
  • 電気・サーバー関係に詳しいかた訳と文法を教えてください。
  • 質問者は、特定のフレーズの意味や文法についてわからない点があるようです。
  • また、接続場所に関しても疑問を抱いているようです。
  • ベストアンサー


Power will enter the cabinet and terminate to junction boxes mounted on the lower right side horizontal support and centered. 「電力はキャビネット内に入り」まではわかるのですが、terminate to、特にtoの意味がわかりません。「電力はキャビネット内に入り、接続箱を停止させる」ということでしょうか。 また、接続場所の位置は、「右側面の下に位置する」とうことはわかるのですが、horizontal support and centeredは、 「縦にサポートされ真ん中に位置した、右側面の下に位置する」という意味の通じない文になってしまいます。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • takdae
  • お礼率71% (265/372)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • misawajp
  • ベストアンサー率24% (918/3743)

辞書を引きながら、もう少し適切な訳を探しましょう terminate  は 普通は 終端 です 接続箱で終端される (素人向けに言うと 接続箱の端子に接続される) support は取り付けられる  接続箱はキャビネットの右側面下部の中央に取り付けられている



「右側面下部の中央に取り付けられている」という意味なのですね。 and centeredという文法がわかりませんが、supportが「取り付けられる」という意味がわかれば意味がわかりました。


  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    A 2nd Division battalion was ordered to prepare a raid for the night of 4/5 February. The raiding-party was to have two officers and 60 men and stretcher-bearers, for an attack on a salient at the junction of Guard and Desire Support trenches, to take prisoners or documents, destroy machine-guns, study the state of the trenches and the way the Germans were holding the line. Stokes mortars were to be used for bombardment but no artillery was to be fired before the raid; when it began the artillery was to fire a box barrage, to isolate the objective. White suits were provided, in case of snow on the ground and all means of identification were to be removed by the raiders, who were told to give name, rank and number only if captured. A deputy was to be chosen to take over if the raid leader became a casualty.

  • 私に口出しする男性。

    職場の男性(20代前半)が、私のデスクのキャビネット(引き出し)の中を見て。 「仕切りをこうしたらしたら?」と言って、仕切りの位置を変えたり。 私が課が変わることになって席替えを彼が手伝ってくれた際に、キャビネットを左側に置こうとしたら。 「右側がいいんじゃない?」と言い出し。 「あ、やっぱ左側でいいや。左にプリンターがあって皆横に来るし。」と言いました。(私もそう思ったので、距離を空けようとして左側に置こうとした) この彼は、どうして私のことで意見するのでしょう? キャビネットが右でも左でも、仕切りがどの位置でも。 私の自由でいいじゃないですか~? 仕事面でも、「こうした方がいいんじゃない?まっ、これでもいいけど。」など、一言言うことがあります。 いいなら言わなくてもいいじゃん・・・と思うのですが。 他の人には、そんな風に口出すようなことはしていないので。 私に一言言いたがる心理ってなんなんですか? 彼とは今まで隣の席だったので、ダメ出しされることが多かったです。 (私は褒められて伸びるタイプなのに・・・)

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    He was elected, at the end of 1898, president of the important commission on education, in which he advocated the adoption of a modern system of education. The policy of the Waldeck-Rousseau ministry on the religious teaching congregations broke up the Republican party, and Ribot was among the seceders; but at the general election of 1902, though he himself secured re-election, his policy suffered a severe check. He actively opposed the policy of the Combes ministry and denounced the alliance with Jean Léon Jaurès, and on 13 January 1905 he was one of the leaders of the opposition which brought about the fall of the cabinet. Although he had been most violent in denouncing the anti-clerical policy of the Combes cabinet, he now announced his willingness to recognize a new régime to replace the Concordat of 1801, and gave the government his support in the establishment of the Associations culturelles, while he secured some mitigation of the seventies attending the separation. He was re-elected deputy for St. Omer in 1906.

  • 次の英文について

    She is the only former first lady to have served there and in a presidential cabinet. ヒラリー・クリントンはビル・クリントン大統領のファーストレディーでもあり、 オバマ大統領のもとでは国務長官をも務めましたが、 上記英文はどのように日本語訳をすると、滑らかな表現になるでしょうか。 どのように文節を区切り、また、and以降がどこにかかるかが良くわかりません。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Battle of Passchendaele (Third Battle of Ypres, Flandernschlacht and Deuxième Bataille des Flandres) was a campaign of the First World War, fought by the Allies against the German Empire. The battle took place on the Western Front, from July to November 1917, for control of the ridges south and east of the Belgian city of Ypres in West Flanders, as part of a strategy decided by the Allies at conferences in November 1916 and May 1917. Passchendaele lay on the last ridge east of Ypres, 5 miles (8.0 km) from a railway junction at Roulers, which was vital to the supply system of the German 4th Army. The next stage of the Allied plan was an advance to Thourout–Couckelaere, to close the German-controlled railway running through Roulers and Thourout. Further operations and a British supporting attack along the Belgian coast from Nieuwpoort, combined with Operation Hush (an amphibious landing), were to have reached Bruges and then the Dutch frontier. The resistance of the 4th Army, unusually wet weather, the onset of winter and the diversion of British and French resources to Italy, following the Austro-German victory at the Battle of Caporetto (24 October – 19 November), enabled the Germans to avoid a general withdrawal, which had seemed inevitable in early October. The campaign ended in November, when the Canadian Corps captured Passchendaele, apart from local attacks in December and the new year. In 1918, the Battle of the Lys and the Fifth Battle of Ypres were fought before the Allies occupied the Belgian coast and reached the Dutch frontier. A campaign in Flanders was controversial in 1917 and has remained so. The British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, opposed the offensive, as did General Ferdinand Foch the French Chief of the General Staff. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, commanding the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), did not receive approval for the Flanders operation from the War Cabinet until 25 July. The Battle of Passchendaele Third Battle of Ypres, パッシェンデールの戦い(第三次イープルの戦い)

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    As news arrived of the great success of the attack, Brigadier-General Charteris, head of GHQ Intelligence, went from Haig's advanced headquarters to the Second Army Headquarters to discuss a possible exploitation. Plumer declined the suggestion, as eight fresh German divisions were behind the battlefield with another six beyond them. Plumer preferred to wait until the expected German counter-attacks had been defeated, as Haig had directed. German artillery fire was heavy and the defences of the Flandern II and Flandern III stellungen could be garrisoned by German divisions behind the attack front. An attack on these fortifications would need artillery support, which would be limited, given that the British field artillery was behind a severely battered strip of muddy ground 2 mi (3.2 km) deep, firing close to the limit of their range. Later in the day, Plumer had second thoughts and ordered I Anzac Corps to push on to the Keiberg spur, with support from II Anzac Corps. Lieutenant-General Alexander Godley the II Anzac Corps commander, wanted to advance north-eastwards, towards Passchendaele village but Lieutenant-General William Birdwood of I Anzac Corps, wanted to wait until artillery had been brought up and supply routes improved. The X Corps commander, Lieutenant-General Thomas Morland proposed an attack northwards, from In de Ster into the southern flank of the Germans opposite I Anzac Corps, which was opposed by Major-General Herbert Shoubridge the 7th Division commander, due to uncertainty and the many casualties in the 21st Division on his right flank. At 2:00 p.m. Plumer decided that exploitation was not possible. At 10:30 a.m., Gough told the Fifth Army corps commanders to push on and to attack again at 5:00 p.m. but when reports arrived of a repulse of the 4th Division at 19 Metre Hill, at the junction of XVIII and XIV Corps, the attack was cancelled. The capture of the ridges was a great success, Plumer called the attack "... the greatest victory since the Marne" and the German Official History referred to "... the black day of October 4". There had been an average advance of 1,000 yd (910 m) and the 3rd Australian Division moved forward up to 1,900 yd (1,700 m).

  • 英語の訳について

    First of all, our nation cannot tolerate discrimination of any kind. That's why the Americans with Disabilities Act is so important and must be honored everywhere. It is a civil rights law that is tearing down barriers in both architecture and attitude.Its purpose is to give the disabled access not only to buildings but to every opportunity in society. I strongly believe our nation must give its full support to the caregivers who are helping people with disabilities live independent lives.の訳は下の文章であってますか??間違っていたら訂正よろしくお願いします!! まず第一に、我が国はいかなる種類の差別を大目に見ることができません。そういうわけで、障害者差別禁止法はとても重要で、至る所で守られなければなりません。それは、建築と態度においてバリアを取り壊している市民権法です。その目的は、建物だけでなく社会のあらゆる機会にも抑制されたアクセスを与えることになっています。私は、強く、我が国が身体の不自由な方々が独立した人生を送るのを手伝っている介護者にそのフルサポートを与えなければならないと思っています。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    In March 1914, the conservative Salandra was brought into the national cabinet upon the fall of the government of Giovanni Giolitti, as the choice of Giolitti himself, who still commanded the support of most Italian parliamentarians. Salandra's government was the most conservative one that Italy had seen for a long time. Salandra soon fell out with Giolitti over the question of Italian participation in World War I. At the outbreak of World War I in August 1914, Salandra declared that Italy would not commit its troops, maintaining that the Triple Alliance had only a defensive stance and Austria-Hungary had been the aggressor. In reality, both Salandra and his ministers of Foreign Affairs, Antonino Paternò Castello, who was succeeded by Sidney Sonnino in November 1914, began to probe which side would grant the best reward for Italy's entrance in the war and to fulfil Italy’s irrendentist claims.

  • a path to the left, up,..

    地図についての処理を行うプログラムの文章で ... try to find a path to the left, up, down, and to the right というのがありました。 a path to the left (to the right) の部分は「右側に曲がる」道ということでしょうか? あるいは、地図を持った時に、「地図の右側へ行く道」 ということでしょうか? また、 a path up (a path down) というのは、地図上で「上(北)」「下(南)」への道ということでしょうか?

  • 分詞構文

    BCSs expressed varied expected therapeutic benefits, practical concerns, and decision support, emphasizing the "natural appeal" and symptom appraisal as key determinants when using acupuncture for HFs. Incorporating these factors in counseling BCSs may promote patient-centered communication, leading to improved hot flash management and quality of life. emphasizing以下は分詞構文ですよね?when 以下はemphasizing以下の副詞節の副詞節でしょうか? Incorporating these factors in counselingも分詞構文でしょうか? leading to 以下は分詞構文の結果的な用法として訳するとよいでしょうか?