• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語で)



  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

Can I take your picture? Can I take a picture of you? Do you mind my taking your picture? Would you mind my taking your picture? Would you mind taking your picture? Would you mind taking a picture of you? 何れも自然な英語として通用しますよ。 但しこれを言う前には必ず、 Excuse me? をお忘れなくね。





  • 一緒に写真に写ってくれますかって英語で何ていいますか

    英語で一緒に写真に写ってくれますか?っ何というのでしょうか? Would you mind if we take picture together?なんて変でしょうか?

  • 英語でなんて言うの?

    写真を撮ってあげる時なのですが Would you like me to take your picture? と行ったのですがきょろきょろされてたので、背景は、どうします?って 聞いてあげたかったのですが、よくわからずに what background? と行ったのですが。本当は how do you ???? って言うのでしょうか? 教えていただけませんか?

  • 英語の和訳教えてください。お願いします。

    Will you send me a picture of you of you so I can put it in my contact list? 意味をおしえてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • Would you mind if ~?

    街頭インタビューで 「ちょっとお時間頂いてよろしいでしょうか?」 A Would you mind if I take a few minutes of your time? B Would you mind if I took a few minutes of your time? Bが正解でしょうが、Aは間違いですか? もしAも正解とすれば、A,Bのニュアンスの違いについてどなたか教えてください。 よそしくおねがいいたします。

  • 英語の会話文から、質問です。

    A: Oh, my God. You're “B”. Hi. I'm “A”. B: Hi. A: Ok. Let me just get this dorky stuff out of the way, ok? I love you. I love your work. I love you and your work. Ok, now I can be my regular hip self. I love you. I love your work. I love you and your work. 『Ok, now I can be my regular hip self.』の部分がさっぱり分かりません。 どなたか解説をお願いします。

  • 英語が得意な方に質問です‼

    英語が得意な方に質問です‼ フリガナをつけてください‼ 僕は英語が全く読めないので歌詞にフリガナをつけてください‼ Think of other possibilities I rather hang me up on psycho linden trees And if you find my body,wait and see,because you'll meet a creep so deep inside of me when i was kid i used to write my venus up side down but i can easily handle that by using rationalistic mind Once,I said If you really want to have a part of me You better find yourself another piece of harmony All my garbage friends now thank you for your expense I'm pretty rich enough to hide my real intensity Yaliyali tiatta littityaliya Candy candy hop he gose Slovenia, Solvakia whatever, however Amen Now sing for just a moment when i was kid i used to write my venus up side down but i can easily handle that by using rationalistic mind when i was kid i used to write my venus up side down but i can easily handle that by using rationalistic mind my lyrics gone so far and now that no one understand but to tell the truth me, myself have no idea what i'm saying when i was kid i used to write my venus up side down but i can easily handle that by using rationalistic mind

  • この歌詞を一部でもいいので和訳していただけませんか

    この歌詞を一部でも結構なので訳していただきたいです。ほんのごく一部でも構いません。。 If you’re wondering why I’ve not been speaking my mind sir It took so long since I could call this my home My shapes of confusion fit holes of frustration And there’s nothing worse then being home on your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own I’ve been wondering why you’ve not been speaking your mind sir I’ve coloured my life and I’ll make no bones My shapes of confusion fit holes of frustration You can colour my life until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life You can colour my life If you’re wondering why I’ve not been speaking my mind sir It took so long since I could call this my home My shapes of confusion fit holes of frustration You can colour my life until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life Until it fits with your own You can colour my life You can colour my life Colour my life Colour my life Colour my life 親切な方いらっしゃったらよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します‼

    毎度申し訳ないですが、英語の得意な方、こちらの翻訳お願いできますでしょうか。宜しくお願い致します‼ Don't try so hard. I want you to enjoy your time when your bit working and take care if your horse. In happy the way you can speak english now. I think of you too and think if the happy day we spent together. I don't ever think about your english is bad so don't worry!!

  • XJAPAN Endless Rain 英語 読み

    XJAPANのEndless Rainをカラオケ歌いたいのですが英語部分の読みがよく分かりません。 英語部分の読み方を教えて下さい I'm walking in the rain 行くあてもなく 傷ついた身体濡らし 絡みつく凍りのざわめき 殺し続けて 彷徨 いつまでも Until I can get your love 眠りは麻薬 途方にくれた 心を静かに溶かす 舞上がる 愛を踊らせて ふるえる身体を記憶の薔薇につつむ I keep my love for you to myself Endless rain, fall on my heart, 心の傷に Let me forget all of the hate, all of the sadness Days of joy, days of sadness slowly pass me by As I try to hold you, you are vanishing before me You're just an illusion When I'm awaken, my tears have dried in the sand of sleep I'm a rose blooming in the desert It's a dream, I'm in love with you まどろみ抱きしめて Endless rain, fall on my heart, 心の傷に Let me forget all of the hate, all of the sadness I awake from a dream I can't find my way without you The dream is over 声にならない 言葉を繰り返しても 高すぎる 灰色の壁は 過ぎ去った日の思いを夢に写す Until I can forget your love Endless rain, fall on my heart, 心の傷に Let me forget all of the hate, all of the sadness Endless rain, let me stay Evermore in your heart Let my heart takes in your tears, Take in your memories Endless rain, fall on my heart, 心の傷に Let me forget all of the hate, all of the sadness

  • 英語の時制

    I dont mind which of them comes 誰がくるかは気にしません I dont know who will clean our classroom 誰が教室を掃除するかわかりません Do you mind if i take your photo? 写真を撮ってもいいですか?if節は名詞節? 一番目の文と二番目の文の従属接続詞はどちらも未来を表してると思うんですが、willの有無の違いは何なんでしょうか? 三番目の文もwillは使われていません また三番目の文のMindは気にするのは未来なんだから、Do you より will you のほうが良くないかとも思います。 そもそも現在形は、日常、習慣を表すというルールは消えて、comesもmindもtakeも習慣のニュアンスないですよね 皆さんはどう考えていらっしゃいますか?