Evaluation of Auditory Acuity in Elderly Patients: Recommendations for Occupational Therapists

  • Occupational therapists (OTs) may need to evaluate auditory acuity in elderly patients, although it is not typically part of their role.
  • Discussion with an audiologist or speech and language pathologist can provide more detailed data about auditory and receptive language skills.
  • If access to these resources is limited, OTs can use simple one-step commands to assess auditory responsiveness, but they must be careful to avoid gestural cues that would allow the patient to respond without clearly hearing the instructions.
  • ベストアンサー


Although OTs do not usually evaluate auditory acuity, information may be found in the patient’s medical record and through discussion with the patient or family. When possible, discussion with the audiologist or speech and language pathologist provides more detailed data about auditory and receptive language skills. Since hearing deficits are common and can affect function, routine evaluation of elderly patients by an audiologist soon after admission to a rehabilitation facility is suggested. If access to these resources is limited, the OT can ask the patient to respond to simple one-step commands, such as “shake your head no,” or “give me the pencil..” The therapist must be careful to avoid gestural cues that would allow the patient to respond without clearly hearing the instructions. Long commands should be avoided due to the need for more advanced attentional and motor planning skills. If the patient is unable to respond to simple verbal commands, the therapist must determine whether the difficulty is due to impaired auditory acuity, poor attention, motor planning deficits, receptive language disturbance, or noncompliance.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

OT(= occupational therapist: 作業療法士)は通常聴力を評価しませんが、情報は患者の医療記録の中や、患者あるいは家族との話し合いを通して見つかるかもしれません。可能な場合、聴覚科学者または言語聴覚士との話し合いは、聴覚的、受容的言語技術について、より詳細なデータを提供します。聴力障害は普通にみられて、機能に影響を及ぼす可能性があるので、リハビリテーション施設への入所直後に聴覚科学者による高齢患者のルーチン評価が薦められます。これらの方策を利用することが制限されるならば、OTは患者に例えば「あなたの頭をいいえと言うように振って下さい」とか「鉛筆を私にください」..の様な、単純なワンステップ指示に応えるよう頼むことができます。患者が指示をはっきりと聞き取れないのに応えることができる様にしてしまう身振りによる合図を避けるように、セラピストは注意しなければなりません。長い指示は、より高度な注意や運動計画技術が必要なために避けられるべきです。もしも患者が単純な口頭の指示に応えることができないならば、その困難が、聴力の障害か、不注意か、運動計画の欠点か、受容的言語障害か、不服従によるものかどうか、セラピストは判断しなければなりません。


  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    COGNITION AND PERCEPTION IN THE STROKE PATIENTという本に書かれている文章の翻訳をお願いします。。。 In those instances in which more information is needed, especially for driving, pursuit of leisure interests such as reading, or return to work, there are several methods that the therapist can use to screen for acuity. A modified Snellen test, distributed through the Lighthouse for the Blind, uses picture rather than letters as the stimuli and can therefore be used with aphasic patients (*Figure3-3). Responses can be given verbally or by pointing by the object that is seen. A functional test that equates various size of type to acuity ratings can also be used. For example, the patient can be asked to read the following materials placed 16 inches from the eyes: classified advertisements [20/30], textbooks or magazines [20/60-20/70], or newspaper subheadings [20/80-20/130] (Abreu 1987) (*Exhibit 3-2). The numbers in brackets correspond roughly to the acuity level required for reading each type of material. All visual testing should be conducted while the patient is wearing the appropriate corrective lenses. Since our intent is not to test vision but to ensure adequate sight for functional, glasses, if normally worn, should be part of the evaluation. *Figure3-3: This modified Snellen test uses pictures rather than letters for acuity testing. Available from the Lighthouse for the Blind. Courtesy of Lighthouse Low Vision Products Long Island City, NY 11101. *Exhibit 3-2: Correlation of Various Type Size with Visual Acuity あと、Lighthouseは灯台という意味でこの文章では訳していいのですか?

  • 翻訳教えて下さい。

    Working with the suicidal patient, as much as any other clinical experience, can help the beginning therapist gradually replace a grandiose professional ego-ideal with one that is more realistic. How exactly does this transformation take place? The beginning psychotherapist undertakes the treatment of the suicidal patient with the optimistic belief that a combination of caring, encouragement, hopefulness, good intentions, empathy, and intuition will produce a positive outcome. A “contract for safety,” wherein the patient agrees not to act on suicidal impulses and, instead, will call the therapist or seek other help, provides additional assurance. Newly prescribed medication promises to relieve suicidal despair. Hospitalization, if required, will provide needed safety. Over time though, the suicidal patient does not improve. The despair does not abate. The hopelessness intensifies. The patient can identify no reason to live. Relentless gloom pervades the therapy. Imperceptibly but forcefully, an important realization takes hold of the therapist at a visceral as well as at a cognitive and emotional level: it is impossible for one person to keep another person alive over time. While this insight serves to moderate the pursuit of omnipotence, the realization that even clinical competence does not guarantee that one`s patient will not commit suicide is unsettling. Comforting thoughts begin to give way. Contracts for safety now feel illusory as therapists realize that patients who are in sufficient anguish to want to end their lives will not be compelled to live simply because they have promised (a therapist) they will not kill themselves. Therapists begin to have second thoughts about the unrealistic healing powers they previously attributed to psychotropic medication, although they do appreciate the ability of there medications to sometimes diminish unbearable anguish to the point where patients can address their conflicts and problems. They hear stories of patients who have killed themselves in a hospital. (中略) Slowly an obvious fact emerges: If suicidal patients were completely intent on dying, they would have already killed themselves. Some part of the patient wishes to live, and it is with this part that the therapist attempts to connect, no matter how suicidal the patient may be. What emerges from this connection is the therapeutic alliance, the agreement between the therapist and the healthy part of the patient about what to work on in the therapy. The beginning therapist learns that aligning with the healthy part of the patient is not to be confused with cheerleading for living. Although allied with this healthy part, the therapist maintains neutral curiosity about the parts of the patient that with to die. The therapist learns to overcome the fear that exploring the patient’s with to die puts such ideas in the patient’s mind. Feelings of omnipotence diminish. The therapist comes to see that exploring the patient’s inner world with dispassionate, nonjudgemental interest conveys several therapeutic meta-communications what you are feeling is not unspeakably bad, it is human; I’m interested in whatever you are thinking and feeling; I appreciate the distinction between self-destructive thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and action; your anguish is not as devastating to me as it is to you; my strength will be here for you to borrow if you need to; your therapy is a place where your destructive urges can be understood rather than judged; I will try not to leave you alone with your anguish. A determination to enter the patient’s inner world and stay with the associated feelings and thoughts gradually replaces the therapist’s quest to be all-knowing.

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳

    That pop-up appears when the user enters the downloading process, informing that the game is caching data and advise the user to be patient. The button that he is asking, named “Minimize” which just allows users to minimize the downloading process. Its usage is similar to Home Key on the device. 意味が分かりません。 助けてくれませんか。

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    どなたか翻訳をしていただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 He is patient, dedicated, methodical in all he does. Very excellent in his work and ways, and will gain renown in his own field of life Likes to feel he has a purpose He has strong forebodings which do not materialize. However he does seem ambitious to advance himself, to get a better life, or to become free of difficulties. He is interested in the attaining of intellectual knowledge and while he uses it to help others he is idle or impractical or unassertive in using it to help himself, and advances very little in life, He could be parasitic, wasteful or carried by others. For he doesn’t seem to get personal power or position despite his high intelligence. Ends up doing what others want him to, or else evading and shipping out. He has a sense of duty but doesn't like responsibility. A passive dreamy nature. He is a clever and spiritual man. He is sympathetic and imaginative. Kind and generous. But escapist, never satisfied with life and prefers to retreat or escape from the realities of it in one way or another. Thus he has a weak side to his character that may need strengthening if he is to make the most of his opportunities in life. He is mildly mediumistic and may be interested in psychic and occult subjects. An uncommon person, spiritually inclined, mystical and yet well accepted.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ネットショップで海外の方にレンズを購入して頂き、届いた後に来たメールです。 Good day, I received this lens over the holidays and have been able to test it the last two days. It does not seem to be auto focusing correctly with my camera and is making some interesting noises. I will be bringing it to a local camera shop to determine if there is something amiss in the way I am using it or if there is something amiss with the lens. Keeping you informed. Thank you for the speedy shipping. よろしくお願いします。

  • 難しくて英語にできません

    外国人の友達に言いたいのですが、難しく英語にできません。教えてください 「私は包容力と信用のできる人がタイプです。 心が広く、我慢強い人(忍耐力といいたい)がタイプです。 」 「嘘つきや、浮気をする人は大嫌い」 変ですがこの表現をおしえてください I am looking for the man who is receptive and faithful,open mind, patient. I dont like liars and player... すみません教えてください

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

    こんにちは 以下は「Rust Experimental」というゲームのサーバー構築の説明の一部分です。 英語があまりわからない癖に海外サイトを見ながら翻訳ソフトを使用し 途中まではうまくいきましたが 「サーバーに自分を管理者(admin,owner)と認識させる」という部分(おそらく以下の解説部分)で つまづいてしまいましたので、以下の英文を出来るだけわかりやすく翻訳していただけると助かります。 ちなみにですが steam・・・ゲームのクライアント F1 console・・・ゲーム内でF1キーを押すと出るコマンド入力画面 Rcon tool・・・サーバーの管理者がコマンド操作でゲームをいろいろ弄れるツール(Remote control tool) RUSTY・・・管理者向けのツール There is no rcon.login in Rust Experimental, so throw that logic out the door. Rust Experimental uses your Steam community ID/steamid64 for server authentication, so no login is needed. The authentication system is setup as auth levels, which are owner (2), moderator (1), and player (0). The first step is to setup your initial owner, which is generally yourself, so that you can access the commands in-game via the F1 console. The initial owner (and others if desired) can be set by using either the server console or an RCON tool such as Rusty. Local server console This method is the easiest and best if you host a server on your own machine! Simply use the below commands: Note: Remember to use "server.writecfg" after entering any of the above commands! Rusty RCON administration tool This method requires a bit more work, but is useful if you are using a paid or remote server. To use this method, you'll need to have the Rusty RCON tool downloaded and extracted. First, you'll need to add the rcon.port and rcon.password parameters to your server's command-line if they aren't already set. The rcon.port may vary based on your host, so I'd suggest contacting them if you don't already have this set in the command-line. Generally it is one number above your normal server port.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語の翻訳をお願い致します。 Once the "open-ended" question has provoked a response, more specific questions relating to plaque-control behavior can be asked,and the dentist can offer suggestions for improving performance. A dentist whose behavior suggests that he is "too busy" to care about his patient's problems should not be surprised to have patients who are "too busy" to make a satisfactory effort at plaque control.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の文章を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? ここは定型文ではないと思いますが、 抽象的な章かもしれません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The Dragon in your chart shows a permanent union. But the crisis when it comes will be dire and connected with money. If you have spent the past in poverty the future will be in comparative wealth, and visa versa. This area of your life will undergo a severe reversal in the years of marriage or living together. If in the past you have been financially inadequate and dependant on others, the role will gradually but harshly be reversed, There is a decline and you will end up the provider, with heavy responsibilities and others not pulling their weight It will in the end or later years seem to be you who is the breadwinner, or who is learning to be self sufficient. The karma of the relationship will gradually force you to be the one who has either to work, or who has to find strength to manage the money and make the husband work harder. It is a relationship for life maybe, but not an income for life.

  • 翻訳お願い致します!

    Single courses may be taught in English or French, especially in the higher semesters. The Master programmes are mostly taught in English, thus advanced English skills are required or must be acquired after the begin of studies. The language of instruction for each individual course may be found in the course catalogue. Candidates whose declared mother tongue is German are not necessarily exempt from having to submit proof of German-language skills. Goethe-Institut certificate C1, with minimum rating 'gut' TestDaF minimum level 4 in all exam sections Osterreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch OSD - C1 'Oberstufe' DSH-3 (only registered 「R」 'Deutsche Sprachprufung fur den Hochschulzugang auslandischer Studienbewerber') KMK II ('Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz' ? second level) UNIcert minimum level 3 Who may apply? Application is open to everybody. ETH Zurich may, however, require you to pass an entrance examination