not, and we cannot, and we must not wait another eight months before we get a bill. We have already waited 100 years and more and the time for waiting is gone. So I ask you to join me in working long hours and nights and weekends, if necessary, to pass this bill. And I don't make that request lightly, for, from the window where I sit, with the problems of our country, I recognize that from outside this chamber is the outraged conscience of a nation, the grave concern of many nations and the harsh judgment of history on our acts.

  • 和訳お願いします

    何回もすみません。 和訳お願いします。 To my surprise, my extremely limited Japanese did not prevent me from making friends with people who didn't speak English. I even learned, to some degree, sado and ikebana. These classes were conducted entirely in Japanese. I also watched a lot of TV. Without understanding a word, I was thoroughly engrossed in the soap operas, samurai dramas, sumo wrestling matches, anime, and even the commercials.

  • 和訳がどうしてもわかりません

    英文の和訳お願いします!!! Not even the best of schools can educate a child whose will to work has not first been learnt at home. Not even the best of health services can make up for the damage done to a child by a mother's bad care. There are millions of people who prefer the company of animals to people,which is understandable,because animals are far less demanding. When we talk of the cleverness of insects,we ought always to keep in mind that this cleverness is what is called instinctive,and differs considerably from the cleverness of which man is so proud. Perhaps one of the reasons we all have so much difficulty in defining and explaining words is that we continue to think of the dictionary as the final authority about them.

  • この文の和訳をお願いします><

    I have thought since of the wonderful godness of God to me, in preserving me in the use of my reason and senses, in that distressed time, that I did not use wicked and violent means to end my own miserable life. 要点だけでも構いませんので、誰かお願いします><

  • 和訳教えてください

    A particular branch of knowledge is chosen, whether about the physical universe as in the sciences or about man himself as in the humanities. The aim of this study is not just to learn new facts, but to relate them to each other in an ordered whole. It is not enough to know things, like a walking encyclopedia. We have to aim at that understanding and wisdom which is the fine fruit of a university education. Thus in the sciences we learn how to draw general conclusions from various facts; and in the humanities we obtain a deeper understanding of human life from the reading of various authors. 長い英文ですがよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします

    I have a funny feeling that we have not seen the last of each other. これはどうゆう訳になるのでしょうか? 一応 前後の文も書いておきます。 I know how it can be when you are visiting friends that you have not seen for a long time. It seems like you never have enough time to fit everyone in! I have a funny feeling that we have not seen the last of each other. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どうかよろしくお願いします。 Whats that for?I can send you photos of the exact pair i'm offering for sale and which can be delivered to your location in Japan,provided i get hold of your address and when we must have concluded a deal and moreover its price remains the same. The idea of putting your name is not an issue but i certainly will not do that unless you must have made a reservation on the animals and not before,so please that's not possible! If seriously interested in the pair,then we can proceed with a deal,you can make a reservation and send me your complete address when the animals arrive your location in Japan,you will then be required to make the remaining payment and once more,life arrival of your animals is 100% guaranteed. それぞれ別なメールなのですがこちらも翻訳していただけると嬉しいです。 send me mobile number and swiss air call you CONFIRM I'M CHECKING WITH THE BREEDER TO SEE IF 2 PAIRS ARE AVAILABLE FOR U.. それではどうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    What kind of digital media is NOT mentioned in the passage?

  • 和訳お願いします

    どなたか、下記の文の和訳おねがいします。 Ah the British sense of humour varies from place to place but in general we like sarcasm. As for my personal group of friends and family (including myself), we like banter. We like to mock each other jokingly and usually rudely :P. And a lot of people I have met are just the same. Obviously I can't speak for the whole of britain, just the things I know! To be able to call each other names and know not to take it seriously is a good measure of friendship I believe haha

  • 和訳お願いします。

    次の文章の和訳をお願いします。とくに,cocoonとchild-in-meの解釈がわかりません。また、That it should~ ...is.の部分はThat it should ~ ... is (a problem).とa problemが省略されていると考えたのですが合っているでしょうか。 [http://balconybanter.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-bitter-sweet-candy-of-nostalgia.html] Being nostalgic is not a problem. That it should be accompanied with a sense of loss....is. As the years roll by, we turn more cynical about the present. But, what do I really miss? Is it the past? Is it the people? Is it the place? The truth is, I miss myself....myself connected to that cocoon. I miss the younger-me, the dreamer-me, the hopeful-me. I miss that believer-me, that child-in-me.