• ベストアンサー



  • abc0
  • ベストアンサー率33% (46/139)

このwhichは関係代名詞の非制限用法のwhichです。 この場合whichは前文の内容をとることができます。 が、which in hindsight was a very short-sighted decision because within a few weeks we still understaffed. この文章からwhichをとるとin hindsightという前置詞+名詞が主語ということになりますが、これは文法上あり得ません。 じつはこの文、倒置してるんですよ。 本来主語に来るはずのない前置詞+名詞の塊をあえて頭に持ってくることで、強調する。 ですのでこの文の主語はbe動詞のあとのshort sighted decisionということになります。



ご回答ありがとうございます。Short signted decision がSならCは何になるのでしょうか…


  • 英語の文構文

    You realize this woman,who you thought was 'lucky' or 'fortunate' is,in fact,a huge loser. この文でwho you thought was 'lucky' or 'fortunate' is,の部分の構造がイマイチわかりません。 このwhoはどんな働きをするのでしょうか?関係代名詞なのですか? This is also a factual statement but one which deliberately fails to mention that・・・ の文で one which は何をするのか教えてください。

  • 英語詳しい方、訳を教えてください。何といってますか

    英語にかなり詳しい方これを訳していただきたいです。翻訳サイトなど使わないかたおしえてください samuel is a native of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He participated in a national casting call for the first Honduran miniseries, Diferentes a Todos, and was cast. The program was a Promega production, directed by Francisco Andino and produced by Francis Mejía. Through Terco Producciones, which was responsible for Honduran casting on 『BBBB』, Mr. samuel attended an open casting call and within weeks found himself in front of the cameras, making his feature debut. He is currently working with Promega, in Tegucigalpa, while also continuing his studies. 自分でもやってみましたが、最初しかわかりません。samuelはホンジュラス人です。しかわかりませんでした・・

  • 文章の構文が分かりません

    Japan Timesのだいぶ前の記事の文章で、構文が分からないところがあります。 マツダに関する記事で、 Mazda, which raised \93.3billion in a share sale in 2009, forecast Thursday that if will post a \100 billion loss in the year ending March 31, five times the deficit it projected earlier and more than twice the \46 billion loss forecast by average of 19 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. 以下の部分の文章の切れ目が分かりません。 ~,five times the deficit it projected earlier ~ five times the deficit / it projected earlier itの前で切れるんでしょうか?five times the deficitっていう名詞句はありえるのでしょうか?

  • 英語

    1: A:Sam,why don't you tellMr.Sisler what happned? B:I'm afraid to. (). A:Are you kindding? I've never seen him get angry. B:I have. In fact,just the other day,he screamed at his secretary right in front of me. (1)He seems to be in a great mood (2)He isn't very happy (3)He's expecting me (4)He's a deep thinker (5)He has a terrible temper 2: A:Are you still going out with Jim? B:() A:Really? How come? B:We started arguing toomuch. It stopped being fun. (1)No,we broke up a few weeks ago. (2)No,we're getting married next month. (3)We're going to make upsoon,though. (4)Yes,we're getting married next weeks. (5)Yes,we're still very happy. 解答と全文訳をお願いします

  • 英語問題

    1:That was the year () l was born. (1)where (2)into which (3)in which (4)at which 2:This must be the novel Mr.Matsuyama () his lecture. (1)had referred in (2)had referred to (3)referred to in (4)was referred to 3:This is a photo of the house () before we moved to Osaka. (1)where we lived in (2)we lived (3)with which we lived (4)we lived in 4:This is the village () our teacher was born. (1)which (2)that (3)in that (4)where 5:This is the place () l have long wanted to visit. (1)where (2)which (3)what (4)in which 解答と和訳お願いします

  • 英語問題

    1:That tall man () just come in my father. (1)whose has (2)who has (3)whom has (4)which has 2:Ynkohama is the city () population is the second largest in Japan. (1)that (2)which (3)whom (4)whose 3:The woman () I thought was her mother turned out to be a total stranger. (1)who (2)whose (3)about whom (4)whom 4:This is the house () he lived when young. (1)which (2)in which (3)in that (4)what 5:Japan is one of the few countries () people drive on the left. (1)how (2)what (3)where (4)which 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 複雑な構文ですが・・・。

    19世紀後半の英国小説で、女がえくぼを本当はないのに自分で頬を凹まして、作って男をたぶらかして結婚し、その男がそのことに気づく場面です。 she was amusing herself by artificially producing in each cheek the dimples, a curious accomplishment of which she was mistress. 私はこの文はof which以下は関係代名詞でa curious accomplishmentは前のamusing~dimplesまでを言い換えている、つまりa curious accomplishmentを前文の同格として名詞で表し、of以下でそれを修飾していると思ってのですが、自信がありません。できればこの表現は一般的かどうか、そうならば例も挙げて説明ください。お願いします。

  • 英語の和訳に困っています。

    課題で英語を日本語に和訳しなくてはいけないのですが、 どうしても訳しにくいところが三箇所あり、困っています。 http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/18822-stephen-malkmus-and-the-jicks-wig-out-at-jagbags/ この海外のサイトの記事を訳すのですが、 (1)This might surprise people like me, who given a few beers and a tolerant audience will still lapse into vague, sentimental reminiscences about seeing Pavement in late 1999, a few weeks before Malkmus got onstage in Brixton with handcuffs around his mic stand, telling the audience—in a rare moment of disclosure—that the cuffs were a symbol. (一つ目のパラグラフの二つ目の文章) (2)the sweet liberal-arts alternative to Kurt Cobain, the stoner diarist beloved by jocks in part because he was everything they assumed stoner diarists weren't: funny, low-key, averse to competition but still knowledgeable about sports(五つ目のパラグラフの二つ目の文章の途中から) (3)Once the wistful 25 year old with a heart full of unspeakable sentiments, now he's the handsome middle-aged guy next door borrowing a pinch of weed to get him through this cookie-baking session for his son's end-of-the-season soccer party. He has never resisted age but has never seemed younger, and in the occasional la-la-la still shimmers with the charm of a boy.(六つ目のパラグラフの最後二つの文章) この三つがどうしてもうまく訳せませんでした>_< どなたかよろしくお願いします・・・

  • as の用法

    Price is the money value of a product or service AS agreed upon in a market transaction. この as の用法がわかりません!which is では置き換えできないですよね?just the way that it was では置き換え可能ですか?

  • 英語を教えてください。

    次の各組の対話が自然なものになるように、空所に適切な語を入れてください。 (1)”How ( ) did you pay for the pen?” “My uncle gave it to me for my birthday. (2)”How ( ) will your father come back?” “He’ll be back in a few days.” 次の各組の文がほぼおなじ意味になるように、空所に適する語を書き入れてください。 (1)How well he speaks French! →What a ( ) ( ) ( ) French he is! (2)Which way should I go? I don’t know. →I don't know ( ) ( ) ( ) go. 次の日本文に合うように、空所に入る最も適当な語を書いてください。 (1)彼にはたった5ドルしか持ち合わせがありませんでした。 He had ( )( )( ) five dollars with him. 次の各組の文がほぼ同じになるようにしてください。 (1)Our teacher plays the violin well. →Our teacher is ( ) ( ) playing the violin. (2)While I was in New York, I met him several times. →( ) my ( ) in New York, I met him several times. これを解いてみると、 (1)reason (2)soon (1)good to speak (2)which was should (1)enough to crash (1)good well (2)わかりませんでした。 になりました。 間違っているところがあれば、訂正を含めて教えてください。