• ベストアンサー


 They had two major gods - a sun god and a god of the dead, whose festival was held last week. このような文章において、whose festival とは god of the dead について説明を 補足しているのでしょうか?回答お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

彼らには、2つの主要な神―太陽神と死者の神―がいましたが、その神々のお祭りが、先週開催されました。 ☆ two major god = a sun god and a god of the dead の同格になっていますから、whose festival の whose の先行詞は、two major gods だと思います。





  • 日本語訳を! 5-(1)

    番号で分けているのでお願いします。 (1) The ancient Egyptians had a god for everything. That palm tree set back from the Nile sprouting on the rise behind your cousin's house? It had a god. The make-up your father applied from his palette in the morning? It had a god, too. More than 2,000 names of gods have been found written in limestone, on papyrus, and scratched on mud-brick walls. Some gods were powerful and worshipped by many, and some were wispy spirits known to just a few. There were gods whose spirits lived inside real things, such as the Nile, the sun , the sky, and the earth. And there were gods for protection against dangers, such as the bites of crocodiles, scorpions, and snakes. There were gods who stood for learning―the art of music and medicine; and there were gods who stood for the learned―the scribes and the architects. You name it, the Egyptians had a god for it. (2) There were good gods and bad gods, and fierce gods to protect you from the bad gods. There were gods for the living and gods for the dead. Some gods were human, some were animal, and some were a little of both. The bulls of one breed were so sacred that they lived like kings, and when they died the Egyptians mummified them, just like they would a pharaoh. They covered the bulls in jewels and placed them in coffins carved out of solid blocks of granite each weighing 80 tons. These sacred bulls even had their own cemeteries. At a burial site at Saqqara archaeologists have found 24 bulls, each in an elaborately carved coffin. (3) The most important god in Egypt was the sun god. The Egyptians pictured the sun god pushing the sun across the sky just as the scarab beetles pushed tiny dirt balls across the ground. Every morning the Egyptians were grateful when the sun was born again like the tiny scarab eggs hatching in the dirt ball. And every evening when the sun set, they worried that an evil snake would swallow the sun as it passed through the Underworld.

  • 関係代名詞を使って

    The colege Festival is held in autumn every year. It is an important occasion for students. The member of our club spend a long time preparing for it. の3文を関係代名詞などを使って1文にまとめたいのですが、 The colege Festival which is held in autumn every year is an important occasion for students. をまとめて、最後の一文はどうつなげばよいかわかりません。 in whichを使うのかなとかいろいろ考えましたが 関係代名詞がとても苦手なので私の能力の限界でした。 お願いします。

  • 関係代名詞、継続用法

    none of them と none of whichの使い分けというか、違いが分からず困っています… ネット上で調べるとたとえば以下のようなやり取りがあるのですが、結局、理解できていません… お願いしますm(_ _)m The two possible forms are: 1. The Consumer Council has tested 300 types of hair-dryers, none of which passed the safety tests. When, in a sentence, you add further information to what you have just written, we can use a non-defining clause beginning with a preposition, So:"..300 types of hair-dryers, none of which passed the safety tests. or "300 types of hair-dryers, of which none passed the safety tests. "The young remain in the pouch for 7 weeks, by which time they have grown..." In your sentence, 'which' is a relative pronoun referring directly back to "300 types of hair-dryers" 2. The Consumer Council has tested 300 types of hair-dryers, and none of them passed the safety tests. Here, the 'additional information' is given in a linking clause beginning with 'and'. We could have written: "The Consumer Council has tested 300 types of hair-dryers, and none/not one passed the safety tests." To use 'none of them' without the linking conjuction 'and', we would have to write: The Consumer Council has tested 300 types of hair-dryers, none of them passing the safety tests. Check that in typing your full sentence above, you did not omit the 'and'. Otherwise, I also cannot understand why the 'preferred' answer is 'none of them'.

  • 関係代名詞の所有格と関係副詞の見分け方について

    英語の文法問題を勉強をしている時、 いつも関係代名詞と関係副詞でつまづきます。 関係代名詞の所有格と関係副詞の見分け方が分かりません。 従属節が完全な文だと関係副詞、不完全だと関係代名詞と判断すると思っています。 ところが以下の文の解説で混乱してしまいました。 1、I have an uncle whose son lives in Paris. 2、They live in a house whose roof is red. 解説は、sonとroofがはっきりしない(the ,a をson,roofの前につけないと漠然としている)ので、不完全な文。 よってwhoseとすべきとありました。  →理解できました。 3、I found a place where cherry blossoms were beautiful. 解説は、cherry blossoms were beautiful.は完全な文なのでwhereです、 とありました。 3でもcherry blossoms は漠然としているように思うので、 whoseを使ってもいいのでは?と思いました。 仮にblossoms と複数系としている事で漠然としていないのだとしたら、 I found a place whose cherry blossom were beautiful. だったらいいのでしょうか? あまりtoeicでは出ないところかと思いますが、 いつも引っかかって苦しんでおります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 所有格の関係詞

    下記の文章の訳し方と文法的構成がいまいちよくわからないので、教えていただけないでしょうか? I know a boy whose father is a friend of the son of a very rich man. (私は、その父が非常に金持ちである父を知っている) a friend of a very rich man = a friend is very rich man ということは何となくわかるのですが、 of the son のところが良くわかりません。 whose father is a friend of the son = father is a friend of the son のように見えてしまいます。 これを文法的にどのように解決するか、教えていただけますでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 日本語訳を! 6-(4)

    お願いします。 (9) The Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts, and the Book of the Dead all had the same purpose―turn the quiz into an open-book exam and guarantee that the spirits passed. Once safely though the labyrinth of portals, the spirits entered the hall of judgment. Before 42 gods, the spirits declared their innocence to everything the Egyptians could think of. The cheat sheet helped them remember all the sins they didn't commit. The spirits addressed the gods one by one. Some of the gods had creepy names: Bone Breaker and Blood Eater, for example. Some gods had rather unusual names: Fiery Eyes, Hot Foot, and Pale One. Others had names that would make good video game demons: Demolisher, Lord of Truth, and the Accuser. Still others sounded a bit goofy, as if they were one of the Seven Dwarfs―Nosey, for example. The spirits had to remember which sin they denied to which god (with the help of their cheat sheet). Apparently being noisy was considered sinful. One of the denial was "O Water-smiter who came forth from the Abyss, I have not been loud voiced."

  • よろしくお願いします

    Indeed, just last September, the remains of two Japanese climbers that had been missing since 1970 were found on the Matterhorn in a similar glacier. At the time, the police made a similar statement, explaining that they’ve found several climbers bodies over the last couple decades already. 文が過去形で進んでいるので、they’ve foundはthey had foundとならないのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • in と at の使い分けと関係代名詞

    1.in と at の使い分け たとえば、「わたしはあなたを渋谷で見ました。」 という場合は I saw you in shibuya.ですよね?? では、「私はあなたをイベントでみました。」 という場合は in the event. でしょうか? at the eventでしょうか? 「私は渋谷のイベントであなたをみました。」というばあい、I saw you in the eventin shibuya.と二つinがつづくことは普通しませんか?in the event of shibuyaとするべきでしょうか? in は場所というのはわかりますがatを使うときがいまいちわかりません。時間を言うときはatですよね? We will meet at 7 O`clock.←O`clockのつづりあってますか?Oは大文字でしたか? O`clockをつけるのは7時ちょうどのときだけですか? 「私は7時の渋谷のイベントで先週あなたをみました。」ではどうなりますか? I saw you at 7 O`clock in the event of shibuya last week. でしょうか? in とat が一文に入る際、どちらを先にもってくるのでしょうか? ほかにatをつかう場合を教えてください。 時間をきかれて答える場合はIt`s をつかうのですよね?It`s 7 O`clock.でいいですね? 2.関係代名詞 whose以外のwho/whom/whichはすべてthatを代用してもよいですか? Athat(whose/who/whom/which)Bの文ではA=Bの関係が成り立ちますか?AのことをBでくわしく言っているので同じ事ですよね? 本来2文であるものを1つにまとめたということですよね? ?が多くてすみませんがご回答お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m2

    Higan and Bon Buddhism refers to the present life as"this shore and to the life of enlightenment as the“ other shore”. Higan is a seven-day Budd hist memorial service for the dead held twice a year, centering on two periods, the vernal equinox(around March 21) and the autumnal equinox(around September 23) On these two days, the sun crosses the equator, and the lengths of day and night become equal. These two days are national holidays. During Higan the Japanese have long had the custom of honoring their ancestors whom they believe to be in the “other world" of the west where the sun sets. People visit their family graves, clean them, and show reverence for the dead by offering flowers and incense. A kind of rice dumpling called ohagi, flavored with sweet bean paste or soybean flour, is also placed before the graves.

  • 関係代名詞の省略でしょうか

    NHKからの抜粋です This latest case comes 2 weeks after the same strain of the avian flu virus was found at another farm in Miyazaki Prefecture. 対応する日本語記事は次です 宮崎県では今月16日、北部の延岡市の養鶏場から「H5型」の鳥インフルエンザウイルスが検出されています。 質問(1) 主節の主語がcomesなのかwasなのか分かりにくです。関係代名詞thatが省略されているのでしょうか? 主節の主語はwas This latest case (that comes 2 weeks after the same strain of the avian flu virus) was found at another farm in Miyazaki Prefecture. 主節の主語はcomes This latest case comes 2 weeks after the same strain of the avian flu virus (that was found at another farm in Miyazaki Prefecture). どちらでしょうか。 質問(2) 他の場所では過去形で述べられているのに、ここではcomesは現在形です。 何か意図があるのでしょうか。 全文です Bird flu virus found in southwestern Japan Authorities in southwestern Japan say they have found the H5 strain of bird flu virus in chickens at a local poultry farm. Officials say they found the virus in several birds at a farm in Miyazaki City. They carried out the testing after 30 birds were found dead there on Sunday. Officials sent in about 200 people to cull all of the 42,000 chickens at the farm. They also plan to complete burying the birds and disinfecting their barns by the end of Monday. Authorities banned the movement of chickens and eggs within a 3-kilometer radius as well as their shipping to areas outside of a 10-kilometer radius. They also set up 10 disinfection stations in nearby areas to keep passing vehicles from spreading the virus. This latest case comes 2 weeks after the same strain of the avian flu virus was found at another farm in Miyazaki Prefecture.