• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:私の訳の問題点を指摘して下さい)



  • ad-astra
  • ベストアンサー率64% (126/196)

 Someone tells jokeという出だしは、後半との関連でここでは「誰かが冗談を言うと」という出だしになると思います。  そしてそのバリエーションが、冗談だけではなく、例えばrelates. . .したり、makes A or Bしたりすると、「私たちは突如としてそれ(最後がorなのでいずれかひとつに遭遇すると)がどんなに滑稽かと感心させられるのです。」 Depending. . .の部分は、動詞perceiveの目的語がthe stimulus to be how amusingという構造が見えると、「私たちがその刺激がどの程度に面白いかを分かるか」に「~次第で」を繋ぐと、「私たちがその刺激がどの程度面白いと感じるか次第で」。 it might cause us. . .のmightは、可能性を示してはいますが、訳は「こともあるだろう」としたほうがしっくり来るように思います。 smile, . . . to burst out in. . .の部分は、確かに動詞causeに続くto smile, to burst outですが、間に"…"が置かれていますので、並列のAとBではなく、微笑みから大笑いまでという、ranging from A to B「AからBまで」の意味のようです。  動詞がどういう文型をとるかという点に着目し、あとはandとorの違いや記号の使い方の意味をきちんと押さえるようにされたら意味がとりやすくなるのではないでしょうか。



1つ1つ指摘していただきありがとうございます。 いくつか質問させてください。 >someone tells joke, relates an amusing personal anecdote, makes a~ jokesとrelates~anecdoteは同格関係にしか見えなかったんですが、なぜ同格でないと感じたのですか? >Dependingの部分は、動詞perceiveの目的語がthe stimulus to be how amusingという構造が見えると、 これにも気づかなかったです。どうすれば気づけますか?どうしてhow amusingが、weの前にあるんですか? orに関しては、もしくは、というつもりが、文章を曖昧にする中でいつのまにかandのような訳し方になってました。気をつけます。


  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    以下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。よろしくお願いします。 (1)What happened next was amazing. (2)It shows how very precious life really is and how it can be lost in the blink of an eye.

  • 要訳

    質問です。 以下の訳がわかりません。 どこで切ってどうやって訳すのかがわかりません。 よろしくおねがいします。 We’re also going to look at which will help to create new jobs as that is the point of the whole stimulus package.” http://www.theartnewspaper.com/article.asp?id=16946

  • 英作問題解答例に関して二点質問があります

    【問題】 言葉はあまりに身近にあるので、その存在を忘れてしまうことさえある。しかし、病や事故などで言葉に 不自由を感じるようになって、初めてその存在の大きさに気づくことがあるだろう。 【英訳し易いように変えた日本文】 言葉はあまりになじみ深いので、私たちはそれを忘れてしまうことさえある。しかし、病や事故のために 言葉をうまく使えないようになって、初めてそれがいかに大切かに気づくだろう。 【解答例】 Language is so familiar to us that we even forget it. But it is not until you cannot use it well because of illness or accident that you realize how important it is. 問題、解答例等は上記のようになっていました。 一つ目の質問は、accident に冠詞を付けて、an accident にする必要はないのでしょうか。 二つ目の質問は、第一文で we が使われているのですが、なぜ第二文は you となっているのでし ょうか。we または you で統一はできないのでしょうか。 分かる方がいらっしゃいましたら回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の日本語訳ができません。。。

    以下の5つの英文だけがうまく日本語訳ができません。 だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)Scientists have tried to construct computer models of the way people behave when they try to get out of a building in a panic situation. (2)The scientists found that the behavior of the mice corresponded quite closely to the predictions made by their computer models. (3)Unfortunately, we know very little about how such exits should be designed. (4)One research group recently conducted an experiment with mice to see how they behave in a crisis. (5)The results of this experiment could help researchers understand how humans might react in similar situations. (3)(4)(5)の英文はhowに導かれた名詞節が多用されている。と書いてあるんですが、なんのことやらさっぱりで・・・ だれかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文を見て頂けませんか。問題と思われる点がありましたら、ご指摘いただ

    英作文を見て頂けませんか。問題と思われる点がありましたら、ご指摘いただけると幸いです。 Gambling should be banned. Yes, it should be illegalized. After that the world would be crime-free. Many families would be able to enjoy a happier life with non-gambling fathers. Many gamblers would not have to spend time and money for gambling and be able to lead a financially and medically healthier life. It is not easy to argue against this idea. It sounds too good! Still we have to look back what happened in the US in the time of the Prohibition. Illegal bars flourished and produced a lot of black money in the criminal world. Public health and security was at risk. The government had to fight with Al Capone. In many countries including Japan all over the world, gambling has been already illegalized. It is allowed partially only under certain restriction. The total ban might encourage increase of underground casinos and result in more crimes, which would surely risk public health and security. Governments would not just lose their present income from restricted gambling, but to spend a lot more money on protecting and recovering public health and security. Yes, we certainly have problems with gambling now. Still it would be extremely dangerous to jump to the conclusion that it should be totally banned.

  • 訳を教えてください。

    海外のAUCTIONでSELLERに質問をしたところ、SELLERの返答とともに下記の英文が記載されていまいした。やりとりに関しての注意を促すもののようですが、よく解りません。教えてください。 If this email is an offer to directly sell you an item without bidding on and winning the item on XXX, please report it to us immediately and do not respond. An offer to sell an item directly to another XXX member through email violates XXX rules. It is also extremely unsafe to purchase an item through this email system regardless of the seller's claims or feedback, as you lose the benefit of XXX purchas protection programs and risk losing your money.

  • 英文の訳

    私の知人からこのような質問を受けました。文法が、凄く苦手らしく困っているようです。(特にofが前に出てくる文章などが苦手とのこと)私もうまく答えることが出来ず、困ってしまいました。もしお分かりの方いらっしゃれば教えてくださいませ。宜しくお願いします。 以下の英文の訳し方(出来たら文法)を教えて; Of the total revenue, it becomes an addition to the gains from the trade. 注:revenue(国家の歳入)、gains(収入)

  • 日本語訳を教えてください。

    ゼミで勉強中の資料の一部です。日本語訳を教えてください。 It’s a little disconcerting, but it offers one enormous consolation: we do not have to wait until “after the revolution” to begun to get a glimpse of what genuine freedom might be like. As the Crimethinc Collective, the greatest propagandists of contemporary American anarchism, put it:” Freedom only exists in the moment of revolution. And those moments are not as rare as you think,” For an anarchist, in fact, to try to create non-alienated experiences, true democracy, is an ethical imperative: only by making one’s form of organization in the present at least a rough approximation of how a free society would actually operate, how everyone, someday, should be able to live, can one guarantee that we will not cascade back into disaster. Grim joyless revolutionaries who sacrifice all pleasure to the cause can only produce grim joyless societies.

  • 訳をお願いします

    とある論文らしいんですが、難しすぎて分かりません。。 投げやりで申し訳ないのですが、訳していただけると嬉しいです。 Somewhere in your brain, there’s a cake network. You couldn’t see it even if you knew where to look. But it’s there all the same―and it’s powerful thing. You weren’t born with a liking for cake, but long ago, early in your childhood, you got your first taste of cake, and instantly a series of connections was made in your brain. In the process, your brain filed away a simple, primitive, unconscious idea: Cake is good. A life time love affair with cake―perhaps pleasant, perhaps tortured―began. Human beings have always had a complicated relationship with food. Staying alive from day to day requires our bodies to keep a lot of systems running properly, but most of them operate automatically. Eating is different. It’s a voluntary thing. And it’s essential to keep the species going. So nature cleverly controls the game, making sure we can’t resist food. That has lately meant trouble. Human history has usually been characterized by too little to eat rather than too much. Nature never planned for what could happen when unchecked appetites were suddenly matched by unchecked resources. Nut we’re seeing it now. Today, Americans―as any trip to an all-you-can-eat buffet will tell you―have become a soft, inactive, overfed lot. It’s not just that 67% of the U.S. population is overweight (including about 17% of children aged 6 to 19); it’s that we know that fact full well and seem helpless to control ourselves. Our doctors warn us about our rising blood pressure and cholesterol a, and we get briefly frightened―until we’re offered the next helping of cheesecake of curly fries, and then our appetite shouts down our reason, and before we know it, we’re at it again. Just why is our appetite so powerful a driver of our behaviour, and, more important, how can we control it? If that question doesn’t have an easy answer, it’s no wonder. Understanding a process as complex as appetite is an incredible challenge that involves many fields of scientific knowledge. But science is trying. Researchers in labs and institutes around the world are looking into the brain to understand the regions where appetite is perceived and satisfied, and pinpointing the sensitive areas on cell surfaces that keep us hungry or make us feel satisfied. They’re studying the nerve networks of the digestive system, as well as the operation of the genes that drive our appetite in order to track how signals of satisfaction are sent and to determine why they sometimes get lost. And they’re looking back into human history to understand better how we became inclined to overeat from the start and how we might be able, so many thousands of years later, to break away from this tendency at last. “The problem of excessive body weight has become a leading cause of death worldwide”, says Dr. David Cummings, and associate professor of medicine at the University of Washington. “Understanding it is perhaps the most serious challenge in the field of medical research.”

  • 訳を教えてください。

    訳を教えてください。 勉強不足なので、いまいちどういうことを言われているのか確信がもてません。 ご教示ください。 we have reviewed the document; please kindly have it executed on behalf of you and return to me at the address below. Please note that we are able to accept PDF of it via email.