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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語です(解剖学用)。日本語への訳をお願いします。)

Understanding Muscles: Anatomical Terminology


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  • sphenis
  • ベストアンサー率50% (50/100)

専門用語さえ分かれば、そこまで難しい文章ではないですよ。 When one group muscles contracts, an antagonistic group is relaxed. ある筋肉グループが収縮する時、拮抗筋は弛緩する。 Your frontalis muscle runs vertically along your forehead. 前頭筋は、額に沿って垂直に走っている。 Your orbicularis oris is sometimes known as the kissing muscle. 口輪筋は、kissing muscleとして知られていることがある。 Unlike other skeletal muscles, which are attached to bones, the facial muscles are attached to othermuscles, or to the skin. 骨に付着している他の骨格筋と違い、顔の筋肉は他の筋肉や皮膚に付着している。 So even a tiny contraction in one such muscle can pull the skin and change your expression. その為、それらの筋肉(=顔の筋肉)の一つが僅かに収縮しただけでも、皮膚を引っ張り表情を変えることができるのだ。 これで大丈夫じゃないかと思います。


  • 英語です。日本語への訳をお願いします

    *平滑筋や胃など、生理学の用語が含まれて降ります。 But smooth muscles are at work all over your body. In your stomach and digestive system, they contract(tighten up)and relax to allow food to make its journey through the body. Your smooth muscles come in handy if you're sick and you need to throw up. The muscles push the food back out of the stomach so it comes up through the esophagus and out of the mouth.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします

    Our reception is open 24 hrs therefore you are mOur reception is open 24 hrs therefore you are more than welcome to check in at any time. Looking forward to your stay with us. ore than welcome to check in at any time.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Time travel poses, however, all sorts of problems, logical, social, and technical. The most difficult one is the so-called“grandfather paradox”:what happens if we travel back in time and kill our own grandparents or parents before we are born? This is a logical impossibility because it implies that we would not have been born and thus could not have gone back in time to commit the murder. Difficult as it may sound, there are, however, ways to resolve this paradox. First, perhaps, you simply repeat past history when you go back in time, therefore fulfilling the past. In this case, you have absolutely no free will and are forced to complete the past as you know it. Second, you have free will, so you can change the past but within limits. Your free will is not allowed to create a time paradox. Whenever you try to kill your parents before you are born, a mysterious force prevents you from actually doing this. Third, the universe splits into two universes. On one time line, the people whom you killed look just like your parents, but they are different because you are now in a parallel universe. This latter possibility, which is also explored in the famous Hollywood movie Back to the Future, seems to be consistent with the quantum theory.

  • 日本語訳を教えてください。

    よろしくお願いします。 You can avoid food poisoning by following some simple preventative measures. Make sure all surfaces that touch food are clean. Wash all cutting boards, countertops, bowls, pans, and utensils after each step of food preparation. It is also important to wash your hands well each time before you touch food. And make sure you clean your refrigerator often. Keeping things clean avoids cross-contamination, which is the spread of germs or other harmful things from one food to another.

  • 英語を日本語に訳してください。

    中学生時代にあきらめた英語を今から(10年以上は経ってます・・・)勉強し直そうと思い、通信講座のテストと格闘しています。辞書を引きながら訳してみたのですが、全然意味の分からない文になってしまいます。助けてください。宜しくお願いします。  It is one thing to work for money.It is quite another to have your money work for you.Which approach sounds more appealing?The latter,of course,but what product represents the best investment?Stocks?Bonds?Treasury bills?Maybe,but perhaps not,depending upon your tax bracket.Although these instruments are profitable,incom from them is taxable.

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    これの日本語訳お願いします! I wish the world becomes one. Regardless of the different languages we speak, we can have a good relationship with each other. You act as one group even if you are speaking different languages, which I think is the symbol that the world is became one.

  • 英語の日本語訳お願いします!

    ぎこちない日本語ではなくて、意訳で構わないのでわかりやすい日本語でよろしくお願いします! If the hypothesis is that indivisuals will perform better on a math problem if they are offerd more money for a good performance, the experimenter might randomly assign participants to one of three conditions:~ 続きがあるんですが、ここまでがちょっとあいまいなので よろしくおねがいします!

  • 日本語訳をお願いします!!

    The golden fields of summer stretch endlessly across the prairies of Saskatchewan.The bread basket of Canada,Saskatchewan is prime wheat country the size of Texas,and one of the great wheat-growing regions of the world.But the financial demands of the family farm are changing,and it has become difficult for the new generation of farmers to prosper.“Farming would be the ultimatd way to spend your life but there are strings attached just like any other business,people have other jobs.But if you cannot viably raise a family,it doesn't matter how much you like it or enjoy it.”One group of committed farmers is making the cooperative farm succed for them.Similar in many ways to the Mennonites and the Amish,the Hutterites originated in Moravia in the 16th century.After settling in various countries of eastern Europe,and the United States,each time fleeing persecution,the Hutterites emigrated to Canada in the early 20th century.The families have clung tenaciously to their religious beliefs,ancestral German dialect,and the customs of their forefathers.A brave and stalwart spirit has served them well:Hutterite farms are among the most productive in the land.

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    Interestingly, although the media often uses the figure "one million" to describe the number of young recluses in Japan, the truth is that no one really knows how many there are. In fact, the likelihood is that there are a lot fewer than this number. Because the behavior of recluses is so extreme, the media are attracted to them. Their strange stories make for interesting news articles and documentaries. In the end, the problem of young recluses may be much smaller than most believe it to be. 和訳 興味深いことに、メディアは日本の若者の引きこもりの数を表すのに「百万」という数字をしばしば使うけれども、 真実は、誰も本当にはどれくらいの数がいるのかわかっていない。 実際のところ、可能性としてはこの数(百万)よりずっと少ないかもしれない。 引きこもりの行動はとても極端なので、メディアは彼らに引き付けられる。 彼らの奇妙な話は新しい記事やドキュメンタリーを生み出す。 結局、若者の引きこもりの問題は、たいていの人々が思っているよりもずっと小さなものかもしれない。

  • 日本語訳をチェックしていただけますか

    以下の英語の文章を、自分なりに訳してみたのですが、まったくわかりませんでした。 3時間以上かけて考えてもわからなかったので、どうか助けてください。 長くて申し訳ないのですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 In regarding these varying but related approaches to human relationships, people tend to sense that one or the other is the real dynamic. One man, on hearing my analysis of ways of talking tothe plumber, commented, "Wouldn't using solidarity be deceptive?" If, like many men, one believes that human relations are fundamentally hierarchical, then playing on connection rather than status amounts to "pretending" there is no status- in other words, being deceptive. But those who tend to regard connection as the basic dynamic operating between people see attempts to use status differences as manipulative and unfair. Both status and connection are ways of being involved with others and showing involvement with others, although those who are focused on one may not see the other as a means of involvement. Men are more often inclined to focus on the jockeying for status in a conversation: Is the other person trying to be one-up or put me down? Is he trying to establish a dominant position by getting me todo his bidding? Women are more often attuned to the negotiation of connections: Is the other person trying to get closer or pull away? Since both elements are always present, it is easy for women and men to focus on different elements in the same conversation.